Security Risks In Our Government


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
What's the difference between Chelsea Manning and Lt Col Vindman?

One acted on their own......the other acted as part of a conspiracy on behalf of the former Obama Administration.


Lt. Col Alexander Vindman gave testimony against President Trump, claiming that that there was indeed a quid, a pro, and a quo involved in Trump’s now famous phone call to the Ukraine. This seemed damning until it was revealed that Vindman was not an American, but a Ukrainian immigrant , and was therefore likely a double agent.

The accusation was met with anger from the left. Harsh words flew at the White House saying that it was deplorable to say such things about a war hero, but now, once again, the President has been vindicated. Alexander Vindman will be tried as a spy.

Sources say that formal charges will be coming soon and that a preliminary investigation has revealed no question of his guilt. Joe Barron of the Justice Department provided a few details:

“Lt. Col. Vindman may appear squeaky clean but the truth is he’s a dirty, ugly, stupid traitor. He came from the Ukraine and infiltrated our armed forces many years ago, then rose in the ranks.

He was sly and convincing enough to have made it into a position of personal advisory to the White House under Obama. President Trump trusted his predecessor’s judgement about Vindman’s abilities and trustworthiness but sees now that this was a mistake. Other Obama appointees will soon be revetted.​


Trump Accuser Alex Vindman To Be Charged As A Spy

The Espionage Act of 1917: Definition, Summary, and History

Alexander Vindman's lawyers demanded a retraction from Fox News after a guest suggested he was a spy with split loyalties
You're link is from a web site dedicated to satire ... that's means it was a joke ... something to fool foolish people with ...

There is no Joe Barron working at DoJ ... “Lt. Col. Vindman may appear squeaky clean but the truth is he’s a dirty, ugly, stupid traitor." ... that quote is strictly illegal for a prosecutor to give, not until DoJ submits the evidence to the court for approval to be used in the trial ... besides, military personnel are prosecuted under the UCMJ, not the DoJ ...

I want Hunter Biden ... and I want Hunter Biden in front of the Senate ... and I want Hunter Biden to answer their questions, all of them ... I'm a liberal, not a Democrat ...
Obama knew Vindman was a spy...He probably got paid millions from the Ukraine to hire him....
Obama's government was riddled with spies and traitors, just like FDR/Truman's and Harold Wilson's (UK) governments after WW2. When will we ever learn?
There are 537 major players in DC- they are all a security risk to Liberty.
Obama's government was riddled with spies and traitors, just like FDR/Truman's and Harold Wilson's (UK) governments after WW2. When will we ever learn?
Not as long as there are Democrats. Look up Tammany Hall. Also ,Jefferson Davis was a Democrat. As was Boss Tweed.And Mayor Daly. George Wallace. Lester Maddox. Bull Connors. And that famous Bootlegger Joseph Kennedy.
Obama's government was riddled with spies and traitors, just like FDR/Truman's and Harold Wilson's (UK) governments after WW2. When will we ever learn?
Not as long as there are Democrats. Look up Tammany Hall. Also ,Jefferson Davis was a Democrat. As was Boss Tweed.And Mayor Daly. George Wallace. Lester Maddox. Bull Connors. And that famous Bootlegger Joseph Kennedy.

I bet Frederick the Great appreciates you taking that avi.
I like it, too....hope it applies.

Welcome to the board and the battles.

The Democrat Party.....the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.
Currently pushing anti-white racism.
You're link is from a web site dedicated to satire ... that's means it was a joke ... something to fool foolish people with ...

There is no Joe Barron working at DoJ ... “Lt. Col. Vindman may appear squeaky clean but the truth is he’s a dirty, ugly, stupid traitor." ... that quote is strictly illegal for a prosecutor to give, not until DoJ submits the evidence to the court for approval to be used in the trial ... besides, military personnel are prosecuted under the UCMJ, not the DoJ ...

I want Hunter Biden ... and I want Hunter Biden in front of the Senate ... and I want Hunter Biden to answer their questions, all of them ... I'm a liberal, not a Democrat ...
Satire or not, Vindman transmitted classified material to people with no need to know...A very serious breach of the UCMJ.....He deserves to be court martialed and run out of the military, if not imprisoned.
Satire or not, Vindman transmitted classified material to people with no need to know...A very serious breach of the UCMJ.....He deserves to be court martialed and run out of the military, if not imprisoned.

