Sex Crime Punishment


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The news here in Pittsburgh recently included stories about a 25-year-old male teacher's aide who was convicted of various crimes in connection with a "consensual" sexual relationship he had with a 13-year-old girl over a period of a couple of months. It was discovered by the girl's mother, who saw inappropriate communications on her cell phone.

He was convicted (guilty plea) and sentenced to 11 years in the slammer. Unlike most convicts, he allowed himself to be interviewed on TV, admitted what he did, acknowledged that it was terrible, and expressed remorse.

I put "consensual" in quotes because, although the girl consented - and was in fact pleased with the relationship - she lacked legal capacity to give her consent, thus rendering the sexual contact "statutory rape."

Consider an alternate scenario. The same guy is "horsing around" with the girl, and in the process of showing her a trick with a knife, he cuts off her right thumb in such a way that it cannot be re-attached.

Assuming the episode is handled by the criminal justice system. He pleads guilty to reckless endangerment, apologizes and is sentenced. He will probably get probation.


Which of these two perpetrators "harmed" the girl more? In one case, she suffered no physical harm but learned a lesson about being taken advantage of. While she will remember the incident for a long time (especially because the perp will be in jail for a decade or so), she will probably be largely unaffected. This is NOT the same as the pervert-attacker hiding in wait and forcing himself on her in a dark closet.

In the hypothetical case, she will bear hardships for the rest of her life. She is deformed. She will not be able to write, type, or do a whole host of other things properly for the rest of her life. Hitchhiking is out of the question.

11 years in prison for the sexual crime in this case? Fucking nuts, if you ask me. In sentencing for sexual crimes, more attention is paid to the characterization of the crime than the actual harm done, which is often de minimis. We also have a case hereabouts where a teacher will be convicted of having a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old HS senior. A school janitor having a homosexual "fling" with a 16-year-old HS wrestler.

Throw the book at them?
He screwed a 13 year girl and that girl was subordinate due to his position as a teacher's aide. I have no problem with 11 years in his case.
The news here in Pittsburgh recently included stories about a 25-year-old male teacher's aide who was convicted of various crimes in connection with a "consensual" sexual relationship he had with a 13-year-old girl over a period of a couple of months. It was discovered by the girl's mother, who saw inappropriate communications on her cell phone.

He was convicted (guilty plea) and sentenced to 11 years in the slammer. Unlike most convicts, he allowed himself to be interviewed on TV, admitted what he did, acknowledged that it was terrible, and expressed remorse.

I put "consensual" in quotes because, although the girl consented - and was in fact pleased with the relationship - she lacked legal capacity to give her consent, thus rendering the sexual contact "statutory rape."

Consider an alternate scenario. The same guy is "horsing around" with the girl, and in the process of showing her a trick with a knife, he cuts off her right thumb in such a way that it cannot be re-attached.

Assuming the episode is handled by the criminal justice system. He pleads guilty to reckless endangerment, apologizes and is sentenced. He will probably get probation.


Which of these two perpetrators "harmed" the girl more? In one case, she suffered no physical harm but learned a lesson about being taken advantage of. While she will remember the incident for a long time (especially because the perp will be in jail for a decade or so), she will probably be largely unaffected. This is NOT the same as the pervert-attacker hiding in wait and forcing himself on her in a dark closet.

In the hypothetical case, she will bear hardships for the rest of her life. She is deformed. She will not be able to write, type, or do a whole host of other things properly for the rest of her life. Hitchhiking is out of the question.

11 years in prison for the sexual crime in this case? Fucking nuts, if you ask me. In sentencing for sexual crimes, more attention is paid to the characterization of the crime than the actual harm done, which is often de minimis. We also have a case hereabouts where a teacher will be convicted of having a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old HS senior. A school janitor having a homosexual "fling" with a 16-year-old HS wrestler.

Throw the book at them?
This guy deserved the 11 years. He took advantage of his position of authority and violated a minor. She may have been willing but he knew better.
Do the crime, pay the time.
I don't agree with a lot of laws, but, they are there and if you can't follow them then deal with the repercussions.
The news here in Pittsburgh recently included stories about a 25-year-old male teacher's aide who was convicted of various crimes in connection with a "consensual" sexual relationship he had with a 13-year-old girl over a period of a couple of months. It was discovered by the girl's mother, who saw inappropriate communications on her cell phone.

He was convicted (guilty plea) and sentenced to 11 years in the slammer. Unlike most convicts, he allowed himself to be interviewed on TV, admitted what he did, acknowledged that it was terrible, and expressed remorse.

I put "consensual" in quotes because, although the girl consented - and was in fact pleased with the relationship - she lacked legal capacity to give her consent, thus rendering the sexual contact "statutory rape."

Consider an alternate scenario. The same guy is "horsing around" with the girl, and in the process of showing her a trick with a knife, he cuts off her right thumb in such a way that it cannot be re-attached.

Assuming the episode is handled by the criminal justice system. He pleads guilty to reckless endangerment, apologizes and is sentenced. He will probably get probation.


Which of these two perpetrators "harmed" the girl more? In one case, she suffered no physical harm but learned a lesson about being taken advantage of. While she will remember the incident for a long time (especially because the perp will be in jail for a decade or so), she will probably be largely unaffected. This is NOT the same as the pervert-attacker hiding in wait and forcing himself on her in a dark closet.

In the hypothetical case, she will bear hardships for the rest of her life. She is deformed. She will not be able to write, type, or do a whole host of other things properly for the rest of her life. Hitchhiking is out of the question.

11 years in prison for the sexual crime in this case? Fucking nuts, if you ask me. In sentencing for sexual crimes, more attention is paid to the characterization of the crime than the actual harm done, which is often de minimis. We also have a case hereabouts where a teacher will be convicted of having a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old HS senior. A school janitor having a homosexual "fling" with a 16-year-old HS wrestler.

Throw the book at them?
If it was my daughter 11 yrs in prison would be the least of his problems. Hopefully he's being "taken advantage of" in prison as we speak.

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