Zone1 Serving Milk in School Is Racist


Platinum Member
May 26, 2021

Really, with all the other race issues in our country, this is a focus?

According to the civil rights and health groups, 80 percent of Black and Latino people, more than 90 percent of Asians, and more than 80 percent of Indigenous Americans are lactose intolerant, compared to 15 percent of White people.

They estimated that millions of minority children could be affected in the classroom because of the USDA policy, urging the agency to allow soy milk, a federally recognized nutritional product, as an official substitute in the NSLP.

“It is hard to imagine a more inequitable and socially unjust USDA practice than the force feeding of milk to [minority] children in our schools,” the letter reads.

“Until children of color are properly provided for in the USDA-funded NSLP, the ‘And Justice for All’ posters that the ag
ency requires participating public schools to display in their lunch rooms is simply empty rhetoric as injustices are visited on millions of underserved children each day,” they added.
My son has to drink milk and he is white.
These people are so full of hate its sad...
Use lube when you try it. I myself do not like plain white cow's milk.
On second thought I guess you could milk a server. ;)


Really, with all the other race issues in our country, this is a focus?

According to the civil rights and health groups, 80 percent of Black and Latino people, more than 90 percent of Asians, and more than 80 percent of Indigenous Americans are lactose intolerant, compared to 15 percent of White people.

They estimated that millions of minority children could be affected in the classroom because of the USDA policy, urging the agency to allow soy milk, a federally recognized nutritional product, as an official substitute in the NSLP.

“It is hard to imagine a more inequitable and socially unjust USDA practice than the force feeding of milk to [minority] children in our schools,” the letter reads.

“Until children of color are properly provided for in the USDA-funded NSLP, the ‘And Justice for All’ posters that the ag
ency requires participating public schools to display in their lunch rooms is simply empty rhetoric as injustices are visited on millions of underserved children each day,” they added. :auiqs.jpg:
America is the land God promised to the children of Israel, "flowing with milk and honey".

Non-Israelites can provide their own milk. :mad:
America is the land God promised to the children of Israel, "flowing with milk and honey".

Non-Israelites can provide their own milk. :mad:
Actually, that was Israel. America didn’t exist when Moses was leading the Hebrews though the desert.
I have no problem with offering children the choice between milk and soy milk, myself. It seems to be the sensible thing to do due to the lactose intolerance.
I have no problem with offering children the choice between milk and soy milk, myself. It seems to be the sensible thing to do due to the lactose intolerance.
The phytoestrogens in soy milk might calm down some of the more aggressive tendencies of some of the folks mentioned.
Actually, that was Israel. America didn’t exist when Moses was leading the Hebrews though the desert.
Ancient Israel never fulfilled the Abrahamic promises; way too small.

Isaiah 49:
19 For thy waste and thy desolate places, and the land of thy destruction, shall even now be too narrow by reason of the inhabitants, and they that swallowed thee up shall be far away.

20 The children which thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the other, shall say again in thine ears, The place is too strait for me: give place to me that I may dwell.
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