Sen. Elizabeth Warren

Shhhhh, her lying is not to be discussed per the op.

The OP allows for an open debate, the only caveat being non sequiturs meant to derail the issue will be ridiculed. So, feel free to respond in the vein, but don't be surprised if you get rewarded by the dumber partisan hacks and ignored by those of us who enjoy honest debate.

Typical doublespeak we come to expect from the left

Open debate closed to discussion I don't like.

The focus of the thread is on Sen. Warren and her ideas, yet the willfully ignorant and/or fools cannot or will not debate her ideas. Not that I expected anything of substance to come forth from the keyboard of fools.

That said, the debate on her ideas is open, prove that you can so engage or become known as one of the fools. Your choice.
Elizabeth "Lie-a-watha" Warren the fake Indian neglects to mention that she was a Corporate lawyer.

And now claims to be fighting for the little man against the big bad corporations.

Granny Warren speaks with forked tongue. ... :cool:
She's more corrupt than most in the senate:

Elizabeth Warren helped protect Dow Chemical against breast implant claims

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington?s ?Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians? | Judicial Watch

And of course the high cheek bones that the OP is trying to preempt:

For Elizabeth Warren, a bump becomes a hurdle - The Washington Post

This lady is rotten and corrupt but as long as she has a D beside her name WC will play along and claim her innocence.

Wry has focused the thread on the ideas Sen. Warren proffered; you choose to derail the thread by attacking her character, and mine.
She's more corrupt than most in the senate:

Elizabeth Warren helped protect Dow Chemical against breast implant claims

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington?s ?Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians? | Judicial Watch

And of course the high cheek bones that the OP is trying to preempt:

For Elizabeth Warren, a bump becomes a hurdle - The Washington Post

This lady is rotten and corrupt but as long as she has a D beside her name WC will play along and claim her innocence.

About the author of your first reference:

Cornell Law Prof Upset with Our Condiment-Elitist President > barack obama, Cornell, Harvard, politics, professors, this is why people hate the ivy league | IvyGate
Harvard Law graduate and Cornell professor William Jacobson is a member of an exclusive club, as he is one of the few arch-conservatives to make a home in Ithaca. Before this week, Jacobson was one of the lesser-known members of this group that also consists of Ann Coulter and the blind guy staunchly opposed to anal sex, even though his initials spell “A.S.S.” But this week, Jacobson catapulted himself through the ranks of the Big Red Staters, thanks to his shocking expose of liberal media bias in MSNBC’s coverage of President Obama’s trip to an Arlington burger joint on Tuesday.
She's more corrupt than most in the senate:

Elizabeth Warren helped protect Dow Chemical against breast implant claims

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington?s ?Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians? | Judicial Watch

And of course the high cheek bones that the OP is trying to preempt:

For Elizabeth Warren, a bump becomes a hurdle - The Washington Post

This lady is rotten and corrupt but as long as she has a D beside her name WC will play along and claim her innocence.

Wry has focused the thread on the ideas Sen. Warren proffered; you choose to derail the thread by attacking her character, and mine.

Judicial Watch was Trout's second reference. Say anything about Mr. Trout's commitment to reporting excellence?
She's more corrupt than most in the senate:

Elizabeth Warren helped protect Dow Chemical against breast implant claims

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington?s ?Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians? | Judicial Watch

And of course the high cheek bones that the OP is trying to preempt:

For Elizabeth Warren, a bump becomes a hurdle - The Washington Post

This lady is rotten and corrupt but as long as she has a D beside her name WC will play along and claim her innocence.

About the author of your first reference:

Cornell Law Prof Upset with Our Condiment-Elitist President > barack obama, Cornell, Harvard, politics, professors, this is why people hate the ivy league | IvyGate
Harvard Law graduate and Cornell professor William Jacobson is a member of an exclusive club, as he is one of the few arch-conservatives to make a home in Ithaca. Before this week, Jacobson was one of the lesser-known members of this group that also consists of Ann Coulter and the blind guy staunchly opposed to anal sex, even though his initials spell “A.S.S.” But this week, Jacobson catapulted himself through the ranks of the Big Red Staters, thanks to his shocking expose of liberal media bias in MSNBC’s coverage of President Obama’s trip to an Arlington burger joint on Tuesday.

it'a laughable really; everytime somebody works up the never to criticize the Left's cult idols; no matter how credible the criticism is; the rabid Left add that person to their enormous enemies list

libs are crybabies; losers, and hypocrites
She's more corrupt than most in the senate:

Elizabeth Warren helped protect Dow Chemical against breast implant claims

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington?s ?Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians? | Judicial Watch

And of course the high cheek bones that the OP is trying to preempt:

For Elizabeth Warren, a bump becomes a hurdle - The Washington Post

This lady is rotten and corrupt but as long as she has a D beside her name WC will play along and claim her innocence.

Wry has focused the thread on the ideas Sen. Warren proffered; you choose to derail the thread by attacking her character, and mine.

I didn't attack her character or yours. I simply stated that she is corrupt and there are facts that prove that assertion. Her ideas are average at best and insulting to just about anyone who can think.
She's more corrupt than most in the senate:

Elizabeth Warren helped protect Dow Chemical against breast implant claims

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington?s ?Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians? | Judicial Watch

And of course the high cheek bones that the OP is trying to preempt:

For Elizabeth Warren, a bump becomes a hurdle - The Washington Post

This lady is rotten and corrupt but as long as she has a D beside her name WC will play along and claim her innocence.

Wry has focused the thread on the ideas Sen. Warren proffered; you choose to derail the thread by attacking her character, and mine.

Judicial Watch was Trout's second reference. Say anything about Mr. Trout's commitment to reporting excellence?

it's hilarous when the Left is found crying at a dose of their own medicine when it comes to the politics of personal destruction. except in this isntance she brought it on herself
She's perfect for Democrats She has no experience in the real world less than two years in the Senate, and she lies at the drop of a feather.

Warren 2016
To each according to his needs! You didn't build that!! Yes, we can!

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"Note: This article is greatly indebted to the findings presented by Legal Insurrection."


there can be no valid criticism of my left-wing heros!!!!!!!!!!

"because your sources are biased; and we would never say anything bad about our leaders; even if it was true!!!"

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