Should The Media Expose Legal Gun Owners' Names And Addresses?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I think the people who should be concerned in the two countries are those who don't have guns. The paper just kindly alerted criminals to which homes are safe to enter to rape or rob without fear of meeting deadly resistance. The paper listed legal gun owners names and addresses, which is a violation of their privacy. I like the fact the one woman thought it was a good idea, though wouldn't want names and addresses of welfare recipients listed. Do we all have a right to privacy or not? We all have the same rights- or not. If gun owners don't have a right to privacy, then no one does.

This was a completely shitty thing to do, but typical of brainless idiots who think their opinion trumps everyone elses'.

Should The Media Expose Legal Gun Owners' Names And Addresses?

MRCTV took to the streets to see if we could find anyone who supported the actions taken by the Journal News last week when it printed the names and addresses of 16 thousand legal gun owners in two New York counties.

It is difficult to imagine that any American would be okay with the idea of invading the privacy of law-abiding citizens in this fashion. Particularly, since the exposure of this personal information serves no discernable purpose other than to shame gun owners - and could even be used by criminals researching potential victims.

But, some people did like the concept of publishing the names of legal gun owners.
One lady who signed off on the idea changed her tune when asked if it'd be okay to publish the names of everyone on food stamps or receiving government money.

"Now, I sound hypocritical, because I don't think that's right," she admitted.

Should The Media Expose Legal Gun Owners' Names And Addresses? | CNS News
By and large the media are complete morons only slightly above Congress and in response to the question asked no they should not it does not matter if it's about guns or anything else if your doing nothing illegal there is no cause for something like that.
The paper should have their ass sued. I am sure there are plenty of sleazy lawyers willing to do so.
I don't think a lawyer would have to be sleazy to go after the paper. There are some whackos who are treating lawful gun owners as criminals and it's gone too far.
I don't see why the radical right wing trolls are getting so butthurt over this. It's public information that anyone can obtain easily.
I don't understand why the unarmed Leftytoons who just got targets painted on them aren't upset. Some things just can't be explained.
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I don't see why the radical right wing trolls are getting so butthurt over this. It's public information that anyone can obtain easily.

It depends. If you show malice while doing so you can be sued. All you have to do is prove damages.

Say for example your name pops up and someone breaks into your house and is caught and admits you became a target because of the article. Or how about some club decides to ban you because of the article, or you're refused employment, or refused an apartment, or you lose business because of the article. All you have to prove is damages.

I think this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen and extremely irresponsible. But this is the climate that our elected representatives in D.C. have fostered. With leaders like this I'd rather not be called an American.
I don't see why the radical right wing trolls are getting so butthurt over this. It's public information that anyone can obtain easily.
How about you take into account the FACT that there are many retired police out there who may have criminal fuckwits with an axe to grind, who would love to know where they may live......And then there are those women out there carrying for the sole reason that they have restraining/protection orders against some freak who would love to know where they live

And those are just two reasons out of many as to why it's friggin' ridiculous, you far left wing moron.
I don't see why the radical right wing trolls are getting so butthurt over this. It's public information that anyone can obtain easily.
How about you take into account the FACT that there are many retired police out there who may have criminal fuckwits with an axe to grind, who would love to know where they may live......And then there are those women out there carrying for the sole reason that they have restraining/protection orders against some freak who would love to know where they live

And those are just two reasons out of many as to why it's friggin' ridiculous, you far left wing moron.

Again, all that information is easily assessable as it's public records you radical right wing, ass licking bitch.
I don't see why the radical right wing trolls are getting so butthurt over this. It's public information that anyone can obtain easily.
How about you take into account the FACT that there are many retired police out there who may have criminal fuckwits with an axe to grind, who would love to know where they may live......And then there are those women out there carrying for the sole reason that they have restraining/protection orders against some freak who would love to know where they live

And those are just two reasons out of many as to why it's friggin' ridiculous, you far left wing moron.

Again, all that information is easily assessable as it's public records you radical right wing, ass licking bitch.

