Short's prescient warning to Pence's security detail.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
The pressure campaign to sway then-Vice President Mike Pence into stealing the 2020 election for Donald Trump led Pence’s chief of staff to alert Pence’s security detail, and included an extremely Trumpian quid pro quo, The New York Times reported Friday.

In the days ahead of the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, Pence was under sustained pressure from the then-President to use his ministerial (but largely symbolic) role in counting Electoral College votes to, instead, throw out the votes and deliver the election to Trump.

That pressure campaign ultimately led Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short to fear for Pence’s safety, the Times reported.

The day before the Capitol attack, Short warned Pence’s lead Secret Service agent that then-President Donald Trump was going to turn against Pence, and, in the Times’ words, that “there could be a security risk to Mr. Pence because of it.”

Wow, did that turn out to be true or what? I mean, who can forget this image? Or the chants of "hang Mike Pence."


Since Trump knew Pence wasn't going along with the coup by the morning of Jan. 6, perhaps the plan was to get him to leave the Capital so this could happen.

The responsibility for counting the votes would then fall to the president pro tempore of the Senate — at that time, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).
I see you're having the usual difficulty making a cogent argument. Care to try again?

The day before a mob of President Donald J. Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff called Mr. Pence’s lead Secret Service agent to his West Wing office.

The chief of staff, Marc Short, had a message for the agent, Tim Giebels: The president was going to turn publicly against the vice president, and there could be a security risk to Mr. Pence because of it.

The stark warning — the only time Mr. Short flagged a security concern during his tenure as Mr. Pence’s top aide — was uncovered recently during research by this reporter for an upcoming book, “Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America,” to be published in October.

Mr. Short did not know what form such a security risk might take, according to people familiar with the events. But after days of intensifying pressure from Mr. Trump on Mr. Pence to take the extraordinary step of intervening in the certification of the Electoral College count to forestall Mr. Trump’s defeat, Mr. Short seemed to have good reason for concern. The vice president’s refusal to go along was exploding into an open and bitter breach between the two men at a time when the president was stoking the fury of his supporters who were streaming into Washington.

The pressure campaign to sway then-Vice President Mike Pence into stealing the 2020 election for Donald Trump led Pence’s chief of staff to alert Pence’s security detail, and included an extremely Trumpian quid pro quo, The New York Times reported Friday.

In the days ahead of the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, Pence was under sustained pressure from the then-President to use his ministerial (but largely symbolic) role in counting Electoral College votes to, instead, throw out the votes and deliver the election to Trump.

That pressure campaign ultimately led Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short to fear for Pence’s safety, the Times reported.

The day before the Capitol attack, Short warned Pence’s lead Secret Service agent that then-President Donald Trump was going to turn against Pence, and, in the Times’ words, that “there could be a security risk to Mr. Pence because of it.”

Wow, did that turn out to be true or what? I mean, who can forget this image? Or the chants of "hang Mike Pence."

View attachment 653824

Since Trump knew Pence wasn't going along with the coup by the morning of Jan. 6, perhaps the plan was to get him to leave the Capital so this could happen.

The responsibility for counting the votes would then fall to the president pro tempore of the Senate — at that time, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).
Take note.
Nobody there wanted to have anything to do with that cheap gallows the FBI put on the mall.
They didn't want to be accused of sedition by the Democrats.
Take note.
Nobody there wanted to have anything to do with that cheap gallows the FBI put on the mall.
They didn't want to be accused of sedition by the Democrats.
I've always thought that gallows was a bit weird. So, someone decided before hand they were going to bring the materials to build a gallows? They had this stuff in their car or truck? No video of people lugging this stuff from where they parked, which union Station parking is probably the closest and it was about a mile away. I guess they could have had someone drive it in a vehicle close to the capitol grounds, but, no video of them carrying the material and tools to build it?

No video of it being built? It just appeared? Security didn't stop them? They just let it happen?

