Sharron Angle raised $14 million in 3rd quarter

Dont Taz Me Bro

Diamond Member
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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
This is absolutely astounding. I have never heard of a candidate not running for president raise this kind of money in that time span.

Former Nevada state Assemblywoman Sharron Angle (R) raised an eye-popping $14 million between July 1 and Sept. 30 for her challenge to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D), a stunning number that far eclipses the cash-collection totals of other prominent candidates seeking Senate seats next month.

"Sharron Angle produced one of the most successful single quarters of fundraising in the nation's history for a U.S. Senate campaign," said Angle communications director Jarrod Agen. "This is a testament to the hatred of Harry Reid, the nation's disapproval of President Obama, and the unprecedented grassroots support for Sharron Angle."

The Fix - Sharron Angle raised $14 million in 3rd quarter
This is absolutely astounding. I have never heard of a candidate not running for president raise this kind of money in that time span.

Former Nevada state Assemblywoman Sharron Angle (R) raised an eye-popping $14 million between July 1 and Sept. 30 for her challenge to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D), a stunning number that far eclipses the cash-collection totals of other prominent candidates seeking Senate seats next month.

"Sharron Angle produced one of the most successful single quarters of fundraising in the nation's history for a U.S. Senate campaign," said Angle communications director Jarrod Agen. "This is a testament to the hatred of Harry Reid, the nation's disapproval of President Obama, and the unprecedented grassroots support for Sharron Angle."

The Fix - Sharron Angle raised $14 million in 3rd quarter

And she is beating him in the polls!!!
Nevada has a choice of shit and dog shit. I guess they get what they deserve.
This is absolutely astounding. I have never heard of a candidate not running for president raise this kind of money in that time span.

Former Nevada state Assemblywoman Sharron Angle (R) raised an eye-popping $14 million between July 1 and Sept. 30 for her challenge to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D), a stunning number that far eclipses the cash-collection totals of other prominent candidates seeking Senate seats next month.

"Sharron Angle produced one of the most successful single quarters of fundraising in the nation's history for a U.S. Senate campaign," said Angle communications director Jarrod Agen. "This is a testament to the hatred of Harry Reid, the nation's disapproval of President Obama, and the unprecedented grassroots support for Sharron Angle."

The Fix - Sharron Angle raised $14 million in 3rd quarter

The queston is: Who provided the $14 million?
[well, I suspect Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Thomas and Scalia facilitated the donation. We'll never know if elected who bought the seat for her]
Citizens United v. FEC was a coup by five reactionary conservative activist members of the USSC.
This is absolutely astounding. I have never heard of a candidate not running for president raise this kind of money in that time span.

Former Nevada state Assemblywoman Sharron Angle (R) raised an eye-popping $14 million between July 1 and Sept. 30 for her challenge to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D), a stunning number that far eclipses the cash-collection totals of other prominent candidates seeking Senate seats next month.

"Sharron Angle produced one of the most successful single quarters of fundraising in the nation's history for a U.S. Senate campaign," said Angle communications director Jarrod Agen. "This is a testament to the hatred of Harry Reid, the nation's disapproval of President Obama, and the unprecedented grassroots support for Sharron Angle."

The Fix - Sharron Angle raised $14 million in 3rd quarter

The queston is: Who provided the $14 million?
[well, I suspect Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Thomas and Scalia facilitated the donation. We'll never know if elected who bought the seat for her]
Citizens United v. FEC was a coup by five reactionary conservative activist members of the USSC.

So it's ok with you if unions do it?

You idiot...
Reid is toast... I love this. Reid, who made tons on shady land deals now whines about Angle's contributions. Maybe Harry should have focused a bit more on the massive unemployment in his state rather than imposing Obamacare on the American people. And I;m sure his condescending remarks about smelly tourists didn't help. He's an asshole.
This is absolutely astounding. I have never heard of a candidate not running for president raise this kind of money in that time span.

Former Nevada state Assemblywoman Sharron Angle (R) raised an eye-popping $14 million between July 1 and Sept. 30 for her challenge to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D), a stunning number that far eclipses the cash-collection totals of other prominent candidates seeking Senate seats next month.

"Sharron Angle produced one of the most successful single quarters of fundraising in the nation's history for a U.S. Senate campaign," said Angle communications director Jarrod Agen. "This is a testament to the hatred of Harry Reid, the nation's disapproval of President Obama, and the unprecedented grassroots support for Sharron Angle."

The Fix - Sharron Angle raised $14 million in 3rd quarter

The queston is: Who provided the $14 million?
[well, I suspect Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Thomas and Scalia facilitated the donation. We'll never know if elected who bought the seat for her]
Citizens United v. FEC was a coup by five reactionary conservative activist members of the USSC.

Good Lord... yeah, I bet they all met secretly and gathered up the money.. probably at Dick Cheney's house or maybe at a secret Halliburton locations. Man, you're a world-class numbnut.
Who cares where she got it? Harry Reid exploits his political power to raise as much as he wants. Are her donors tainted because they oppose the regime?

"Regime" refers to a method or system of government; is often used to refer to a military government, or to a government that lacks legitimacy.
You may disagree with Obama's policies, but suggesting illegitimacy is crazy.

