Self protection and gun ownership


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
I'll say straight up that I support the right to own a firearm. I believe that that police are not there to protect you, they are there to clean up the blood and find out who did it once a crime has been comitted. Ultimately, each person is responsible for his own self protection. This is achieved three ways:

1. Avoidance- This is how most people protect themselves. They live in safe communities, establish relationships with stable people, avoid travelling to unsafe areas. The majority of shootings occur late night, in drug areas, are gang related, related to cheating on a spouse or being involved in some criminal activity. This is why most Americans live their lives never having a need to protect themselves with a firearm

2. Flight- Basically, run away. Back away in a conflict. If someone with a gun wants your wallet or car....give it to him.

3. Fight- Be armed and know how to protect yourself. When faced with a threat, fight back

Most gun owners are responsible. They are trained in how to handle their weapons and when to use them. The problem with some views of self protection is that once they have Number 3, they think that Number 1 and 2 no longer apply to them. A person with a gun assumes a "I aint gunna take no shit" posture and refuses to back down in a conflict. This is where many unnecessary shootings occur.
I'll say straight up that I support the right to own a firearm. I believe that that police are not there to protect you, they are there to clean up the blood and find out who did it once a crime has been comitted. Ultimately, each person is responsible for his own self protection. This is achieved three ways:

1. Avoidance- This is how most people protect themselves. They live in safe communities, establish relationships with stable people, avoid travelling to unsafe areas. The majority of shootings occur late night, in drug areas, are gang related, related to cheating on a spouse or being involved in some criminal activity. This is why most Americans live their lives never having a need to protect themselves with a firearm

2. Flight- Basically, run away. Back away in a conflict. If someone with a gun wants your wallet or car....give it to him.

3. Fight- Be armed and know how to protect yourself. When faced with a threat, fight back

Most gun owners are responsible. They are trained in how to handle their weapons and when to use them. The problem with some views of self protection is that once they have Number 3, they think that Number 1 and 2 no longer apply to them. A person with a gun assumes a "I aint gunna take no shit" posture and refuses to back down in a conflict. This is where many unnecessary shootings occur.

I give em three seconds to run like hell
I'll say straight up that I support the right to own a firearm. I believe that that police are not there to protect you, they are there to clean up the blood and find out who did it once a crime has been comitted. Ultimately, each person is responsible for his own self protection. This is achieved three ways:

1. Avoidance- This is how most people protect themselves. They live in safe communities, establish relationships with stable people, avoid travelling to unsafe areas. The majority of shootings occur late night, in drug areas, are gang related, related to cheating on a spouse or being involved in some criminal activity. This is why most Americans live their lives never having a need to protect themselves with a firearm

2. Flight- Basically, run away. Back away in a conflict. If someone with a gun wants your wallet or car....give it to him.

3. Fight- Be armed and know how to protect yourself. When faced with a threat, fight back

Most gun owners are responsible. They are trained in how to handle their weapons and when to use them. The problem with some views of self protection is that once they have Number 3, they think that Number 1 and 2 no longer apply to them. A person with a gun assumes a "I aint gunna take no shit" posture and refuses to back down in a conflict. This is where many unnecessary shootings occur.

Some would disagree that they are unnecessary.
I'll say straight up that I support the right to own a firearm. I believe that that police are not there to protect you, they are there to clean up the blood and find out who did it once a crime has been comitted. Ultimately, each person is responsible for his own self protection. This is achieved three ways:

1. Avoidance- This is how most people protect themselves. They live in safe communities, establish relationships with stable people, avoid travelling to unsafe areas. The majority of shootings occur late night, in drug areas, are gang related, related to cheating on a spouse or being involved in some criminal activity. This is why most Americans live their lives never having a need to protect themselves with a firearm

2. Flight- Basically, run away. Back away in a conflict. If someone with a gun wants your wallet or car....give it to him.

3. Fight- Be armed and know how to protect yourself. When faced with a threat, fight back

Most gun owners are responsible. They are trained in how to handle their weapons and when to use them. The problem with some views of self protection is that once they have Number 3, they think that Number 1 and 2 no longer apply to them. A person with a gun assumes a "I aint gunna take no shit" posture and refuses to back down in a conflict. This is where many unnecessary shootings occur.