The situation surrounding that is just strange.
I've always thought that gallows was a bit weird. So, someone decided before hand they were going to bring the materials to build a gallows? They had this stuff in their car or truck? No video of people lugging this stuff from where they parked, which union Station parking is probably the closest and it was about a mile away. I guess they could have had someone drive it in a vehicle close to the capitol grounds, but, no video of them carrying the material and tools to build it?

No video of it being built? It just appeared? Security didn't stop them? They just let it happen?

The situation surrounding that is just strange.
They needed to set the scene for an insurrection.
Nobody knows exactly when this pic was taken.
And I noted long ago than none of the Trump folks wanted to pictured next to it.
Nobody there wanted to have anything to do with that cheap gallows the FBI put on the mall.
Another victim of Tucker Carlson's delusional false flag propaganda is heard from.
Another victim of Tucker Carlson's delusional false flag propaganda is heard from.
Sorry....not something from Tucker Carlson.
I knew it was BS the moment I saw the first picture of it.
All Democrats did was try to convince their supporters of the possibility and then they provided fake evidence that it was a reality.
Jan 6th was just an example of police brutality against peaceful demonstrators.
The police picked a fight with Trump supporters and some of them acted like idiots and fell for it.
Another victim of Tucker Carlson's delusional false flag propaganda is heard from.
Where were all the so called insurrectionists massive weapons of war at? Where are the hundreds if not thousands of dead elected and unelected government people? You non progs...unless u kno them, u see a prog and family in trouble, let them get their just desserts. For they are destroying themselves and you with it.
Obviously, the gallows was meant to be symbolic. My question is how did Short know Pence's life would be in jeopardy? Just a guess or did someone in Trump's inner circle tip him off to the fact Trump would turn on Pence?
Obviously, the gallows was meant to be symbolic. My question is how did Short know Pence's life would be in jeopardy? Just a guess or did someone in Trump's inner circle tip him off to the fact Trump would turn on Pence?
What's funny is every Trump supporter was told not to bring any signs or they were definitely not going to erect a gallows.
Pretty much the instigators working for the Democrats were the ones acting up.
The FBI admitted to having at least 20 agents dispersed in the crowd.
What they were doing was never admitted to....but it's clear that they were providing "evidence" for the Democrats later on.
The pressure campaign to sway then-Vice President Mike Pence into stealing the 2020 election for Donald Trump led Pence’s chief of staff to alert Pence’s security detail, and included an extremely Trumpian quid pro quo, The New York Times reported Friday.

In the days ahead of the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, Pence was under sustained pressure from the then-President to use his ministerial (but largely symbolic) role in counting Electoral College votes to, instead, throw out the votes and deliver the election to Trump.

That pressure campaign ultimately led Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short to fear for Pence’s safety, the Times reported.

The day before the Capitol attack, Short warned Pence’s lead Secret Service agent that then-President Donald Trump was going to turn against Pence, and, in the Times’ words, that “there could be a security risk to Mr. Pence because of it.”

Wow, did that turn out to be true or what? I mean, who can forget this image? Or the chants of "hang Mike Pence."

View attachment 653824

Since Trump knew Pence wasn't going along with the coup by the morning of Jan. 6, perhaps the plan was to get him to leave the Capital so this could happen.

The responsibility for counting the votes would then fall to the president pro tempore of the Senate — at that time, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).
Yep. That guy looks like a former FBI agent.
I was hoping by now you'd realize the whole "the FBI did it" ruse, with respect to 1/6, is a colossal fiction made up by people who just can't accept the mob was comprised of Trump supporters.
I was hoping by now you'd realize the whole "the FBI did it" ruse, with respect to 1/6, is a colossal fiction made up by people who just can't accept the mob was comprised of Trump supporters.
It's not a ruse......especially since Russian Collusion was pretty much run by the FBI. Hillary gave the order....but they willfully ran with it for several years.
So it's not a ruse.
It's not a ruse......especially since Russian Collusion was pretty much run by the FBI. Hillary gave the order....but they willfully ran with it for several years.
So it's not a ruse.
Sorry, but I'm finding it impossible to have a rational conversation with someone like yourself who has beliefs that are clearly detached from reality. Have a good one.


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