Her donors may or may not be tainted, we will never know and that is an affront to our basic principles.
Special interest lobbying is accepted, and should be as long as the playing field is fair. When money enters the arena any pretense of honest governance goes away, for politicians no matter how well intentioned must be elected to govern. It is therefore easy to accept 'donations' because in the long run (they delude themselves) they will do good works and in this way justify the means.

Thanks for sharing.
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This is absolutely astounding. I have never heard of a candidate not running for president raise this kind of money in that time span.

Former Nevada state Assemblywoman Sharron Angle (R) raised an eye-popping $14 million between July 1 and Sept. 30 for her challenge to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D), a stunning number that far eclipses the cash-collection totals of other prominent candidates seeking Senate seats next month.

"Sharron Angle produced one of the most successful single quarters of fundraising in the nation's history for a U.S. Senate campaign," said Angle communications director Jarrod Agen. "This is a testament to the hatred of Harry Reid, the nation's disapproval of President Obama, and the unprecedented grassroots support for Sharron Angle."

The Fix - Sharron Angle raised $14 million in 3rd quarter

You go gurl!
This is absolutely astounding. I have never heard of a candidate not running for president raise this kind of money in that time span.

The queston is: Who provided the $14 million?
[well, I suspect Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Thomas and Scalia facilitated the donation. We'll never know if elected who bought the seat for her]
Citizens United v. FEC was a coup by five reactionary conservative activist members of the USSC.

So it's ok with you if unions do it?

You idiot...

Who cares where she got it? Harry Reid exploits his political power to raise as much as he wants. Are her donors tainted because they oppose the regime?

"Regime" refers to a method or system of government; is often used to refer to a military government, or to a government that lacks legitimacy.
You may disagree with Obama's policies, but suggesting illegitimacy is crazy.

Her donors may or may not be tainted, we will never know and this is an affront to our basic principles.
Special interest lobbying is accepted, and should be as long as the playing field is fair. When money enters the arena any pretense of honest governance goes away, for politicians no matter how well intentioned must be elected to govern. It is therefore easy to accept 'donations' because in the long run (they delude themselves) they will do good and this justifies the means.

Thanks for sharing.

Correct. It's a regime. They use the IRS and various front groups to investigate and intimidate political enemies.

She's complying with the disclosure requirements of the FEC.

Obama can say whatever he wants and threaten anyone he wants. Is that "honest governance?"
Who cares where she got it? Harry Reid exploits his political power to raise as much as he wants. Are her donors tainted because they oppose the regime?

The companies that gave it to her and expect something in return might care. Money is influence and 14 million is a lot in influence.
Who cares where she got it? Harry Reid exploits his political power to raise as much as he wants. Are her donors tainted because they oppose the regime?

The companies that gave it to her and expect something in return might care. Money is influence and 14 million is a lot in influence.

So what? Does her opponent have access to that, and more, thanks to his position in government?

This is open rebellion, pal. We're not going to play by rules the regime doesn't have to live by.
This is absolutely astounding. I have never heard of a candidate not running for president raise this kind of money in that time span.

The queston is: Who provided the $14 million?
[well, I suspect Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Thomas and Scalia facilitated the donation. We'll never know if elected who bought the seat for her]
Citizens United v. FEC was a coup by five reactionary conservative activist members of the USSC.

So it's ok with you if unions do it?

You idiot...

Nope, but when Unions do it they take credit for it. They don't make up names and hide behind the name of an organization which does not exist.
Why add, "You idiot"? All that does is prove you lack the skills to debate an issue honestly. And from that I infer you are willfully ignorant or too limited to actually think critically about an issue.
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The queston is: Who provided the $14 million?
[well, I suspect Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Thomas and Scalia facilitated the donation. We'll never know if elected who bought the seat for her]
Citizens United v. FEC was a coup by five reactionary conservative activist members of the USSC.

So it's ok with you if unions do it?

You idiot...

Nope, but when Unions do it they take credit for it. They don't make up names and hide behind the name of an organization which does not exist.
Why add, "You idiot"? All that does is prove you lack the skills to debate an issue honestly. And from that I infer you are willfully ignorant or too limited to actually think critically about an issue.

How about OFA and Media Matters? Those sound like made up names to me. And that's just for starters.
The queston is: Who provided the $14 million?
[well, I suspect Roberts, Alito, Kennedy, Thomas and Scalia facilitated the donation. We'll never know if elected who bought the seat for her]
Citizens United v. FEC was a coup by five reactionary conservative activist members of the USSC.

So it's ok with you if unions do it?

You idiot...

Nope, but when Unions do it they take credit for it. They don't make up names and hide behind the name of an organization which does not exist.
Not everything is above boards... You're just mad that the Constitution allows anyone to donate....

Why add, "You idiot"? All that does is prove you lack the skills to debate an issue honestly. And, from that I infer, you are willfully ignorant or too limited to actually think critically about an issue.
It comes from your history of idiotic posts on this board...

You are free to infer whatever you want... I can't stop you from making mistakes...
So it's ok with you if unions do it?

You idiot...

Nope, but when Unions do it they take credit for it. They don't make up names and hide behind the name of an organization which does not exist.
Why add, "You idiot"? All that does is prove you lack the skills to debate an issue honestly. And from that I infer you are willfully ignorant or too limited to actually think critically about an issue.

How about OFA and Media Matters? Those sound like made up names to me. And that's just for starters.

Not if you thought about it. If you don't understand the distinction, I must conclude you haven't, can't or won't.

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