Hillary kicks off her campaign in Ohio!

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
LOL! Joe Biden is so bad, Democrats are looking to another loser for help.

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) has chosen to campaign for Senate with Hillary Clinton, as numerous other Democrats distance themselves from President Biden preceding the midterm elections.

A report indicates that Hillary will hold a massive virtual fundraiser for Ryan on Monday, for which attendees will pay between $2,900 and $20,800 to participate.

Hillary’s participation in the fundraiser while Biden watches from the sidelines is another example of an emerging trend. As Biden’s approval rating is pegged at 33 percent among voters and 25 percent among independent voters, 2022 candidates have ignored and even outright opposed Biden’s help.
LOL! Joe Biden is so bad, Democrats are looking to another loser for help.

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) has chosen to campaign for Senate with Hillary Clinton, as numerous other Democrats distance themselves from President Biden preceding the midterm elections.

A report indicates that Hillary will hold a massive virtual fundraiser for Ryan on Monday, for which attendees will pay between $2,900 and $20,800 to participate.

Hillary’s participation in the fundraiser while Biden watches from the sidelines is another example of an emerging trend. As Biden’s approval rating is pegged at 33 percent among voters and 25 percent among independent voters, 2022 candidates have ignored and even outright opposed Biden’s help.
Try reading this piece again. If it was a 3rd grade assignment I believe the kid would get a C-.

Tim Ryan is campaigning for Hillary…. As Hillary holds a fund raiser for Tim Ryan???

Haha, when your propaganda can’t even pass the basic logic test then perhaps it’s time to change the channel.
Try reading this piece again. If it was a 3rd grade assignment I believe the kid would get a C-.

Tim Ryan is campaigning for Hillary…. As Hillary holds a fund raiser for Tim Ryan???

Haha, when your propaganda can’t even pass the basic logic test then perhaps it’s time to change the channel.

You're confused, or just dumb as shit (I'll accept either answer). Presidential candidates always start out campaigning for down-ticket candidates. Read a book sometime.
You're confused, or just dumb as shit (I'll accept either answer). Presidential candidates always start out campaigning for down-ticket candidates. Read a book sometime.
Whatever you say bucko. What do you want to bet Clinton doesn’t run for prez in 2024?

Even if she does… She holding a fundraiser for Ryan is not Ryan campaigning for her. The piece is still a fallacy no matter how hard you try and spin it
LOL, you really have no idea how this works, do you?

By showing her disagreeable face in public in a political context Clinton is making Ryan's campaign about
Queen Hillary too.

Your dull pedestrian thinking doesn't serve you, or the truth, very well.
Another toad trying to justify a typo from Breitbart …. Fun stuff to see the hills y’all choose to die on.
It serves us well when we need a laugh, though.
It certainly makes me laugh when I see what the cat drug in.

Could the democrats be any more desperate to replace Quid Pro Joe AND find someone to run for
president? I doubt it.

Hillary is laying the ground work for the comeback no one is calling for.
She Too crazy. The lady was stumbling, falling and passing out during the 2016 campaign. Then she got whupped and spent all her time drinking Chardonnay and wondering around in the woods behind her house. She's basically shot but now she's campaigning again? At this point, Hillary has turned into Gollum. She's power crazy. And listen voters. Don't be fooled by the plastic surgery and makeup (see Pelosi). There's nothing normal or attractive about crooked Hillary. I wouldn't miss her if she'd just go away.
She Too crazy. The lady was stumbling, falling and passing out during the 2016 campaign. Then she got whupped and spent all her time drinking Chardonnay and wondering around in the woods behind her house. She's basically shot but now she's campaigning again? At this point, Hillary has turned into Gollum. She's power crazy. And listen voters. Don't be fooled by the plastic surgery and makeup (see Pelosi). There's nothing normal or attractive about crooked Hillary. I wouldn't miss her if she'd just go away.
I'd say she is more Golem than Gollum.

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