Some would disagree that they are unnecessary.

By unnecesary, I mean the unwillingness to back down in a confrontation.
The times someone insults your girlfriend or the times someone berates your driving skills when you have been in a minor accident.

To some people, having a gun means you can't back down in a confrontation. Sometimes in life, descretion is the better part of valor
I'll say straight up that I support the right to own a firearm. I believe that that police are not there to protect you, they are there to clean up the blood and find out who did it once a crime has been comitted. Ultimately, each person is responsible for his own self protection. This is achieved three ways:

1. Avoidance- This is how most people protect themselves. They live in safe communities, establish relationships with stable people, avoid travelling to unsafe areas. The majority of shootings occur late night, in drug areas, are gang related, related to cheating on a spouse or being involved in some criminal activity. This is why most Americans live their lives never having a need to protect themselves with a firearm

2. Flight- Basically, run away. Back away in a conflict. If someone with a gun wants your wallet or car....give it to him.

3. Fight- Be armed and know how to protect yourself. When faced with a threat, fight back

Most gun owners are responsible. They are trained in how to handle their weapons and when to use them. The problem with some views of self protection is that once they have Number 3, they think that Number 1 and 2 no longer apply to them. A person with a gun assumes a "I aint gunna take no shit" posture and refuses to back down in a conflict. This is where many unnecessary shootings occur.

Of course you have stats to back that up....because honestly, I've heard of very few "unnecessary" shootings when it comes to armed people protecting themselves.
I'll say straight up that I support the right to own a firearm. I believe that that police are not there to protect you, they are there to clean up the blood and find out who did it once a crime has been comitted. Ultimately, each person is responsible for his own self protection. This is achieved three ways:

1. Avoidance- This is how most people protect themselves. They live in safe communities, establish relationships with stable people, avoid travelling to unsafe areas. The majority of shootings occur late night, in drug areas, are gang related, related to cheating on a spouse or being involved in some criminal activity. This is why most Americans live their lives never having a need to protect themselves with a firearm

2. Flight- Basically, run away. Back away in a conflict. If someone with a gun wants your wallet or car....give it to him.

3. Fight- Be armed and know how to protect yourself. When faced with a threat, fight back

Most gun owners are responsible. They are trained in how to handle their weapons and when to use them. The problem with some views of self protection is that once they have Number 3, they think that Number 1 and 2 no longer apply to them. A person with a gun assumes a "I aint gunna take no shit" posture and refuses to back down in a conflict. This is where many unnecessary shootings occur.

Of course you have stats to back that up....because honestly, I've heard of very few "unnecessary" shootings when it comes to armed people protecting themselves.

Of course he does not, it is just a "gut" feeling. Feeling being the operative word. Something liberals need to learn do not make facts.
I'll say straight up that I support the right to own a firearm. I believe that that police are not there to protect you, they are there to clean up the blood and find out who did it once a crime has been comitted. Ultimately, each person is responsible for his own self protection. This is achieved three ways:

1. Avoidance- This is how most people protect themselves. They live in safe communities, establish relationships with stable people, avoid travelling to unsafe areas. The majority of shootings occur late night, in drug areas, are gang related, related to cheating on a spouse or being involved in some criminal activity. This is why most Americans live their lives never having a need to protect themselves with a firearm

2. Flight- Basically, run away. Back away in a conflict. If someone with a gun wants your wallet or car....give it to him.

3. Fight- Be armed and know how to protect yourself. When faced with a threat, fight back

Most gun owners are responsible. They are trained in how to handle their weapons and when to use them. The problem with some views of self protection is that once they have Number 3, they think that Number 1 and 2 no longer apply to them. A person with a gun assumes a "I aint gunna take no shit" posture and refuses to back down in a conflict. This is where many unnecessary shootings occur.

Of course you have stats to back that up....because honestly, I've heard of very few "unnecessary" shootings when it comes to armed people protecting themselves.

