Should Israel repair the Temple.

So, back to the topic...

Given that Jordan and Israel are both, by treaty (meaning international law), obligated to ensure religious freedom for people of all faiths, it seems to me that to prevent the Jewish people from that is a terrible violation of their rights.

It is my understanding that the compromise between Jordan and Israel was to allow Jews to ascend the Temple Mount, freely. But not to pray.

That has been a courtesy extended by Israel. It contravenes the actual treaty, which contains no such language.
So, back to the topic...

Given that Jordan and Israel are both, by treaty (meaning international law), obligated to ensure religious freedom for people of all faiths, it seems to me that to prevent the Jewish people from that is a terrible violation of their rights.

It is my understanding that the compromise between Jordan and Israel was to allow Jews to ascend the Temple Mount, freely. But not to pray.

That has been a courtesy extended by Israel. It contravenes the actual treaty, which contains no such language.

How is it different from what Moshe Dayan and others agreed with Jordan as far as management of the Temple goes from 1967 on?

Are you talking about the Peace treaty with Jordan which was much later?

Could you post what the treaty said so that everyone can read it? Thanks.
Lets be clear what the treaty says. Article 9 of the Treaty of Peace Between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan states:

Article 9. Places of Historical and Religious Significance and Interfaith Relations

1. Each Party will provide freedom of access to places of religious and historical significance.

2. In this regard, in accordance with the Washington Declaration, Israel respects the present special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem. When negotiations on the permanent status will take place, Israel will give high priority to the Jordanian historic role in these shrines.

3. The Parties will act together to promote interfaith relations among the three monotheistic religions, with the aim of working towards religious understanding, moral commitment, freedom of religious worship, and tolerance and peace.
I'm not encouraging people to break the law. I'm encouraging human rights law which demands freedom of worship for all people be followed. I understand the current Israeli law is one where security trumps humanitarian law because Muslims are pissy-face about having to share a holy site they think they have rightfully stolen and now belongs only to them.

I'm asking for the international Muslim community to uphold human rights but they don't seem to be able to do that.
Seems Jewish people prefer America

Why not? Jews were instrumental in building America. Why should we leave it? If you're not happy with Jews in America, you're always welcome to leave.

Being British and living in the UK, I really don't care about Jewish people in America; they're welcome to go and live wherever they like as far as I'm concerned, including next door to me if the urge takes them. Seems a lot of them really don't want to live in the "promised land" Zionist paradise though, tends to debunk the myth about "yearning to return" doesn't it?
People migrate to places where there are more opportunities for them. Why should Jews be any different? It isn't like millions of you Muslims didn't migrate to countries like the UK and rest of Europe, and they aren't now stuck with you guys.
Were there not enough opportunities for you to go to israel when you left the country of your birth, or were you worried you might be received as an Arab immigrant?
Ha ha ha, you are very ignorant, there is no such thing there. Israel is home to Jews from all over the world. It is the one place where a Jew truly feels at home. I had been to Israel 8 times and the last time I lived there a year before I finally moved to the US, mostly because I had family and many friends already here. Every time I went to Israel I always made sure I visited the Wailing Wall. There is no reason for Jews not to rebuild their temple, on basically what is the holiest spot in their faith, now that they control it. Why don't you go back to "Palestine" and put your money where your big mouth is?
Not amazingly, you have posted about everything Israel but what the thread is about.

Do you derail often?

I did go off track. But, I already demolished the OP in my first reply. There is no temple there to repair, contrary the thread title. Israel has no legal right nor religious reason to rebuild the temple. Nothing more needs to be said on the top.
The archaeologists have already established that there are 19 levels of streets and several have already been dug up.
Every conquering nation built a city above the last city.
...but not on the so called "Temple Mount" which is the point.
No my friend...On the Temple Mount.
They already dug up one level open to tourists.
It is my understanding that the compromise between Jordan and Israel was to allow Jews to ascend the Temple Mount, freely. <snip>

And there lies another rub. Non-Muslims can only acces the Temple Mount Monday-Thursday. Three hours in the morning and one hour just after noon. Only through one entrance. That is not at all freely. Not. At. All.
I do not think that the existing buildings on the Temple Mount should be razed. This is about the third thread about religious rights on the Mount. I think it is high time that the treaty is upheld and that the Temple Mount should be freely accessible to all.
The Temple Mount has been the source for endless headaches, the Arabs have used it as a flashpoint for both violence and incitement for far too long.

