See the vax numbers for yourselves in the highest vaxed countries, these mandates are far beyond criminal.


Did you call me a Nazi or fascist with your "Thanks"?


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Did you call me a Nazi or fascist with your "thanks"?
If the shoe fits wear it. I will call anyone that if they force feed vaccines. Haven't seen you say force people to yet.

Your feelings are hurt easy aren't they.............wrong place to be then.
If the shoe fits wear it. I will call anyone that if they force feed vaccines. Haven't seen you say force people to yet.

Your feelings are hurt easy aren't they.............wrong place to be then.

Did you call me a Nazi or fascist with your "thanks"?
If you are ordering others to take a vaccine and would use COHERSION FROM THE GOV'T to do so.

Then YES. I AM .

Aha. Then you have a very big problem. First: It's not a free decision to infect others - this is a grievous bodily harm. Second: It is a crime to call someone "Nazi" on not any reason to have do so. This is on its own a Nazi-like attitude. Specially in case of people who have family members who were victims of a genocid and who are on their own on the death list of Nazis.
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The data is indefensible. The government mandates are indefensible aside from the ethical arguments. I’ve been saying this for months, back when the data was showing red flags, not deafening klaxons like it is now. No, I’m not a prophet. This is basic understanding of virology and immunology. We do not have a vaccine for HIV because it is a rapidly mutating RNA virus. We certainly have the tech to make one, the problem is once you put it out there, it creates an evolutionarily pressure on the virus that it can easily defeat. Same with SARS COV 2. It is also a rapidly mutating RNA virus. What’s even more insane is that the supposed immunity granted by the vaccines is severely narrow. A single protein. One of many on the virus. This means the virus doesn’t have to make drastic changes to beat the vaccine, it merely needs the equivalent of the fake glasses with the nose and mustache as a disguise to beat the vaccine.

The “need” for “boosters” will never end. The boosters will not work. The “vaccine” will never catch up.

Protect yourselves. The single best thing you can do is take vitamin D supplements. At least 5000 iu a day (same dose heir fauci takes). Winter is here, you’re wearing more layers of clothes. The little time you actually spend in the sunlight is being blocked by you long sleeves and pants. Obviously vitamin C is also great. Also take vitamin K2 to help with absorption of those supplements. The correlation of vitamin D deficiency and covid hospitalization is immensely strong. Vitamin D is a crucial hormone for immune function , as well as many other bodily functions.

Please please please heed this advice. whether you believe the vaccine stuff or not. Do the research yourselves on vitamin D if you wish.

Leftist are at it again. Whenever something doesn't fit the narrative, they change the definition.

mRNA shots are not vaccines. Period.

Now about mandates.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." C.S. Lewis

We are two years into COVID madness. Several European countries announced full lockdowns with the unvaccinated bearing the harshest restrictions, Austria first with their new PM, Germany is not far behind, no surprise with those two. Defying Einstein’s dictum that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Another "freedom loving" country, France, has adjusted its definition of inoculation for the elderly to include a mandatory third shot.

The biggest surprise is Australia, who became open-air prison ready on the trigger of just a few cases to retreat to restrictions of movement beggaring Orwell’s dystopic imagination. Their road to dictatorship wasn't that long, since they gave their guns away. Maybe we should invade them, like we invaded so many others when they became tyrannical.

And I said it earlier, for all those who support mandates, if you've ever wondered whether you would have complied during 1930's Germany, now you know.

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