Shots fired at Ft. Lauderdale Hollywood airport. 5 casualties as of now

No one wants to ban Muslims idiot. Trump wants to halt immigration of Muslims from terrorist or middle eastern war torn nations until they can be vetted.
G5000 is too stupid to get the logic. He's a leftist after all.

He didn't use to be. Something bad happened to him.
What was that?

I wouldn't know. Fell down, broke his head open, severe brain damage? Something fucked his brain up but good.

Probably PTSD from being over there. Just read an interesting article about this dude. Apparently, one of his delusions was that the US government was forcing him to watch ISIS videos.

5 Dead, Multiple People Injured in Shooting at Fort Lauderdale Airport

Here's what the article said about it................

Santiago worked for a security company called Signal 88 in Anchorage, the source said. In November, he showed up to the FBI's field office in Anchorage, where he espoused conspiracy theories, including one claim the U.S. government was trying to force him to watch ISIS videos, the source said.

When the FBI interviewed him, Santiago appeared incoherent at times, the source said. Investigators suspected that mental health issues may be at play, and they referred Santiago to local law enforcement for a mental health evaluation, the source said.

A spokeswoman for the Anchorage Police Department referred all questions about Santiago to the FBI.

Very informative but we were talking about G5000.
Hey, guys! Ya think it might be a Muslim?
The vast majority of violence done in the world is done by Muslims... facts are facts

Yup. But this wasn't a Muslim.
Yep, it was..
This could be anything from a disgruntled passenger to an angry Trump supporter

Why would a Trump supporter be angry...moron....he won...

The only violence we have seen is anti Trump violence....the most recent were the 4 blacks torturing a handicapped White teenager and yelling anti white, anti Trump crap at him.......and the organized violence created by bob craemer and scott foval on orders from the Democrat National Committee and the hilary clinton campaign...which they admitted to on video....

Do you just pretend to be this stupid on the internet...or are you actually this stupid in real life?
The Trump supporter that did this was probably angry that Trump has decided to make America pay for the wall. I bet you didn't even consider that, huh, smartypants?
I didn't say he was. Your'e the one who said he's getting things done. I'm asking you what those things are. And then you are deflecting because you know he has done nothing

Wow...I am get better and better......
I see that you have no intelligent response to offer. Now go suck Putin's cock you Repug piece of shit traitor to your country.
You have been having some of the most glorious meltdowns I've ever seen on this site! Keep 'em coming, bro!
Well I stole that one from someone else but I keep trying to humor people as best I can. It's all you can do these days when things are so out of wack is laugh
Looks like he's in custody.
View attachment 105500
Hey man! This is NOT cool. You take that down RIGHT NOW!! That is not me and you are not supposed to deface my avatar. The mods have been notified and you will be banned unless you remove that picture
15,000 murders in the US each year. Americans killing Americans. About one third of homicide victims are related to their killer.

And yet your propaganda outlets have you shitting your pants over Muslims.

You have more to fear from the people sitting down to dinner with you than Muslims.

Shit, you are twice as likely to be killed by lightning than be killed by a Muslim. Better stay inside, pants shitters!

Last year 54 people were killed by muslims in this country, who actually claimed to be killing for islam........that means 9,562 were killed by criminals.....religious affiliation unknown......
54 people killed by Muslims. 15,000 killed by Americans.

We average about 50 deaths a year by lightning.

You better hide under your bed, pants shitter!

your number is too isn't 15,000.....the FBI put it at 9,616......and that number had been going down until the Ferguson effect started and the police stopped aggresive policing.
You are looking at gun homicides alone. The total number of homicides is 15,000 a year.


Dead is dead.
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
Same TardLogic™

LIBTARD: Too many guns have killed Americans. We must ban guns!

PSEUDOCON: Too many Muslims have killed Americans. We must ban Muslims!

No....we have to vet muslims from countries that are awash in terrorism...and if we can't vet them, we don't let them in...I know that is a hard concept for people like you....but that is how intelligent people keep people safe...
We do vet them. I know Trump hoaxed you into bleeving we don't, but we do.

The really sick part of all this is that you fucking sick motherfuckers have conflated the refugees fleeing terrorism with the terrorists. These people have more reason to hate the terrorists than you do, but you fucking pants shitting assholes want to throw them back to their deaths.

There is a special place in hell reserved for you, right next to the assholes who refused the Jewish refugees from Hitler's Germany.
Muslims cannot tolerate anyone that disagrees with them… Fact - get your fucking head out of your ass.
Esteban Santiago from Puerto Rico, deployed in Iraq but received a general discharge. Problem soldier, obviously. But Muslim? Santiago means St. James. Not an acceptable Muslim name I would think.
He had Isis voices in his head so yes he is a Muslim. dip shit

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