Shattered Idyll in Kabul


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Sad how many innocent people are caught up and killed in these wars.

Shattered Idyll in Kabul

They came to help. And then the Taliban killed them.


January 24, 2014

Last July, as I prepared to leave Kabul after a two-year stint as a journalist for Reuters, I visited La Taverna du Liban, a small Lebanese restaurant a few blocks from where I lived and worked.

There was no electricity that day, and the waiter shrugged politely when I mentioned it. I wasn’t a regular at Taverna—this was my third visit—but I frequently ordered its takeout. I was saying goodbye to three Afghan friends, and we ate falafel and homemade hummus, served with warm bread and mint lemonade.

We sat in semi-darkness, chatting about their futures. One of them, a woman in her mid-twenties, is university-educated, speaks impressive, self-taught English and has an unwavering devotion to Che Guevara. She grew flustered when I asked her why she resists the temptation to seek a new life abroad, as some of her relatives have done. “How can Afghanistan get better if there are no good Afghans living here?” was her response.

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Shattered Idyll in Kabul - Amie Ferris-Rotman - POLITICO Magazine

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