Senate and House pass last-minute deal to avert government shutdown


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Once again, the can is kicked~

The Senate and House on Thursday afternoon passed a deal party leaders reached late Wednesday to avert a government shutdown that would have affected hundreds of thousands of federal workers and slammed an economy still struggling to recover from the pandemic, all with just hours left to stave off a crisis.
The House passed the Senate version of the stopgap measure later Thursday afternoon, 254-175 and was headed to President Joe Biden's desk for his signature, just hours before the government technically runs out of money at the end of the day Thursday.
The bill does not include any provision to raise the nation's debt ceiling, though, after Republicans steadfastly rejected any attempt to include it.
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Just as I predicted, the GOP cucked out and voted with Dems.
I fully understand your position. If I thought that not passing it would be productive, I'd be there with you.
But, reality bites and there is a track record as to the past outcomes.
In the end, it gets passed, employees are paid back wages for doing nothing and the costs are
around 100 million for the kick start. Our government isn't perfect and never will be.
Once again, the can is kicked~

The Senate and House on Thursday afternoon passed a deal party leaders reached late Wednesday to avert a government shutdown that would have affected hundreds of thousands of federal workers and slammed an economy still struggling to recover from the pandemic, all with just hours left to stave off a crisis.
The House passed the Senate version of the stopgap measure later Thursday afternoon, 254-175 and was headed to President Joe Biden's desk for his signature, just hours before the government technically runs out of money at the end of the day Thursday.
The bill does not include any provision to raise the nation's debt ceiling, though, after Republicans steadfastly rejected any attempt to include it.
I saw your post, Mr. Fleegle, and went to the to find out how much we owe this moment. It said that our federal debt is closer to 29 trillion dollars than 28 trillion dollars. If every adult American paid the government about $229,000 we could clear our debt according to their stats for paying it off. So if every family unit of 2 adults would have to pay $458,000. Most people don't have homes that costly nor savings accounts nor that much in stocks. So Congress shouldn't be increasing the debt because we have an out of control amount of interest to pay in this mind-rattling amount of interest being heaped on like gravy on a great big turkey.
When we have to borrow money to keep the fucking government running doesn't that tell all you stupid Moon Bats that we are spending too much money for the federal government?

If you have to use your credit card to pay your monthly bills aren't you spending too much money each month?
And everyone who continues to support Republicans and Democrats are guilty of perpetuating the problem.

Because nobody has the political balls to tell granny shes not getting her social security check this week so some illegal in bum fuck a la carta, texas can get an eye exam free of charge. I said a week ago. No need to fear, there will always be a deal, usually at the last minute. All is good!
Another kick to the can....and the beat goes on---

Schumer announces deal with Republicans to extend debt ceiling into December
Senate Democrats announced Thursday they will move forward with a short-term extension of the debt limit, accepting an offer from their Republican counterparts to avoid the economic chaos that would come if the United States was unable to pay its bills.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Democrats and Republicans reached a deal to extend the debt ceiling into December. The Treasury Department said that if Congress didn't raise the nation's limit on borrowing soon, the United States would start defaulting on debts for the first time, starting Oct. 18.
"It's our hope that we can get this done as soon as today," Schumer said on the Senate floor.
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On the plus, neither 'infrastructure' bill was signed. This distraction did nothing to help the liberal agenda. In that sense it wasn't a total loss for the right. Every day a bill sits unpassed doesn't help it's chances.
Same old same old, but partisans of the two criminal gangs still magically think they’re different.
Passing anything that helps the average working person is always put aside in favor of keeping the very rich comfortable, And there very large donations flowing to those we jokingly call our leaders.

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