Senator rober byrd, democrat, was a member of the klan, tear down his statue...

Inconvenience truth: Democrats tried to block the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Racism is in the DNA of the Democratic Party.
Inconvenient truth: Most Democrats and ALL Republicans in the South tried to block the Civil Rights Act of of 1964. 90%+ Democrats in the North and 80%+ of Republicans in the North supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

It was a regional issue...but even if it's regional...a HIGHER % of Democrats in the North voted FOR the Civil Rights Act and a HIGHER % or Republicans in the South voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act.
Inconvenience truth: Democrats tried to block the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Inconvenient truth.

Republicans tried to block the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Republicans nominated for President one of the non-southerners to vote against the 1964 Civil Rights Act- and nominated two more Presidents who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Luckily- Democrats- with Republican assistance passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
LOL You must enjoy being fulla shit. This is from a totally anti Trump, pro Democrat source...CNN.

What you might not know about the 1964 Civil Rights Act - CNNPolitics
More Republicans voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act than Democrats


Photos: The civil rights movement in photos
"Most people don't realize that today at all -- in proportional terms, a far higher percentage of Republicans voted for this bill than did Democrats"

Like I said, racism and bigotry are in the DNA of the Democratic Party.
Pwned...just like the Persians in your Sig Gif.
Honey, he didn't pass it. Congress did. He had previously opposed civil rights legislation for Blacks in this country.]

Honey? LOL

President Kennedy proposed the bill that became the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
President Johnson pushed the legislation through Congress- starting with Johnson's first address to the American people after Kennedy's assassination.

View attachment 145466

And of course- Johnson voted for Civil Rights in 1957 and 1960.

But hey- great attempt to rewrite history!

Unfortunately it was all ..... it civil rights.

That is as much as I bothered to read of your alphabet soup post.

Civil Rights history was just another diversion as one nation under God & the space race are in this Christian survival of the fittest fascists crusade to rule the earth & destroy the world dictating to all alphabet soup as if they didn't assassinate JFK to attain that Islam Christiananality pedophile status pinnacle, which was supposed to surpass failures of the Third Reich. If they weren't so schizoid as Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom of organized crime they may have gotten away with more of it, but obviously more Neo Nazis & Antifa seem to be on the onward Christian soldier bandwagon since their place for inhabiting space is long gone, far away & financially in ruins .
Inconvenience truth: Democrats tried to block the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Inconvenient truth.

Republicans tried to block the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Republicans nominated for President one of the non-southerners to vote against the 1964 Civil Rights Act- and nominated two more Presidents who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Luckily- Democrats- with Republican assistance passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
LOL You must enjoy being fulla shit. This is from a totally anti Trump, pro Democrat source...CNN.

What you might not know about the 1964 Civil Rights Act - CNNPolitics
More Republicans voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act than Democrats

Hmmm you must hate being such an asshole loser- you need to learn to read more than headlines.

More Democrats voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act- than Republicans- here is the math:

The Senate version:[22]

  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[22]

  • Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
  • Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)
46 Democrats in the Senate
136 Democrats in the House
182 Democrats voted 'aye' on the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

27 Republicans in the Senate
136 Republicans in the House
163 Republicans voted 'aye' on the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Like i said- by 182 to 163- more Democrats than Republicans voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

The 1964 Civil Rights act proposed by President Kennedy, and pushed through- and signed by President Johnson.

Opposed by the 1964 GOP Presidential nominee.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act was primarily opposed by conservative southern white men- the same men who are upset about Confederate statues coming down.

And yet, despite your mumbling and lame efforts at historical revisionism, you just proved yourself wrong. Far more Democrats voted against the bill than did for, and way more republicans voted for than did against.

Foot in the mouth disease.
Inconvenience truth: Democrats tried to block the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Racism is in the DNA of the Democratic Party.
Inconvenient truth: Most Democrats and ALL Republicans in the South tried to block the Civil Rights Act of of 1964. 90%+ Democrats in the North and 80%+ of Republicans in the North supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

It was a regional issue...but even if it's regional...a HIGHER % of Democrats in the North voted FOR the Civil Rights Act and a HIGHER % or Republicans in the South voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act.
Bzzzzt wrong on that as well.
Inconvenience truth: Democrats tried to block the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Inconvenient truth.

Republicans tried to block the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Republicans nominated for President one of the non-southerners to vote against the 1964 Civil Rights Act- and nominated two more Presidents who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Luckily- Democrats- with Republican assistance passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
LOL You must enjoy being fulla shit. This is from a totally anti Trump, pro Democrat source...CNN.

