Sen. Elizabeth Warren

"Note: This article is greatly indebted to the findings presented by Legal Insurrection."

And? The editorial is enclosed with known facts along with opinions. You can dispute the opinions. I don't necessarily care for the opinions.

You show me how valid the opinions are and I will show you how valid the "facts" are.
The OP allows for an open debate, the only caveat being non sequiturs meant to derail the issue will be ridiculed. So, feel free to respond in the vein, but don't be surprised if you get rewarded by the dumber partisan hacks and ignored by those of us who enjoy honest debate.

Typical doublespeak we come to expect from the left

Open debate closed to discussion I don't like.

The focus of the thread is on Sen. Warren and her ideas, yet the willfully ignorant and/or fools cannot or will not debate her ideas. Not that I expected anything of substance to come forth from the keyboard of fools.

That said, the debate on her ideas is open, prove that you can so engage or become known as one of the fools. Your choice.

So it wasn't her idea to lie about her heritage to further her career and make herself wealthy?
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"Note: This article is greatly indebted to the findings presented by Legal Insurrection."

And? The editorial is enclosed with known facts along with opinions. You can dispute the opinions. I don't necessarily care for the opinions.

You show me how valid the opinions are and I will show you how valid the "facts" are.

I can see that you are all in with warren despite her corrupt nature.
From the OP:

"And now the stupidest among us can replay Native American jokes since they have no ability to counter Sen. Warren's words."

Was I prescient? You Betcha!
She's obviously a Cherokee- look at those cheekbones!!

From the OP:

"And now the stupidest among us can replay Native American jokes since they have no ability to counter Sen. Warren's words."

Was I prescient? You Betcha!

you predicted people would logically concentrate on her lies and distortions?

why wouldnt they?

and you want a cookie for that?

Oh, that's a good one. Maybe you should run a Presidential campaign on that. :doubt:

this is what you do when you are presented with facts?
you didnt dispute it; you just got all smug and sarcastic

why would anybody take you seriously?

That's what happens when you smack them with some facts. They become arrogant and take on a very condescending nature.
Gee, this love-fest for Fauxcohontas didnt quite go the way Cumcatcher thought it would. Maybe it's because Warren is a corrupt hypocrite with nothing good to offer this country.

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