Serious proposal for the gun control crowd


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)
I’m pro gun and pro 2a. The only problem I see is one they won’t pay for it and too who picks the psychologist or psychiatrist. If the left hand picks them then it’s a bias opinion because there not going to pay him to pass people. It comes down to getting rid of HIPPA when it comes to gun purchases. They run a local psychological check but they don’t do a National like they do with a criminal background check. If you do a national psych check you can catch more people with psych issues.

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The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)
The gun "debate" does not rage onward, we have the solution; everyone carries, that way the "good guys" carry the day like they carry their guns. Teachers maintain safety and control in schools via the gun. And really now, we can't even get our police to attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life) that works, rather obviously.
The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)
Do you have any evidence that would help our problems?
The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)
Do you have any evidence that would help our problems?
I tell ya what I disagree with his proposal because it can not be done fairly, but you provide no rational at all for your stance be specific list a proposal loser.
The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)
Do you have any evidence that would help our problems?
I tell ya what I disagree with his proposal because it can not be done fairly, but you provide no rational at all for your stance be specific list a proposal loser.
You don’t think we need any evidence what he’s offering would help? Strange...
The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)
Nope. Shall not be infringed is the final answer.
The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)
Nope My rights are not up for any proposal
One issue that would arise is holding the psychiatrist responsible for anyone they certify who goes off the deep end at some later time and commits some crime using a firearm. That would be enough for psychiatrists to refuse to be certify someone to be allowed to purchase.possess firearms.

So, I don't find your proposal as a reasonable course of action. There is no way that I see that the future behavior of an individual can be predicted with any measure of accuracy.
One issue that would arise is holding the psychiatrist responsible for anyone they certify who goes off the deep end at some later time and commits some crime using a firearm. That would be enough for psychiatrists to refuse to be certify someone to be allowed to purchase.possess firearms.

So, I don't find your proposal as a reasonable course of action. There is no way that I see that the future behavior of an individual can be predicted with any measure of accuracy.
If a person is deemed too dangerous to have a firearm they are too dangerous to be allowed in public unsupervised.
There are other dangerous items they can use to carry out any harm.
The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)
/——/ No, because Libs will eventually gain control of the tests and start denying gun ownership. The Red Flag law is a perfect example. Bad idea.
The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)
/——/ No, because Libs will eventually gain control of the tests and start denying gun ownership. The Red Flag law is a perfect example. Bad idea.
A mental heath evaluation every 2 years for all gun owners.

No exemptions.

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a voters test for all leftist every year before they vote and a mental evaluation for all blue states before they can drive a vehicle.
I almost forgot VOTER ID.

That’ll curb gun violence for sure [emoji57]

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The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)
/——/ No, because Libs will eventually gain control of the tests and start denying gun ownership. The Red Flag law is a perfect example. Bad idea.
/——/ If you can’t see the potential abuse then you are incredibly naive.
A mental heath evaluation every 2 years for all gun owners.

No exemptions.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
a voters test for all leftist every year before they vote and a mental evaluation for all blue states before they can drive a vehicle.
I almost forgot VOTER ID.

That’ll curb gun violence for sure [emoji57]

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More people are killed with other things than with a gun.I'm not concerned with gun violence
The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)
I would agree to a such a program. We must get these firearms evaluated and get the dangerous firearms the help they need.

My question is, what about the bullets? Don't they need similar evaluations?

The gun debate rages on and on with no one really changing their minds. Well, that’s sort of the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time).

With that in mind, I asked myself how we could approach this issue in a way that hasn’t been done before. There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just a matter of finding it.

So I have a completely serious proposal for the proponents of gun control. If the 2A supporters agreed to use tax payer money to have every single firearm manufactured attend an extensive and comprehensive mental health evaluation (including training firearms on the value of human life), would you then agree to allow all citizens to own any type of firearm they desire - without restriction?

(*Note that I will have 0 tolerance for trolling in this thread and will report every instance. Either answer honestly/seriously or move along to another thread)
/——/ No, because Libs will eventually gain control of the tests and start denying gun ownership. The Red Flag law is a perfect example. Bad idea.
/——/ If you can’t see the potential abuse then you are incredibly naive.
I see the abuse I was just saying if a person is too dangerous for a gun they are too dangerous to live in public unsupervised.

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