Senate Democrats May Be Further Harming Their November Election Chances With Supreme Court Nominee

Just because she‘s had more “experience” is meaningless. We’ve already seen how,she’s been favored due to her race, with 95% of her competition knocked out of the running.

And she is not coming across as a brilliant legal mind the way Amy Comey Barrett did, not by a long shot. Just because she’s black doesn’t mean we can’t point out the obvious - she’s not coming across as being all that smart.
More racist tropes. Good job.
Amy Coney Barrett was the least qualified nominee ever. Not even in Judge Jackson’s league.
More racist tropes. Good job.
Amy Coney Barrett was the least qualified nominee ever. Not even in Judge Jackson’s league.
Ha. Funny. She can barely stumble out an answer.

Jackson is way out of her league, and she is sitting in that seat because, and only because, she is a black woman. She got into Harvard due to AA.

It’s time for liberals to stop being so racist and make decisions as to who gets jobs to people based on skin color.
I'd prefer a justice chosen by merit.

What's next, a retarded person on the Supreme Court to represent them? How about an ex-felon to represent all the blacks and such that go to prison?
Her “merit” is indisputable.
This “lightweight” is more accomplished than four current justices.
Hardly. Being picked to fill a judgeship doesn’t mean she’s more accomplished if she got those jobs because of racist policies.

She’s only being considered for the SCOTUS because Biden said he wanted a black woman. THAT is what’s racist.
Both are well qualified. Lisa et al would toss off anyone who benefited from affirm action (except Clarence Thomas rolfmao).
I toss out people who aren’t impressive. This one is having trouble forming formulating responses.
Ha. Funny. She can barely stumble out an answer.

Jackson is way out of her league, and she is sitting in that seat because, and only because, she is a black woman. She got into Harvard due to AA.

It’s time for liberals to stop being so racist and make decisions as to who gets jobs to people based on skin color.
There it is. The AA trope. Y’all just love that one.
She's not qualified for the Supreme Court. She wasn't even familiar with the Dred Scott decision.
True! and she admitted she didn’t even watch the Kavanaugh hearings! I’m more interested in the SCOTUS than she is, appparenlty.
Her “merit” is indisputable.
Being picked as an affirmative action candidate is hardly merit! Pretty shocking, picking someone for the high court just because she's black and female. Same with the VP, and look how badly that is working out. Supposed victim status is NOT a good reason to choose someone for high office.
There it is. The AA trope. Y’all just love that one.
It’s not a trope. It’s a fact - and it’s racist. Blacks get into prestigious colleges with grades and scores well below whites who are rejected. Most valedictorians are rejected from Harvard - there are a lot more high schools than there are Harvard slots - and this one got in graduating #29!
I toss out people who aren’t impressive. This one is having trouble forming formulating responses.
You certainly aren’t particularly impressive yourself. You almost certainly struggle to follow the hearings at all.
There it is. The AA trope. Y’all just love that one.
Affirmative action types are no good and everyone knows it. I don't know who you leftists think you are fooling. We know you choose inferior people as affirmative action hires, and that's pretty terrible. If this shoo-in black for a Justice is as bad at her job as Caramel Harris is, that's a criminal waste of an important seat on the Court.
Being picked as an affirmative action candidate is hardly merit! Pretty shocking, picking someone for the high court just because she's black and female. Same with the VP, and look how badly that is working out. Supposed victim status is NOT a good reason to choose someone for high office.
She was picked for precisely for her merit and extensive record.

Burns your ass, huh?
You certainly aren’t particularly impressive yourself. You almost certainly struggle to follow the hearings at all.
Why just throw out gratuitous insults like that which make no sense at all? And for which you have no evidence, nothing? Darn.
Being picked as an affirmative action candidate is hardly merit! Pretty shocking, picking someone for the high court just because she's black and female. Same with the VP, and look how badly that is working out. Supposed victim status is NOT a good reason to choose someone for high office.
She’s gotten a lot of plum jobs due to her favored race status. I wonder if she knowns that, deep down, or she really feels she.’s superior to the 95% of possibilities that Biden eliminated From consideration.
It’s not a trope. It’s a fact - and it’s racist. Blacks get into prestigious colleges with grades and scores well below whites who are rejected. Most valedictorians are rejected from Harvard - there are a lot more high schools than there are Harvard slots - and this one got in graduating #29!
Link it, liar.

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