Senator rober byrd, democrat, was a member of the klan, tear down his statue...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A caller on the Dan and Amy show today pointed out that Senator robert byrd, a life long democrat who was a recruiter for the klan and a good friend of bill and hilary clinton........has a statue in his home state...

That statue must come down.....statues of racist democrats need to come his must be torn down and destroyed......

They have a whole page on wikipedia of locations named after this racist democrat...who said he would rather see Old Glory trampled, than to let N*****s serve alongside whites in the army.....

List of places named after Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

Here is his statue....put it on the list for destruction...

West Virginia is wild!
A caller on the Dan and Amy show today pointed out that Senator robert byrd, a life long democrat who was a recruiter for the klan and a good friend of bill and hilary clinton........has a statue in his home state...

That statue must come down.....statues of racist democrats need to come his must be torn down and destroyed......

They have a whole page on wikipedia of locations named after this racist democrat...who said he would rather see Old Glory trampled, than to let N*****s serve alongside whites in the army.....

List of places named after Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

Here is his statue....put it on the list for destruction...

West Virginia is wild!

Nice try...You do try so hard

But no, the statues of Byrd were not erected to honor his service to the klan. They were erected to honor his public service after he had denounced the klan

However, The statues to Lee and Jeff Davis were erected to honor the Confederacy. A nation comprised of 40% slave and created to ensure the perpetual continuation of slavery
A caller on the Dan and Amy show today pointed out that Senator robert byrd, a life long democrat who was a recruiter for the klan and a good friend of bill and hilary clinton........has a statue in his home state...

That statue must come down.....statues of racist democrats need to come his must be torn down and destroyed......

They have a whole page on wikipedia of locations named after this racist democrat...who said he would rather see Old Glory trampled, than to let N*****s serve alongside whites in the army.....

List of places named after Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

Here is his statue....put it on the list for destruction...

West Virginia is wild!
Unless tearing it down will make Trump look bad, forget it.
Our society is re-examining its love affair with the Confederacy

It was a short lived nation built on human bondage. 40 percent of that nation lived in bondage and had no more legal rights than a horse or a cow.

So, should we ignore the opinions of those who descended from that 40% while we allow the descendants of the 60% to celebrate one of the worst nations ever created in the history of mankind?
Was Lee erected to honor his view point on slavery or was it reacted in his honor of his leadership in fighting for the south? You can't have it both ways, ya know. Byrds statue was erected in 1997, yet he publicly used racial epithets as late as 2001.
A caller on the Dan and Amy show today pointed out that Senator robert byrd, a life long democrat who was a recruiter for the klan and a good friend of bill and hilary clinton........has a statue in his home state...

That statue must come down.....statues of racist democrats need to come his must be torn down and destroyed......

They have a whole page on wikipedia of locations named after this racist democrat...who said he would rather see Old Glory trampled, than to let N*****s serve alongside whites in the army.....

List of places named after Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

Here is his statue....put it on the list for destruction...

West Virginia is wild!

Nice try...You do try so hard

But no, the statues of Byrd were not erected to honor his service to the klan. They were erected to honor his public service after he had denounced the klan

However, The statues to Lee and Jeff Davis were erected to honor the Confederacy. A nation comprised of 40% slave and created to ensure the perpetual continuation of slavery
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A caller on the Dan and Amy show today pointed out that Senator robert byrd, a life long democrat who was a recruiter for the klan and a good friend of bill and hilary clinton........has a statue in his home state...

That statue must come down.....statues of racist democrats need to come his must be torn down and destroyed......

They have a whole page on wikipedia of locations named after this racist democrat...who said he would rather see Old Glory trampled, than to let N*****s serve alongside whites in the army.....

List of places named after Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

Here is his statue....put it on the list for destruction...

West Virginia is wild!
Perhaps the people in the state or town can vote on the people in Charlottesville did....before the Alt-Right NAZIS came to town.
Our society is re-examining its love affair with the Confederacy.
NO it's not. You leftists are trying to ERASE our HISTORY, all SUPPOSEDLY because of RACISM and SLAVERY.

But when it comes to one of YOUR'S, i.e. Robert KKK Byrd, then all of a sudden HIS MEMBERSHIP in the KKK is MOOT.


Good fucking God you people are SICKENING sons a bitches.
A caller on the Dan and Amy show today pointed out that Senator robert byrd, a life long democrat who was a recruiter for the klan and a good friend of bill and hilary clinton........has a statue in his home state...

That statue must come down.....statues of racist democrats need to come his must be torn down and destroyed......

They have a whole page on wikipedia of locations named after this racist democrat...who said he would rather see Old Glory trampled, than to let N*****s serve alongside whites in the army.....

List of places named after Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

Here is his statue....put it on the list for destruction...

West Virginia is wild!

Senator rober byrd, democrat, was a member of the klan, tear down his statue

indeed it needs to go
Our society is re-examining its love affair with the Confederacy.
NO it's not. You leftists are trying to ERASE our HISTORY, all SUPPOSEDLY because of RACISM and SLAVERY.

But when it comes to one of YOUR'S, i.e. Robert KKK Byrd, then all of a sudden HIS MEMBERSHIP in the KKK is MOOT.


Good fucking God you people are SICKENING sons a bitches.
"ERASE our HISTORY" mean a 4 year period of war and destruction started by the South in order to keep fellow humans enslaved and then they lost....badly. You want to enshrine a 4 year Loser period of history?
Perhaps the people in the state or town can vote on the people in Charlottesville did....before the Alt-Right NAZIS came to town.
No...they attacked first.....and were totally prepared to attack first with their sticks, baseball bats, etc.
No... they didn't. Your lying isn't going to work this time.

Had the ALT LEFT FASCISTS ANTIFA and BLM not shown up, the rally would have been COMPLETELY PEACEFUL, period.
A caller on the Dan and Amy show today pointed out that Senator robert byrd, a life long democrat who was a recruiter for the klan and a good friend of bill and hilary clinton........has a statue in his home state...

That statue must come down.....statues of racist democrats need to come his must be torn down and destroyed......

They have a whole page on wikipedia of locations named after this racist democrat...who said he would rather see Old Glory trampled, than to let N*****s serve alongside whites in the army.....

List of places named after Robert Byrd - Wikipedia

Here is his statue....put it on the list for destruction...

West Virginia is wild!

Senator rober byrd, democrat, was a member of the klan, tear down his statue

indeed it needs to go
Petition the folks in West Virginia. Good luck.
While we're at it it's time to rename the Richard B. Russell Senate Office Building since Russell was a racist Georgia dimocrat who fought LBJ tooth and nail over his civil rights legislation.

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