Shani Louk ‘beheaded’ by Hamas after she was kidnapped at music festival and paraded by terrorists: Israel

Quid pro quo -Jihadi scum!


You are endorsing and condoning Collective Punishment. You are don't if a Palestinian Baby dies, so much your fucked up Right to Life bull shit.

Killing for the sake of killing.

You are endorsing and condoning Collective Punishment. You are don't if a Palestinian Baby dies, so much your fucked up Right to Life bull shit.

Killing for the sake of killing.
At this point they are.
They ran off everyone except the militant Muslims back in 2008 or 12....can't remember exactly. But the innocents left and only the militants remained. So this claim is another lie. What's one more lie to a militant Palestinian?
At this point they are.
They ran off everyone except the militant Muslims back in 2008 or 12....can't remember exactly. But the innocents left and only the militants remained. So this claim is another lie. What's one more lie to a militant Palestinian?

o,enNo they are not. Not every single Palestiinian Man. Woman and Child is a part of, a member of the HAMAS or HEZBOLLAH.

You are encouraging the murder of children, innocent children. Kill them all. Such nice fucked way to show there is no Right To Life.

Killing for sake of killing and you love, hell you would join in if your could.
This was disgusting how this beautiful girl was treated. Yes, the Palestinians are guilty COLLECTIVELY

Israel Defence Force spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus expresses his sympathies after a 22-year-old Israeli-German national, Shani Louk, was killed by Hamas terrorists. A distressing video emerged of the woman being paraded around semi-naked by Hamas terrorists after the attack on October 7. The Israeli ZAKA rescue service informed

No they aren’t Nazi!
o,enNo they are not. Not every single Palestiinian Man. Woman and Child is a part of, a member of the HAMAS or HEZBOLLAH.

You are encouraging the murder of children, innocent children. Kill them all. Such nice fucked way to show there is no Right To Life.

Killing for sake of killing and you love, hell you would join in if your could.
At this point they are.
They ran off everyone except the militant Muslims back in 2008 or 12....can't remember exactly. But the innocents left and only the militants remained. So this claim is another lie. What's one more lie to a militant Palestinian?

You love the murder of innocents. You cheer for murder of innocents.
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Shani Louk , the rubber doll for Gullibles
All Fake .

From Miles with love :-
That's another model girl allegedly killed. Here is what we are being told. See if you find it believableat all.Hamas raped her, broke her limbs, killed her, they paraded around her naked dead body as they spat on her corpse and yelled "Allahu Akbar". Yeah, I bet.
That's the video from the back of the pickup truck. Except that we are already gettingconfirmation this was all staged and that she was just an actress flown in for this part. To start with, we find she has an extensive previous photo and video presence online, indicating she is an actress. She has a bunch of spooky tattoos, including snakes, indicating she is bad news. I suspect her name givenin the press Shani Louk/Luk isn't her real name. It means “Red Comrade”, so figure it out yourself.
Within 24 hours the internet was littered with poorly written stories about her . These stories appear to have been prewritten by agents who don't know how to write, using AI for help. In these stories, she is anywhere from 22 to 30. Her mother Ricarda Louk is quoted saying she was 22, whileher cousin Tom Weintraub is quoted saying she was 30. Weintraub is identified as both male and female, as Tom and Tomasina. And another problem. I have just looked at dozens of photos and videos of Shani Louk posted online,and I don't see a match to the death photo. We are told friends and family identified her by the leg tattoos, but Louk's leg tattoos go all the way around her leg, and are dark and obvious. In the video, the tats looked CGI'ed in later, and they are blurry, light, and don't go all the way aroundthe leg.
If you have the stomach to look more closely, you see why this is: that thing in the film isn't a person, it is a dummy made to look like Louk with dreads. All the limbs are bent backwards like theyare rubber—which they are. As usual, we can't see her face, so there is no way to truly identify her.To answer that, we are told all her limbs were broken by these guys, but that isn't how broken limbs look. That is how rubber dummy limbs look. If these guys had completely broken her knee joints, youwould see bones poking out and bruises and blood. All you see is pristine rubber knees. If you don'tbelieve me, ask your surgeon if that looks real. etc etc

What do the Gullibles say now ?

Simply deny it .
Getting desperate to defend your Jane Fonda act like the rest of the GOP shills, eh?
If you want to quote, verbatim for me, someone that has written. . "I support the actions of what Hamas did." Feel free.

OTH, I do understand, that the actions of Hamas, and the protests in our nation, in several cities, against what Israel is doing in response to those actions, can be construed as. . . "in support of Hamas."

I listen to, and view all sides of this controversy. You can use your straw-men arguments, and paint my position on this, however you like, but It is a false argument.

I understand full well, that if Israel had wanted to do a complete genocide on the Palis, they could have long before now. Likewise, I understand, that if Hamas had the same power and military capabilities that Israel has, they would not think twice about doing precisely that to the Jewish population.

I also understand, that the political, cultural and intellectual elites in this nation, do seem to have a double standard. IN all of these protests, in all of these big cities and on these campuses, if there were big "anti-BLM," protests, the MSM and corporate culture, would not tolerate it. . .and yet? Here we are, aren't we? :dunno:

You do not know me, so you have no right to put upon me what you think I believe or feel. . . capisce?

These guys come from the right, but they have many many contacts with the left. They approach the issue from a very rational, non-hyperbolic and sane way. . . . You would do well to listen. (I have booked marked it to the relevant part of the conversation. . . . if you want to learn.)

