Second lowest minimum for Arctic ice


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Second lowest minimum for Arctic ice

17 September 2016

Arctic ice cover in 2016 reached the second lowest minimum on record, tied with 2007.

The sea-ice extent on 10 September stood at 4.14 million sq km, some way short of the 3.39 million sq km record low in 2012.
Arctic sea-ice cover grows each autumn and winter, and shrinks each spring and summer.
It has long been regarded as a sensitive indicator of change to the Earth's climatic system.
The ice extent has been tracked by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado, using satellite measurements.

Well, considering 2012 was a extreme set-up(anomaly) this is quite newsworthy.
Within 2 standard deviations... Normal

Freeze and ice recovery has started. Without warm flows the ice will rebound this year substantially. Cold flows are present in both oceans now and the Atlantic conveyor is now settled and will remain so for about 30 years.

NOAA canceled the La Niña even though we are firmly in one and the region 3-4 ocean temps continue to fall..

NOAA and NSIDC have doctored their data so badly its useless.. Trying to influence the election cycle..

More breathless Matthew postings and crying WOLF, WOLF, WOLF....

And no step increase in GAT... its dead flat today.. and by December it will show the pause at 19 years 6 months with a cooling trend of 14 years 4 months.

Interesting times ahead...
Silly Billy not only lies about what two standard deviations means, he also lies about the fact that we are still outside of two standard deviations.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

A plot of a normal distribution (or bell-shaped curve) where each band has a width of 1 standard deviation – See also: 68–95–99.7 rule

Cumulative probability of a normal distribution with expected value 0 and standard deviation 1.
In statistics, the standard deviation (SD, also represented by the Greek letter sigma σ or the Latin letter s) is a measure
that is used to quantify the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of data values.[1] A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be close to the mean (also called the expected value) of the set, while a high standard deviation indicates that the data points are spread out over a wider range of values.
Second lowest minimum for Arctic ice

17 September 2016

Second lowest minimum for Arctic ice

17 September 2016

Arctic ice cover in 2016 reached the second lowest minimum on record, tied with 2007.

The sea-ice extent on 10 September stood at 4.14 million sq km, some way short of the 3.39 million sq km record low in 2012.
Arctic sea-ice cover grows each autumn and winter, and shrinks each spring and summer.
It has long been regarded as a sensitive indicator of change to the Earth's climatic system.
The ice extent has been tracked by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado, using satellite measurements.

Well, considering 2012 was a extreme set-up(anomaly) this is quite newsworthy.

Arctic ice cover in 2016 reached the second lowest minimum on record, tied with 2007.

The sea-ice extent on 10 September stood at 4.14 million sq km, some way short of the 3.39 million sq km record low in 2012.
Arctic sea-ice cover grows each autumn and winter, and shrinks each spring and summer.
It has long been regarded as a sensitive indicator of change to the Earth's climatic system.
The ice extent has been tracked by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado, using satellite measurements.

Well, considering 2012 was a extreme set-up(anomaly) this is quite newsworthy.

Second lowest EVAH in 4.5 billion year's? Or just like 150 years when they started to keep records?

Silly ass Billy. You were wrong for over a year, completely wrong, concerning the El Nino. Now you are being proven wrong about the weak or borderline La Nina. You fraudently claim to have a degree in sciences, and prove with every post that you do not even have a basic foundation, sophomore level education in science of any kind. Yes, I quote and post the data from real scientists, not frauds like you and Mr. Westwall.
Second lowest minimum for Arctic ice

17 September 2016

Second lowest minimum for Arctic ice

17 September 2016

Arctic ice cover in 2016 reached the second lowest minimum on record, tied with 2007.

The sea-ice extent on 10 September stood at 4.14 million sq km, some way short of the 3.39 million sq km record low in 2012.
Arctic sea-ice cover grows each autumn and winter, and shrinks each spring and summer.
It has long been regarded as a sensitive indicator of change to the Earth's climatic system.
The ice extent has been tracked by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado, using satellite measurements.

Well, considering 2012 was a extreme set-up(anomaly) this is quite newsworthy.

Arctic ice cover in 2016 reached the second lowest minimum on record, tied with 2007.

The sea-ice extent on 10 September stood at 4.14 million sq km, some way short of the 3.39 million sq km record low in 2012.
Arctic sea-ice cover grows each autumn and winter, and shrinks each spring and summer.
It has long been regarded as a sensitive indicator of change to the Earth's climatic system.
The ice extent has been tracked by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado, using satellite measurements.

Well, considering 2012 was a extreme set-up(anomaly) this is quite newsworthy.

Second lowest EVAH in 4.5 billion year's? Or just like 150 years when they started to keep records?

Second lowest in human civilization, kind of like when it counts for us, you demented ass. Lordy, the silly diversions you stupid "Conservatives" will go to to avoid the obvious.
Second lowest minimum for Arctic ice

17 September 2016

Second lowest minimum for Arctic ice

17 September 2016

Arctic ice cover in 2016 reached the second lowest minimum on record, tied with 2007.

The sea-ice extent on 10 September stood at 4.14 million sq km, some way short of the 3.39 million sq km record low in 2012.
Arctic sea-ice cover grows each autumn and winter, and shrinks each spring and summer.
It has long been regarded as a sensitive indicator of change to the Earth's climatic system.
The ice extent has been tracked by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado, using satellite measurements.

Well, considering 2012 was a extreme set-up(anomaly) this is quite newsworthy.

Arctic ice cover in 2016 reached the second lowest minimum on record, tied with 2007.

