Should a POTUS preserve, protect, defend, encourage and champion American Culture?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Is that why a game show host with bad hair and no experience in government was able to win the seat of POTUS?

We know the Biden administration champions African culture, Latino culture and the like but do they ever speak of American Culture?
Remember when Trump spent his days doing that and people called him a xenophobic racist for it? Is that what the Biden Admin is afraid of?

Did Trump lay down a road map of sorts for future campaigns?
With no scamdemic, no George Floyd, no corrupt complicit media and social media ANYBODY can win the highest seat in the land simply by promising to revive and champion American culture. Pretty powerful stuff….no?
Is that why a game show host with bad hair and no experience in government was able to win the seat of POTUS?

We know the Biden administration champions African culture, Latino culture and the like but do they ever speak of American Culture?
Remember when Trump spent his days doing that and people called him a xenophobic racist for it? Is that what the Biden Admin is afraid of?

Did Trump lay down a road map of sorts for future campaigns?
With no scamdemic, no George Floyd, no corrupt complicit media and social media ANYBODY can win the highest seat in the land simply by promising to revive and champion American culture. Pretty powerful stuff….no?
You mean, preserve the power of the white race??. Because that's what you are talking about here...American "culture". :)
So all forms of American/white culture = white supremacy to you?

All groups have a culture, and "white culture" is varied across geological and ethnic origin components.
Unless you are a native American, you are descended from immigrants..which means your "culture" is derived from the population you came from.
Which negates an "American" culture.

Again, when you say "American culture", what you are really telegraphing is white culture.
I just find it amusing that you won't just say the quiet part out loud. :)
Is that why a game show host with bad hair and no experience in government was able to win the seat of POTUS?

We know the Biden administration champions African culture, Latino culture and the like but do they ever speak of American Culture?
Remember when Trump spent his days doing that and people called him a xenophobic racist for it? Is that what the Biden Admin is afraid of?

Did Trump lay down a road map of sorts for future campaigns?
With no scamdemic, no George Floyd, no corrupt complicit media and social media ANYBODY can win the highest seat in the land simply by promising to revive and champion American culture. Pretty powerful stuff….no?
YOU don't understand what American culture is, cockroach.
Unless you are a native American, you are descended from immigrants..which means your "culture" is derived from the population you came from.
Which negates an "American" culture.

Again, when you say "American culture", what you are really telegraphing is white culture.
I just find it amusing that you won't just say the quiet part out loud. :)

Of course there is an "American culture", or more properly cultures. Once they were brought here they were modified, amalgamated, and constantly changed to get where we are now.

Are you saying African American cultures are only African cultures with a wig on them?

And there are overlaps as well. Southern African American Culture has more in common with White (as most of the families considered that have been here so long the European influences are so mixed and muted to be unrecognizable) Southern American Culture than say NYC African American culture.

All are subsets of American culture. Blacks grill on the 4th of july, whites grill on the 4th of July, hell 2nd generation Asians probably do it as well, with their own inputs added to the menu.

Your side is the one trying to balkanize everyone, not ours.
You mean, preserve the power of the white race??. Because that's what you are talking about here...American "culture". :)
Is there something wrong with that? So only other races can have power and influence? Non whites who assimilate are getting down with white supremacy?

Should a POTUS preserve, protect, defend, encourage and champion American Culture?​

American Culture:

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
American Culture:

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.

And you quote was during a period of CONTROLLED immigration.
Nope. Wrong. You made that up, dipshit.

The New Colossus was written and placed on the Statue of Liberty in 1883.

The first immigration quotas were not enacted until 1924, against Asians.

I'm saying CONTROLLED immigration, not RESTRICTED immigration.

When did Ellis Island open up?
Immigration Now a political tool, zero effort seems to be happening towards Any kind of working balance.
You mean, preserve the power of the white race??. Because that's what you are talking about here...American "culture". :)

So by you're logic then Japan is a country preserving the power of the Asian race? Or Ethiopia is preserving the power of the black race? Mexico is preserving the power of the brown race? Basically any country founded by primarily one skin color and has maintained the culture on which they were originally founded isnt really trying to hold onto their own values and traditions but instead trying to maintain their power and superiority is what you're saying. But somehow it's bad to want to keep American values and traditions?

We all know you don't think that though, you just want to be a contrarian and will do any mental gymnastics necessary in order to achieve that goal.

I love my country. I love our countries ideas and foundations. Our values and traditions. None of those are about being superior whites, anymore than Switzerland believes they are superior whites because they still maintain their traditions and values.

Should a POTUS preserve, protect, defend, encourage and champion American Culture?​

My answer: NO. The president's job is to execute and enforce existing law in an unbiased and impartial manner. I don't think he/she has any business messing around with American culture, he's not supposed to play favorites or put one group ahead or behind another.

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