Censorship at TED & the Israel-Hamas War | Glenn Loury, John McWhorter & Coleman Hughes​

So Hamas bears no responsibility for putting their own people in harm's way via their direct actions? Actions that were cheered by the very same people you call 'innocent'.

That's the thing, Hamas is the one that bears ALL the responsibility. Are the women, children and elderly really cheering them on? I have seen one shaky poll which might indicate that the adults do. A poll that has less than transparent metrics and methodology. I know a lot of conservatives that would see such a poll about Trump and MAGA supporters, who would see a poll with similarly released metrics and methodology, and would reject it outright for its opaqueness.

I am not saying you are wrong, but I have no evidence of the statement;
Actions that were cheered by the very same people you call 'innocent'.
The last time the folks in Gaza had an election, was a long, long time ago. The only inference I believe we can draw? Is that the Palestinians are a backward culture, (from our Pov,) and that do not share our values.

IMO? The members on the left, seem to have lost the plot here. They might believe that just because there is some responsibility to give the Palestinians some sovereignty, civil rights and civil liberties over their own destiny, according to international law, that there is cause to excuse this behavior? There is, of course, no excuse.

This does not however, equate to support for terrorism.

Are you being sarcastic?

No, I very well could be ignorant here. Someone might have written. . . "Hamas is justified," by one of our forum members. I admit, I might have missed it. I have found the entire site sort of boring of late. What goes over there, is just not that important to America IMO. We have folks, poor, lower class, middle class, that are barely getting by due to the economy, thousands of illegals flooding the border, hundreds of young people are dying of fentanyl overdoses, etc.

Hell, even the upper middle class are finding their lifestyles and life is starting to be affected. Not sure what this has to do with them. . .

I just don't see this as important to our national interests. . . unless Israel really can't take care of itself. Do you doubt that they can? I don't.

So it really seems to me, that the establishment media, THE MSM is purposely distracting us, and focusing on this, to keep us from paying attention to what is important to our own people. But that is just my own take.
Why? It's a common theme for those that support HAMAS and's one of the many pieces of lying propaganda they keep repeating so often its synonymous with HAMAS support at this point.

And you claim that these are "your people" that you support.

You support the terrorists.

1) the IDF is one of the most adept armies at urban warfare with terrorists.
2) every Western military force that needs information on how to conduct urban warfare consults those that do it the most....which is the IDF.
3) These "Palestinians" are the children of terrorists who 40 years ago had children and raised them to be terrorists as well. They originated in Tunisia and not Israel or the Gaza strip. Yasser Arafat is most decidedly Tunisian and never went to Israel until eventually landing there in the 1960's.
4) Urban warfare is all about finding the combatants hiding among "innocents". Children can't hold guns so the IDF doesn't shoot them. It's called fire control. IDF is excellent at this. (They save their's cheaper and you don't run out of ammunition for when you need it)
5) Palestinians started this conflict. Then want to whine about the consequences. Israel does not indiscriminately start war....but Palestinians seem to be just fine doing so. And if the Palestinians actually cared about their own children they wouldn't have started this war.

I've provided facts, quotes, and actual have provided quotes from lying terrorists and rhetoric which have no substance of truth. The IDF has shut down all internet and communications with the West Bank and Gaza. So if you have any actual facts you are indeed a terrorist supporter.
Yasser Arafat wasn't Tunisian. He was an electrician from Egypt.
Shani Louk , the rubber doll for Gullibles
All Fake .

From Miles with love :-
That's another model girl allegedly killed. Here is what we are being told. See if you find it believableat all.Hamas raped her, broke her limbs, killed her, they paraded around her naked dead body as they spat on her corpse and yelled "Allahu Akbar". Yeah, I bet.
That's the video from the back of the pickup truck. Except that we are already gettingconfirmation this was all staged and that she was just an actress flown in for this part. To start with, we find she has an extensive previous photo and video presence online, indicating she is an actress. She has a bunch of spooky tattoos, including snakes, indicating she is bad news. I suspect her name givenin the press Shani Louk/Luk isn't her real name. It means “Red Comrade”, so figure it out yourself.
Within 24 hours the internet was littered with poorly written stories about her . These stories appear to have been prewritten by agents who don't know how to write, using AI for help. In these stories, she is anywhere from 22 to 30. Her mother Ricarda Louk is quoted saying she was 22, whileher cousin Tom Weintraub is quoted saying she was 30. Weintraub is identified as both male and female, as Tom and Tomasina. And another problem. I have just looked at dozens of photos and videos of Shani Louk posted online,and I don't see a match to the death photo. We are told friends and family identified her by the leg tattoos, but Louk's leg tattoos go all the way around her leg, and are dark and obvious. In the video, the tats looked CGI'ed in later, and they are blurry, light, and don't go all the way aroundthe leg.
If you have the stomach to look more closely, you see why this is: that thing in the film isn't a person, it is a dummy made to look like Louk with dreads. All the limbs are bent backwards like theyare rubber—which they are. As usual, we can't see her face, so there is no way to truly identify her.To answer that, we are told all her limbs were broken by these guys, but that isn't how broken limbs look. That is how rubber dummy limbs look. If these guys had completely broken her knee joints, youwould see bones poking out and bruises and blood. All you see is pristine rubber knees. If you don'tbelieve me, ask your surgeon if that looks real. etc etc

What do the Gullibles say now ?

Simply deny it .

Source it.

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