Senate Democrats May Be Further Harming Their November Election Chances With Supreme Court Nominee

No, the current bunch of conservative judicial activists on the court will motivate the Democrats base to vote against authoritarian republics.

Judge Jackson has exposed the conservatives on the court for pushing their political wants over what republics used to claim they wanted on the court which was judicial restraint.
Conservatives have not changed

we have always been against pedophilia
The nasty accusation of “raaacist” by leftists to silence any criticism of any black person is a good reason RIGHT THERE not to have a black president. Any valid criticism or disapproval will be met with the nasty acausation.
I suggest affirming racism. It works for me. Important to rob these leftwing shriekings of their power.
Because the Founding Fathers realized only the smart people should be allowed to vote.
I wish. Boy, that would sure solve a LOT of problems we have --------------- and of course it was the way it's been set up basically forever everywhere, and until lately in this country. Even in the French Revolution they didn't let the street-sweepings vote.
So we are not allowed to note that a nominee is just average in intelligence if she’s black? I’ve been listening to her for two days, and she doesn’t express herself well, she is slow to formulate a response, and she speaks haltingly. All those are indications of someone who is not impressively intelligent - and she’s being considered for the SCOTUS! Why should her being black protect her from criticism?

The nasty accusation of “raaacist” by leftists to silence any criticism of any black person is a good reason RIGHT THERE not to have a black president. Any valid criticism or disapproval will be met with the nasty acausation.
She’s has more experience and better qualifications than four currently sitting justices.
she’s already been Senate confirmed four other times.

Curious how the black woman’s intelligence is in question. Just couldn’t come up with anything but that old trope.

No doubt you could not handle even a single class in Harvard law.
She’s has more experience and better qualifications than four currently sitting justices.
she’s already been Senate confirmed four other times.

Curious how the black woman’s intelligence is in question. Just couldn’t come up with anything but that old trope.

No doubt you could not handle even a single class in Harvard law.
Just because she‘s had more “experience” is meaningless. We’ve already seen how,she’s been favored due to her race, with 95% of her competition knocked out of the running.

And she is not coming across as a brilliant legal mind the way Amy Comey Barrett did, not by a long shot. Just because she’s black doesn’t mean we can’t point out the obvious - she’s not coming across as being all that smart.
When the usual suspects call me racist, I agree. It's very freeing, IMO.
Ah..l.maybe you’re right. They only do it to get our ire up, and it will rob them of that pleasure.

Right now they’re talking about her being the first black female nominee. That shouldn’t even be part of the discussion. it’s irrevelanf.
Well, I sure hope we don't lose Clarence Thomas or any other conservative justice before Trump gets in again.
She’s has more experience and better qualifications than four currently sitting justices.
she’s already been Senate confirmed four other times.

Curious how the black woman’s intelligence is in question. Just couldn’t come up with anything but that old trope.

No doubt you could not handle even a single class in Harvard law.
You're a fucking idiot. Get the hell out of here, you racist son of a bitch.
That’s a lot of words just to say you don’t want a black woman on the court.
I'd prefer a justice chosen by merit.

What's next, a retarded person on the Supreme Court to represent them? How about an ex-felon to represent all the blacks and such that go to prison?
You know that's bullshit. Why would you say such a stupid thing?
That’s what liberals do. When they can’t defend the obvious - that the woman being considered for SCOTUS is not impressive and would never be in that spot except for the fact that Biden wanted a black woman and excluded all others - that come out with the racist shit.
I'd prefer a justice chosen by merit.

What's next, a retarded person on the Supreme Court to represent them? How about an ex-felon to represent all the blacks and such that go to prison?
I’ve said the same thing, If “diversity” is the goal, then why shouldn’t Harvard admit mentally regarded people? Or criminals?

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