What you might not know about the 1964 Civil Rights Act - CNNPolitics
More Republicans voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act than Democrats


Photos: The civil rights movement in photos
"Most people don't realize that today at all -- in proportional terms, a far higher percentage of Republicans voted for this bill than did Democrats"

Like I said, racism and bigotry are in the DNA of the Democratic Party.
Pwned...just like the Persians in your Sig Gif.
This is what the Democratic Party has come to today. You guys can't even face your own history.
A lot of people do regrettable things in life. I was once a white nationalist....Should that label keep me from office or a job in the future 20, 30 or 50 years down the road?
Yeah well that's a different sorry. It appears the statue hating Democrats are the ones who can't let it go.
A lot of people do regrettable things in life. I was once a white nationalist....Should that label keep me from office or a job in the future 20, 30 or 50 years down the road?
Yeah well that's a different sorry. It appears the statue hating Democrats are the ones who can't let it go.

While all this time since the mid 1970's thought it was just the master plan of Christianity's second coming to conquer the planet being a master race of pedophiles spawning all kinds of national religion fanatics by the assassination of JFK to surpass Nazi Germany victories in human farming. They'll never regret it.
A lot of people do regrettable things in life. I was once a white nationalist....Should that label keep me from office or a job in the future 20, 30 or 50 years down the road?
Yeah well that's a different sorry. It appears the statue hating Democrats are the ones who can't let it go.

While all this time since the mid 1970's thought it was just the master plan of Christianity's second coming to conquer the planet being a master race of pedophiles spawning all kinds of national religion fanatics by the assassination of JFK to surpass Nazi Germany victories in human farming. They'll never regret it.
You really hate periods, don't you?
A lot of people do regrettable things in life. I was once a white nationalist....Should that label keep me from office or a job in the future 20, 30 or 50 years down the road?
Yeah well that's a different sorry. It appears the statue hating Democrats are the ones who can't let it go.

While all this time since the mid 1970's thought it was just the master plan of Christianity's second coming to conquer the planet being a master race of pedophiles spawning all kinds of national religion fanatics by the assassination of JFK to surpass Nazi Germany victories in human farming. They'll never regret it.
You really hate periods, don't you?

Nah............They'll never regret it, but make everyone else suffer for it.
Everything in West Virginia is called Byrd, roads, buildings, schools, parks, Shopping centers, Museums, and I think even a lake.
I guess we had better wipe out West Virginia.
t's a repubican state that gone 2/3rds for Trump last election...

Kind of a dixiecrat state! ;)
Then rename everything Trump...Trump park...Trump Ave... Trump Highway...Trump Middle School, I bet he would sign on.
Did he ever lead troops into battle against the United States? See the difference?
No & no

What I see is a scumbag hypocrite trying to mince words to hide his hackery

Whose elses politics would have led a fiefdom of KKK churchstate pedophile troops to steal 24 old glories originally purchased in D.C. along with National Archives US Constitutions & D.O.I.'s. plus old testaments & Israeli flags for cross burnings in celebration while spearheading a drug epidemic to supplement the good ole boys in their synagogue & Navy hospital attacks ?
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A caller on the Dan and Amy show today pointed out that Senator robert byrd, a life long democrat who was a recruiter for the klan and a good friend of bill and hilary clinton........has a statue in his home state...

That statue must come down.....statues of racist democrats need to come his must be torn down and destroyed......

They have a whole page on wikipedia of locations named after this racist democrat...who said he would rather see Old Glory trampled, than to let N*****s serve alongside whites in the army.....

List of places named after Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

Here is his statue....put it on the list for destruction...

West Virginia is wild!
Tear it down!
Ronald Reagan was a racist Democrat before he became a racist Republican. Tear his statue down too.
A caller on the Dan and Amy show today pointed out that Senator robert byrd, a life long democrat who was a recruiter for the klan and a good friend of bill and hilary clinton........has a statue in his home state...

That statue must come down.....statues of racist democrats need to come his must be torn down and destroyed......

They have a whole page on wikipedia of locations named after this racist democrat...who said he would rather see Old Glory trampled, than to let N*****s serve alongside whites in the army.....

List of places named after Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

Here is his statue....put it on the list for destruction...

West Virginia is wild!
Tear it down!

Since it represents that better never than late for America which dictates it's one nation under God with equal justice under law West Nazi Germany Virginia's Kristallnacht method of burning US Constitutions, D.O.I.'s, old glories, old testaments & in all probability 9/11; statue eradication seems stately.

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