Secretary Tillerson distances himself from Trump: "The president speaks for himself"

The real story here is that The Secretary of State says the president only speaks for himself.
who else does he speak for? I speak for myself. Don't you, do you speak for others, or do you need people to back your fairytales all the time?
NITWIT The President is supposed to speak for the nation this jerk speaks for himself and very few others
Nitwit, the comment was an assertion that the Secretary of State doesn't speak for the president, but that the president is able to speak for himself. And he is. He's happy and quite able to speak for himself. It's wonderful.
the comment was an assertion that the Secretary of State doesn't speak for the president, but that the president is able to speak for himself.

Positively speaking, he can. Normatively speaking, we're all better for it when he doesn't.
All he was saying is that the President can speak for himself.
I find it hilarious that the libs have no idea. wow, it is surprising that these elitist lefts can wipe their own asses.

I don't understand what they're even after here.

The fact that you and others don't understand what is being said here is an indication of how clueless you truly are.

Tillerson is distancing himself from Trump, Trump's policies and his administration. There have been reports that Tillerson, who truly is a remarkable businessman, is deeply unhappy presiding over the dismantling of the State Department, and will be resigning by year's end. This interview gives credence to those reports.

It also demonstrates how wilfully ignorant and uninformed Trumpanzees are.
how is that distancing himself exactly? He doesn't talk for the president. I don't want anyone talking for the president. That is what he is saying, he doesn't speak for the president. it seems you are the one with the real issue. but thanks for playing.

Then why does the President have a press secretary? Why does he send out "surrogates" to clarify his statements. It's bullshit to say that "No one speaks for the President" when he has an entire Communications Department in his Administration whose job is to speak for and on behalf of the President.
I find it hilarious that the libs have no idea. wow, it is surprising that these elitist lefts can wipe their own asses.

I don't understand what they're even after here.

The fact that you and others don't understand what is being said here is an indication of how clueless you truly are.

Tillerson is distancing himself from Trump, Trump's policies and his administration. There have been reports that Tillerson, who truly is a remarkable businessman, is deeply unhappy presiding over the dismantling of the State Department, and will be resigning by year's end. This interview gives credence to those reports.

It also demonstrates how wilfully ignorant and uninformed Trumpanzees are.
how is that distancing himself exactly? He doesn't talk for the president. I don't want anyone talking for the president. That is what he is saying, he doesn't speak for the president. it seems you are the one with the real issue. but thanks for playing.

Then why does the President have a press secretary? Why does he send out "surrogates" to clarify his statements. It's bullshit to say that "No one speaks for the President" when he has an entire Communications Department in his Administration whose job is to speak for and on behalf of the President.

Well...sure, he has a Communications Team, but their job seems to be "What the President meant was..."

Then he goes on Twitter or TV to contradict their interpretation of "what he meant".

I don't understand what they're even after here.

The fact that you and others don't understand what is being said here is an indication of how clueless you truly are.

Tillerson is distancing himself from Trump, Trump's policies and his administration. There have been reports that Tillerson, who truly is a remarkable businessman, is deeply unhappy presiding over the dismantling of the State Department, and will be resigning by year's end. This interview gives credence to those reports.

It also demonstrates how wilfully ignorant and uninformed Trumpanzees are.
how is that distancing himself exactly? He doesn't talk for the president. I don't want anyone talking for the president. That is what he is saying, he doesn't speak for the president. it seems you are the one with the real issue. but thanks for playing.

Then why does the President have a press secretary? Why does he send out "surrogates" to clarify his statements. It's bullshit to say that "No one speaks for the President" when he has an entire Communications Department in his Administration whose job is to speak for and on behalf of the President.

Well...sure, he has a Communications Team, but their job seems to be "What the President meant was..."

Then he goes on Twitter or TV to contradict their interpretation of "what he meant".
no they never speak for the president.
I find it hilarious that the libs have no idea. wow, it is surprising that these elitist lefts can wipe their own asses.

I don't understand what they're even after here.

The fact that you and others don't understand what is being said here is an indication of how clueless you truly are.