The information that "Vindman transmitted classified material to people with no need to know" would itself be classified ... how is it you know this information, and do you know how serious a felony it is for you to post it here? ...

Obviously, the material wasn't classified ... that's the joke ... ha ha ha ... get it? ...
Obama's government was riddled with spies and traitors, just like FDR/Truman's and Harold Wilson's (UK) governments after WW2. When will we ever learn?
Not as long as there are Democrats. Look up Tammany Hall. Also ,Jefferson Davis was a Democrat. As was Boss Tweed.And Mayor Daly. George Wallace. Lester Maddox. Bull Connors. And that famous Bootlegger Joseph Kennedy.

I bet Frederick the Great appreciates you taking that avi.
I like it, too....hope it applies.

Welcome to the board and the battles.

The Democrat Party.....the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.
Currently pushing anti-white racism.
. Frederick liked Foxes? Anyway ,the Dems usta have folks like Hubert Humphrey. Pat Moynahan. Tip O'neill. Adlai Stevenson. See any of those now? I sure don't.
Obama's government was riddled with spies and traitors, just like FDR/Truman's and Harold Wilson's (UK) governments after WW2. When will we ever learn?
Not as long as there are Democrats. Look up Tammany Hall. Also ,Jefferson Davis was a Democrat. As was Boss Tweed.And Mayor Daly. George Wallace. Lester Maddox. Bull Connors. And that famous Bootlegger Joseph Kennedy.

I bet Frederick the Great appreciates you taking that avi.
I like it, too....hope it applies.

Welcome to the board and the battles.

The Democrat Party.....the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.
Currently pushing anti-white racism.
. Frederick liked Foxes? Anyway ,the Dems usta have folks like Hubert Humphrey. Pat Moynahan. Tip O'neill. Adlai Stevenson. See any of those now? I sure don't.

He built San Souci.

Obama's government was riddled with spies and traitors, just like FDR/Truman's and Harold Wilson's (UK) governments after WW2. When will we ever learn?
Not as long as there are Democrats. Look up Tammany Hall. Also ,Jefferson Davis was a Democrat. As was Boss Tweed.And Mayor Daly. George Wallace. Lester Maddox. Bull Connors. And that famous Bootlegger Joseph Kennedy.

I bet Frederick the Great appreciates you taking that avi.
I like it, too....hope it applies.

Welcome to the board and the battles.

The Democrat Party.....the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.
Currently pushing anti-white racism.
. Frederick liked Foxes? Anyway ,the Dems usta have folks like Hubert Humphrey. Pat Moynahan. Tip O'neill. Adlai Stevenson. See any of those now? I sure don't.

He built San Souci.

View attachment 305058
Hmmmm… Didn't know that. I got the name from Sans Souci Bar-Grill in Ventura.
Obama's government was riddled with spies and traitors, just like FDR/Truman's and Harold Wilson's (UK) governments after WW2. When will we ever learn?
Not as long as there are Democrats. Look up Tammany Hall. Also ,Jefferson Davis was a Democrat. As was Boss Tweed.And Mayor Daly. George Wallace. Lester Maddox. Bull Connors. And that famous Bootlegger Joseph Kennedy.

I bet Frederick the Great appreciates you taking that avi.
I like it, too....hope it applies.

Welcome to the board and the battles.
O'neill. Adlai Stevenson. See any of those now? I sure don't.

He built San Souci.

View attachment 305058
Hmmmm… Didn't know that. I got the name from Sans Souci Bar-Grill in Ventura.

It means 'without a worry.'

I hope it fits.
Not as long as there are Democrats. Look up Tammany Hall. Also ,Jefferson Davis was a Democrat. As was Boss Tweed.And Mayor Daly. George Wallace. Lester Maddox. Bull Connors. And that famous Bootlegger Joseph Kennedy.

I bet Frederick the Great appreciates you taking that avi.
I like it, too....hope it applies.

Welcome to the board and the battles.
O'neill. Adlai Stevenson. See any of those now? I sure don't.

He built San Souci.

View attachment 305058
Hmmmm… Didn't know that. I got the name from Sans Souci Bar-Grill in Ventura.

It means 'without a worry.'

I hope it fits.
Guess I could quote a great Philosopher in saying "What ,Me worry"? (Alfred E Neuman)

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