The sea-ice extent on 10 September stood at 4.14 million sq km, some way short of the 3.39 million sq km record low in 2012.
Arctic sea-ice cover grows each autumn and winter, and shrinks each spring and summer.
It has long been regarded as a sensitive indicator of change to the Earth's climatic system.
The ice extent has been tracked by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado, using satellite measurements.

Well, considering 2012 was a extreme set-up(anomaly) this is quite newsworthy.

Second lowest EVAH in 4.5 billion year's? Or just like 150 years when they started to keep records?

Second lowest in human civilization, kind of like when it counts for us, you demented ass. Lordy, the silly diversions you stupid "Conservatives" will go to to avoid the obvious.

You and cricks new talking points crack me up, you both sound like the 6,000 year old earth bible thumpers now..

"Well see, the earth is 4.5 billion years old see, but don't look at that see..just look at the past 12,000 years see... "

Blow it out your butt old rocks..
Second lowest minimum for Arctic ice

17 September 2016

Second lowest minimum for Arctic ice

17 September 2016

Arctic ice cover in 2016 reached the second lowest minimum on record, tied with 2007.

The sea-ice extent on 10 September stood at 4.14 million sq km, some way short of the 3.39 million sq km record low in 2012.
Arctic sea-ice cover grows each autumn and winter, and shrinks each spring and summer.
It has long been regarded as a sensitive indicator of change to the Earth's climatic system.
The ice extent has been tracked by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado, using satellite measurements.

Well, considering 2012 was a extreme set-up(anomaly) this is quite newsworthy.

Arctic ice cover in 2016 reached the second lowest minimum on record, tied with 2007.

The sea-ice extent on 10 September stood at 4.14 million sq km, some way short of the 3.39 million sq km record low in 2012.
Arctic sea-ice cover grows each autumn and winter, and shrinks each spring and summer.
It has long been regarded as a sensitive indicator of change to the Earth's climatic system.
The ice extent has been tracked by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado, using satellite measurements.

Well, considering 2012 was a extreme set-up(anomaly) this is quite newsworthy.

Second lowest EVAH in 4.5 billion year's? Or just like 150 years when they started to keep records?

Second lowest in human civilization, kind of like when it counts for us, you demented ass. Lordy, the silly diversions you stupid "Conservatives" will go to to avoid the obvious.

Trying to get you to look objectively at this is like teaching a rock how to jump. Your so set on your lack of perspective and lack of cognitive thought you will do and say what your told to further your agenda.

The facts call you out as a liar.. Your head is so firmly implanted its not worth my time to keep undoing your lies..
And Antartic sea ice levels hit a new high a couple of years ago. Ohnoooesss we're all going to die from a new ice age!

Again what would you rather have an ice age or global warming? You will get one or the other.

We are already in an Ice Age. Interestingly, even the British Natural History Museum agrees. I visited there last week. The exhibit on the history of the earth shows that we are in an ice age compared to prior eras of much warmer temperatures. We're not at the glacial giant show ball stage, but we are certainly not in danger of the oceans boiling away the ice caps.
Second lowest minimum for Arctic ice

17 September 2016

Second lowest minimum for Arctic ice

17 September 2016

Well, considering 2012 was a extreme set-up(anomaly) this is quite newsworthy.

Arctic ice cover in 2016 reached the second lowest minimum on record, tied with 2007.

The sea-ice extent on 10 September stood at 4.14 million sq km, some way short of the 3.39 million sq km record low in 2012.
Arctic sea-ice cover grows each autumn and winter, and shrinks each spring and summer.
It has long been regarded as a sensitive indicator of change to the Earth's climatic system.
The ice extent has been tracked by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado, using satellite measurements.

Well, considering 2012 was a extreme set-up(anomaly) this is quite newsworthy.

Second lowest EVAH in 4.5 billion year's? Or just like 150 years when they started to keep records?

Second lowest in human civilization, kind of like when it counts for us, you demented ass. Lordy, the silly diversions you stupid "Conservatives" will go to to avoid the obvious.

Trying to get you to look objectively at this is like teaching a rock how to jump. Your so set on your lack of perspective and lack of cognitive thought you will do and say what your told to further your agenda.

The facts call you out as a liar.. Your head is so firmly implanted its not worth my time to keep undoing your lies..

I don't know I kind of like old rocks he is a blue collar hippie .he cares about his kids and grand kids, but I think he takes it to far with the tree hugging stuff.
And Antartic sea ice levels hit a new high a couple of years ago. Ohnoooesss we're all going to die from a new ice age!

Again what would you rather have an ice age or global warming? You will get one or the other.

We are already in an Ice Age. Interestingly, even the British Natural History Museum agrees. I visited there last week. The exhibit on the history of the earth shows that we are in an ice age compared to prior eras of much warmer temperatures. We're not at the glacial giant show ball stage, but we are certainly not in danger of the oceans boiling away the ice caps.

Infomative how does it compare to US museums?
And Antartic sea ice levels hit a new high a couple of years ago. Ohnoooesss we're all going to die from a new ice age!

Again what would you rather have an ice age or global warming? You will get one or the other.

We are already in an Ice Age. Interestingly, even the British Natural History Museum agrees. I visited there last week. The exhibit on the history of the earth shows that we are in an ice age compared to prior eras of much warmer temperatures. We're not at the glacial giant show ball stage, but we are certainly not in danger of the oceans boiling away the ice caps.

Infomative how does it compare to US museums?

It's a wonderful museum. It's not chockfull-o Global Warming Alarmism that I've found at places such as the new aquarium in San Francisco.
So, when can I expect Florida to be gone. We are AT sea level.

So, if the seas are rising......

So, now that Florida has survived Gore's 2013 predictions......


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