Tillerson is distancing himself from Trump, Trump's policies and his administration. There have been reports that Tillerson, who truly is a remarkable businessman, is deeply unhappy presiding over the dismantling of the State Department, and will be resigning by year's end. This interview gives credence to those reports.

It also demonstrates how wilfully ignorant and uninformed Trumpanzees are.
how is that distancing himself exactly? He doesn't talk for the president. I don't want anyone talking for the president. That is what he is saying, he doesn't speak for the president. it seems you are the one with the real issue. but thanks for playing.

Then why does the President have a press secretary? Why does he send out "surrogates" to clarify his statements. It's bullshit to say that "No one speaks for the President" when he has an entire Communications Department in his Administration whose job is to speak for and on behalf of the President.
to explain the position of the cabinet what is going on daily, and to take questions and answer to the best of their ability. what do you think they're for?
I don't understand what they're even after here.

The fact that you and others don't understand what is being said here is an indication of how clueless you truly are.

Tillerson is distancing himself from Trump, Trump's policies and his administration. There have been reports that Tillerson, who truly is a remarkable businessman, is deeply unhappy presiding over the dismantling of the State Department, and will be resigning by year's end. This interview gives credence to those reports.

It also demonstrates how wilfully ignorant and uninformed Trumpanzees are.
how is that distancing himself exactly? He doesn't talk for the president. I don't want anyone talking for the president. That is what he is saying, he doesn't speak for the president. it seems you are the one with the real issue. but thanks for playing.

Then why does the President have a press secretary? Why does he send out "surrogates" to clarify his statements. It's bullshit to say that "No one speaks for the President" when he has an entire Communications Department in his Administration whose job is to speak for and on behalf of the President.

Well...sure, he has a Communications Team, but their job seems to be "What the President meant was..."

Then he goes on Twitter or TV to contradict their interpretation of "what he meant".
no they never speak for the president.

You're right. They attempt to do damage control. Then disaster Donnie sets about undoing it and causes MORE damage.
So, what words of wisdom did he say?
I see dog shit left by Orange Clown and will not step in dog shit. I didn't need to run Exxon to know this.
Does it smell like dog shit?

We wouldn't want to dissuade you of the notion that Drumph shits vanilla ice cream. He has great hair too, right?
his hair sucks. so what?

I'd like to hear that from Muddy. How about his shit? Do it it smell like shit or roses?

I don't understand what they're even after here.

The fact that you and others don't understand what is being said here is an indication of how clueless you truly are.

Tillerson is distancing himself from Trump, Trump's policies and his administration. There have been reports that Tillerson, who truly is a remarkable businessman, is deeply unhappy presiding over the dismantling of the State Department, and will be resigning by year's end. This interview gives credence to those reports.

It also demonstrates how wilfully ignorant and uninformed Trumpanzees are.
how is that distancing himself exactly? He doesn't talk for the president. I don't want anyone talking for the president. That is what he is saying, he doesn't speak for the president. it seems you are the one with the real issue. but thanks for playing.

Then why does the President have a press secretary? Why does he send out "surrogates" to clarify his statements. It's bullshit to say that "No one speaks for the President" when he has an entire Communications Department in his Administration whose job is to speak for and on behalf of the President.
to explain the position of the cabinet what is going on daily, and to take questions and answer to the best of their ability. what do you think they're for?

Cabinet members usually speak for themselves. Spicer was always speaking for the President and saying "I'll have to get back to you" whenever Trump's tweets embarrassed him.

But nice attempt.
to explain the position of the cabinet what is going on daily, and to take questions and answer to the best of their ability. what do you think they're for?

Sometimes I feel soooo sorry for our lefties :crybaby: other times I just hafta sit back and enjoy the entertainment/drama :dance:.

Oh the Agony of Defeat and the Ecstasy of Delusion. :boohoo: The handwringing and the gnashing of teefus's :banghead:...all because of a failure to comprehend the difference between a spokesman and a Secretary of State. :eusa_doh:(in all fairness it's not as if our previous two Sec's of State were models of excellence, imho)

I'm desperately worried about the status of our dear leftists mental health over the next few years - at this melt down rate there may be nothing left of the noble left but quivering heaps of jellied raw nerve endings. :popcorn:

I'm sure not going to clean up that mess, are you? ;)

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