She's Done: Carly Fiorina Calls Islamic Civilization The Greatest In The World

It is one of the great empires.

But the greatest, I can think of several empires that rivaled it in either culture or the advancement of humankind.

Yes, the Roman empire is, Persia another....
She said that between 800 and 1600 AD Islamic civilization was the greatest in the world, and noted their many accomplishments. You could easily argue that that was true. I don't see the issue. :dunno:
She said that between 800 and 1600 AD Islamic civilization was the greatest in the world, and noted their many accomplishments. You could easily argue that that was true. I don't see the issue. :dunno:

Here's some parts that the author of the article takes umbrage with. And he is correct to do so.

Interesting verbiage when she says "its military protection allowed a degree of peace and prosperity that had never been known."

  • Mohammed made it quite clear that Islam was to be spread by the sword. And a blood-soaked spread it was.

  • During the time frame Fiorina cited, fully two thirds of Christendom fell to the armies of Mohammed.

  • From Mesopotamia to Armenia, Syria to the Holy Land; Egypt to Spain; Turkey to Vienna via the Balkans; Sicily to southern France. All Christian lands where Christians were given the option of convert, pay the exorbitant jizyah tax, or simply lose your head.

  • Peace and prosperity are easily maintained in the wake of ethnic and religious cleansing.
Her portrayal of non-Muslims as scared to death of new knowledge is simply laughable.

  • It was Christendom that gave us our systems of libraries, hospitals and universities.

  • Should I really bring up the burning of the Great Library of Alexandria?

  • Has Fiorina really never heard of the destruction of countless repositories of science, art and literature that were safeguarded in Catholic and Orthodox churches, monasteries and convents?
Lastly, we hear of Fiorina's admiration of Suleiman the Magnificent who she described as responsible for "our notions of tolerance and civic leadership."

  • Was that the same Suleiman the Magnificent who invaded Europe, slaughtering hundreds of thousands of Byzantines, Serbs, Hungarians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Poles, Romanians, Austrians, Croats, Slovaks, Germans, etc, etc?

  • I again ask rhetorically, but possibly there's a different Suleiman the Magnificent I'm thinking of (probably not), but is he the same one that invaded East, and in the process slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Persian Shi'a Muslims?
Fiorina sings the praises of Islam Ottoman Empire greatest civilization - Wilmington Conservative

No, it really doesn't.

It's actually very easy for me to wrap my head around not disregarding and trashing the legacy of the largest religion in the world simply because a few people who espoused it committed acts of terrorism.

In fact, I have a very hard time wrapping my head around why you would have an issue with it.

What's killing me is her portrayal of the Ottoman Empire as "peace, love, dove" everybody they conquered just wanted to get along.


Aye carumba! It was so brutal that fratricide among the Sultans was instituted and accepted.

Check this out. I gather they didn't believe in big family gatherings.

Sultan Selim introduced the policy of fratricide (the murder of brothers).

Under this system whenever a new Sultan ascended to the throne his brothers would be locked up. As soon as the Sultan had produced his first son the brothers (and their sons) would be killed. The new Sultan's sons would be then confined until their father's death and the whole system would start again.

This often meant that dozens of sons would be killed while only one would become Sultan.

In the later centuries of Ottoman rule, the brothers were imprisoned rather than executed.

BBC - Religions - Islam Ottoman Empire 1301-1922
She said that between 800 and 1600 AD Islamic civilization was the greatest in the world, and noted their many accomplishments. You could easily argue that that was true. I don't see the issue. :dunno:

Here's some parts that the author of the article takes umbrage with. And he is correct to do so.

Interesting verbiage when she says "its military protection allowed a degree of peace and prosperity that had never been known."

  • Mohammed made it quite clear that Islam was to be spread by the sword. And a blood-soaked spread it was.

  • During the time frame Fiorina cited, fully two thirds of Christendom fell to the armies of Mohammed.

  • From Mesopotamia to Armenia, Syria to the Holy Land; Egypt to Spain; Turkey to Vienna via the Balkans; Sicily to southern France. All Christian lands where Christians were given the option of convert, pay the exorbitant jizyah tax, or simply lose your head.

  • Peace and prosperity are easily maintained in the wake of ethnic and religious cleansing.
Her portrayal of non-Muslims as scared to death of new knowledge is simply laughable.

  • It was Christendom that gave us our systems of libraries, hospitals and universities.

  • Should I really bring up the burning of the Great Library of Alexandria?

  • Has Fiorina really never heard of the destruction of countless repositories of science, art and literature that were safeguarded in Catholic and Orthodox churches, monasteries and convents?
Lastly, we hear of Fiorina's admiration of Suleiman the Magnificent who she described as responsible for "our notions of tolerance and civic leadership."