Plenty of things are legal but if you use them illegally or with intent to do harm you become liable if not an outright criminal.
I don't see why the radical right wing trolls are getting so butthurt over this. It's public information that anyone can obtain easily.
How about you take into account the FACT that there are many retired police out there who may have criminal fuckwits with an axe to grind, who would love to know where they may live......And then there are those women out there carrying for the sole reason that they have restraining/protection orders against some freak who would love to know where they live

And those are just two reasons out of many as to why it's friggin' ridiculous, you far left wing moron.

Again, all that information is easily assessable as it's public records you radical right wing, ass licking bitch.
All the more reason why a left wing rag with an agenda should just leave it the fuck alone....Let the loons figure it out, and if they can't, then some left wing rag with an agenda shouldn't be making it easier, you far left wing, slapdicking idiot!

Turn your rep back on, you cowardly fuckin' left wing, scrotum licking, cum drunk, mommas boy.:D
I don't see why the radical right wing trolls are getting so butthurt over this. It's public information that anyone can obtain easily.
How about you take into account the FACT that there are many retired police out there who may have criminal fuckwits with an axe to grind, who would love to know where they may live......And then there are those women out there carrying for the sole reason that they have restraining/protection orders against some freak who would love to know where they live

And those are just two reasons out of many as to why it's friggin' ridiculous, you far left wing moron.

Again, all that information is easily assessable as it's public records you radical right wing, ass licking bitch.

It's quite possible that the idiots who would use this information were either ignorant or just too stupid to know they could get the information and maybe didn't know how to go about it. It is irresponsible of the paper to compile a list and present it to the public. They saved some psychopaths a lot of time. Good job.

Is it public information when people apply for welfare? Should they list those people?

It's just plain stupid, in the midst of a heated debate on guns, to tell the whackos where these people live. I believe the intent of publishing the list was to encourage whackos to harass these people or hold them out as some kind of extremists. It was done in a manner to rile people in an already hostile climate. Of course, some criminals will use the list to target homes not listed because they will feel more confident breaking in if they think the people won't defend themselves.
How about you take into account the FACT that there are many retired police out there who may have criminal fuckwits with an axe to grind, who would love to know where they may live......And then there are those women out there carrying for the sole reason that they have restraining/protection orders against some freak who would love to know where they live

And those are just two reasons out of many as to why it's friggin' ridiculous, you far left wing moron.

Again, all that information is easily assessable as it's public records you radical right wing, ass licking bitch.

It's quite possible that the idiots who would use this information were either ignorant or just too stupid to know they could get the information and maybe didn't know how to go about it. It is irresponsible of the paper to compile a list and present it to the public. They saved some psychopaths a lot of time. Good job.

Is it public information when people apply for welfare? Should they list those people?

It's just plain stupid, in the midst of a heated debate on guns, to tell the whackos where these people live. I believe the intent of publishing the list was to encourage whackos to harass these people or hold them out as some kind of extremists. It was done in a manner to rile people in an already hostile climate. Of course, some criminals will use the list to target homes not listed because they will feel more confident breaking in if they think the people won't defend themselves.
And let's not forget the possibilty of mistaken identity.....A criminal or freak with an axe to grind, finds the name of someone who may not be the person they seek revenge on.

The whole thing is just ridiculous, and the info on registered owners should not be a matter of public record either.
How about if the daily newspaper does a feature story publishing the names and addresses of any person receiving government assistance like...

Welfare,food stamps,unemployment benefits...

That would seem fair to me.

Isn't that what the Democrat party preaches.
How about if the daily newspaper does a feature story publishing the names and addresses of any person receiving government assistance like...

Welfare,food stamps,unemployment benefits...

That would seem fair to me.

Isn't that what the Democrat party preaches.
Hell, while they're at it, why don't they just publish the names and addresses of all our Special Op's forces.....Let's just throw all the RANGERS, BERETS, FORCE RECONS, SEALS and especially SEAL team 6 these days under the bus.

I mean hey, it's not like there are people out there who would want that info.

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