Should the Israelis simply bull doze whatever Arab structures are not historic, ban Muslims from the Mount and rebuild the temple?

I say its a simple matter of tribal rights. The Muslim structures on the mount are NOT historical in nature or of any significant age that they deserve any special considerations. They represent revisionist history in that they are recent constructs designed to obscure the history of the mount and intended to erase the true cultural history of the TEMPLE MOUNT. Also by removing the flashpoint of so much violence the Judaic people would then have an opportunity to repair the temple structure. The base and foundations appear reasonably intact and construction could begin as soon as the scrape off is complete.

By international treaty, Jordan is responsible for the care of the Noble Sanctuary. The Israelis have no legal authority to be there.

LOL. Jordan waged war on Israel, repeatedly, and LOST. Losing territory often happens in border wars. Next you'll be calling for Poland, Denmark, France, etc. to return land to Germany.
LOL. Jordan waged war on Israel, repeatedly, and LOST. Losing territory often happens in border wars. Next you'll be calling for Poland, Denmark, France, etc. to return land to Germany.[/QUOTE]

Zionists are so stupid. Jordan has never started a war with Israel. And, when Israel captured Jordanian land, it was war Israel started with a full-scale surprise attack.

You worshipers of Antichrist really need to get a clue.
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LOL. Jordan waged war on Israel, repeatedly, and LOST. Losing territory often happens in border wars. Next you'll be calling for Poland, Denmark, France, etc. to return land to Germany.

Zionists are so stupid. Jordan has never started a war with Israel. And, when Israel captured Jordanian land, it was war Israel started with a full-scale surprise attack.

You worshipers of Antichrist really need to get a clue.

You're a liar and now on my "ignore" list. Bye liar.
LOL. Jordan waged war on Israel, repeatedly, and LOST. Losing territory often happens in border wars. Next you'll be calling for Poland, Denmark, France, etc. to return land to Germany.

Zionists are so stupid. Jordan has never started a war with Israel. And, when Israel captured Jordanian land, it was war Israel started with a full-scale surprise attack.

You worshipers of Antichrist really need to get a clue.

You're a liar and now on my "ignore" list. Bye liar.

Go crawl back under your slimy rock, racist Zionist.

"Jordan waged war on Israel, repeatedly, and LOST" -- lying faggot Zionist claim.

In 1967, Israel launched a "preemptive" attack against Egypt, catching Egypt by surprise and wiping out most of the Egyptian air-force on the ground... ", soon Israel turned to Jordan: "The Jordanian defenders, who were heavily dug-in, fiercely resisted the attack. All of the Israeli officers except for two company commanders were killed, and the fighting was mostly led by individual soldiers. The fighting was conducted at close quarters in trenches and bunkers, and was often hand-to-hand. The Israelis captured the position after four hours of heavy fighting..."
When Muslim Jordanians were in control of Jerusalem, they forbade Jews and Christians access to the holy sites. Excuse us, but we aren't weeping any tears for Muslims who point their asses to this so called "holy mosque" five times a day while they face Mecca for prayers.

Now that Israel is in control of Jerusalem, I have yet to hear a single reason why Israel should not rebuild the holiest temple in the Jewish faith, on the most sacred land in the faith. Just a lot of braying, name calling, and whining by the terrorist apologists.

One has to always remember, if the shoe were on the Arab Muslim Palestinian foot, would they let a single Jew even live, let alone keep their holy sites intact and allow them to pray there.
We have to be honest here. From Moshe Dayan to Netanyahu the ENTIRE reason the Jewish people are voluntarily turning away from their absolute right to religious freedom is because the international community of Muslims will have a freaking "Holy War" if they have to respect another religion. (Sorry, did I say "holy war"? I meant "peaceful protest").

We (as in the entire planet) are literally SO afraid of Islam and so intimidated by Islam and their fanaticism that we are willing to deny people the basic human rights that we (as in the entire planet) have been working so hard to entrench in law and in human experience.

And we let them get away with it instead of standing against it. Which we should.

The real question is why the entire world is not standing up for human rights behind the Jewish people.

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