Of course he does not, it is just a "gut" feeling. Feeling being the operative word. Something liberals need to learn do not make facts.

Most gun owners are responsible. In fact, the majority of gun owners never need to use their guns in self defense. The problem is that when you have a gun, you are unwilling to back down once confronted.
You are in a bar and someone asks you to step outside. Someone is involved in a minor car accident and challenges you. There are times when you are better off backing away than escallating a situation.
Of course you have stats to back that up....because honestly, I've heard of very few "unnecessary" shootings when it comes to armed people protecting themselves.

Of course he does not, it is just a "gut" feeling. Feeling being the operative word. Something liberals need to learn do not make facts.

Most gun owners are responsible. In fact, the majority of gun owners never need to use their guns in self defense. The problem is that when you have a gun, you are unwilling to back down once confronted.
You are in a bar and someone asks you to step outside. Someone is involved in a minor car accident and challenges you. There are times when you are better off backing away than escallating a situation.

Your first two sentences are mutually exclusive to the rest of your post.

THATS what people are trying to point out to you.
Of course you have stats to back that up....because honestly, I've heard of very few "unnecessary" shootings when it comes to armed people protecting themselves.

Of course he does not, it is just a "gut" feeling. Feeling being the operative word. Something liberals need to learn do not make facts.

Most gun owners are responsible. In fact, the majority of gun owners never need to use their guns in self defense. The problem is that when you have a gun, you are unwilling to back down once confronted.
You are in a bar and someone asks you to step outside. Someone is involved in a minor car accident and challenges you. There are times when you are better off backing away than escallating a situation.

Provide some actual facts to back up your claim.
You all get what the OP is saying.

Why be an ass about it?

Because the OP contains asinine statements.

So you dont have the ability to read between the lines?

Or do you, but just choose to make a mountian out of a molehill and derail a perfectly good thread?

And I bet that anyone on here giving the OP shit would cry foul if anyone else jumped on your ass like this.

Just saying.
You all get what the OP is saying.

Why be an ass about it?

Because the OP contains asinine statements.

So you dont have the ability to read between the lines?

Or do you, but just choose to make a mountian out of a molehill and derail a perfectly good thread?

And I bet that anyone on here giving the OP shit would cry foul if anyone else jumped on your ass like this.

Just saying.

His entire premise is bullshit. He does not even have any facts to back up his "feelings". I am pretty sure if we had a bunch of bar shootings by angry patrons we would hear about it. And the so very few road rage attacks are beyond unimportant. Do they occur? Sure just like a crazied idiot drives a car into a group of Bystanders on purpose. But so few occur as to be meaningless statistically.

There is no problem with people that legally own guns not backing down cause they are packing. In fact these idiotic claims were made in EVERY State that recently added the right to concealed carry. And no shoot outs , no spike in murderous rages with guns has occurred in ANY of them. THAT is the point.
I have a Glock 23 and a Remington 870 Shotgun. My wife is afraid of guns and doesn't want to shoot anyone but as I tell her:

"You don't have to actually shoot an intruder. You can just shoot the walls, floor or cabinets, that could be enough to scare them off".
Then again, I live in a society where guns are not prevalent, yet you live in the land of the brave and home of the free. Having to have a gun because you're scared shitless hardly qualifies as free IMO....
Then again, I live in a society where guns are not prevalent, yet you live in the land of the brave and home of the free. Having to have a gun because you're scared shitless hardly qualifies as free IMO....

Who's scared shitless? When you live in a country where people accept they are responsible for their own safety, you find people who are self-sufficient and who don't like the idea of waiting until the cops arrive to take care of any threat that may present itself.

BTW, I live approximately 200 miles from the nearest hospital, and cougar and bear abound. We also have livestock and dogs, which every now and then need to be dispatched. We have no city police, our police force consists of a sheriff's department which consists of a couple of dufuses who mean well, but don't exactly instill confidence. Add that to the fact that our roads are a trafficking highway for drug runners, due to the fact that they're so lightly patrolled...or not patrolled at all.

We'll just keep our guns, thanks.
PS: Burglary and murder are non-existent here. We don't even lock our doors.

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