  • Was that the same Suleiman the Magnificent who invaded Europe, slaughtering hundreds of thousands of Byzantines, Serbs, Hungarians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Poles, Romanians, Austrians, Croats, Slovaks, Germans, etc, etc?

  • I again ask rhetorically, but possibly there's a different Suleiman the Magnificent I'm thinking of (probably not), but is he the same one that invaded East, and in the process slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Persian Shi'a Muslims?
Fiorina sings the praises of Islam Ottoman Empire greatest civilization - Wilmington Conservative

She was speaking about 800-1600 AD. Name one great civilization of that time that wasn't slaughtering thousands and committing numerous atrocities along the way. Just one. :rolleyes:
She said that between 800 and 1600 AD Islamic civilization was the greatest in the world, and noted their many accomplishments. You could easily argue that that was true. I don't see the issue. :dunno:

Here's some parts that the author of the article takes umbrage with. And he is correct to do so.

Interesting verbiage when she says "its military protection allowed a degree of peace and prosperity that had never been known."

  • Mohammed made it quite clear that Islam was to be spread by the sword. And a blood-soaked spread it was.

  • During the time frame Fiorina cited, fully two thirds of Christendom fell to the armies of Mohammed.

  • From Mesopotamia to Armenia, Syria to the Holy Land; Egypt to Spain; Turkey to Vienna via the Balkans; Sicily to southern France. All Christian lands where Christians were given the option of convert, pay the exorbitant jizyah tax, or simply lose your head.

  • Peace and prosperity are easily maintained in the wake of ethnic and religious cleansing.
Her portrayal of non-Muslims as scared to death of new knowledge is simply laughable.

  • It was Christendom that gave us our systems of libraries, hospitals and universities.

  • Should I really bring up the burning of the Great Library of Alexandria?

  • Has Fiorina really never heard of the destruction of countless repositories of science, art and literature that were safeguarded in Catholic and Orthodox churches, monasteries and convents?
Lastly, we hear of Fiorina's admiration of Suleiman the Magnificent who she described as responsible for "our notions of tolerance and civic leadership."

  • Was that the same Suleiman the Magnificent who invaded Europe, slaughtering hundreds of thousands of Byzantines, Serbs, Hungarians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Poles, Romanians, Austrians, Croats, Slovaks, Germans, etc, etc?

  • I again ask rhetorically, but possibly there's a different Suleiman the Magnificent I'm thinking of (probably not), but is he the same one that invaded East, and in the process slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Persian Shi'a Muslims?
Fiorina sings the praises of Islam Ottoman Empire greatest civilization - Wilmington Conservative

All of that segment of "Christiandom" that you weep for were in fact conquered in the same way by Christians in the centuries before.

"Christiandom" existed as much due to the sword as the Ottomans did. In fact, this country was conquered by Christians, and it's native population "ethnically cleansed".

The atrocities of wars and empires have been committed under the flags of many religions.

What's killing me is her portrayal of the Ottoman Empire as "peace, love, dove" everybody they conquered just wanted to get along.


Aye carumba! It was so brutal that fratricide among the Sultans was instituted and accepted.

Check this out. I gather they didn't believe in big family gatherings.

Sultan Selim introduced the policy of fratricide (the murder of brothers).

Under this system whenever a new Sultan ascended to the throne his brothers would be locked up. As soon as the Sultan had produced his first son the brothers (and their sons) would be killed. The new Sultan's sons would be then confined until their father's death and the whole system would start again.

This often meant that dozens of sons would be killed while only one would become Sultan.

In the later centuries of Ottoman rule, the brothers were imprisoned rather than executed.

BBC - Religions - Islam Ottoman Empire 1301-1922

Shall we discuss what was going on in Europe between Christians at the same time?
"She's Done: Carly Fiorina Calls Islamic Civilization The Greatest In The World"

But she's the only one who can 'defeat' Hillary Clinton.

You rightwing nitwits need to make up your minds.

No, it really doesn't.

It's actually very easy for me to wrap my head around not disregarding and trashing the legacy of the largest religion in the world simply because a few people who espoused it committed acts of terrorism.

In fact, I have a very hard time wrapping my head around why you would have an issue with it.

I have never understood the knee jerk reaction of many over here who felt the need at that time to trash Christianity in some bizarro defense of Islam.

And who continue to do so to this day. Now as to the legacy of Islam the Ottoman Empire was not at all as she was portraying it.

It was brutal. Successful. But brutal. Christian slaves really kept it ticking.

But from what I have read Carly seems to have very rose colored glasses on when she was giving this speech.
The Ottoman contribution to science and technology during their six hundred year rule is beyond measure. the Ottoman scientific contributions, two significant examples from astronomy and geography in the 16th century: the foundation of Istanbul Observatory and Taqi Al-Din's achievements therein, map making and mapmakers such as the famous sailors Piri Reis, Saydi Ali Reis and Macar Ali Reis.

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