Se7en (Movie Fan-Fiction)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I already wrote a Se7en inspired piece, but I wanted a fanfiction piece before signing off, since I think David Fincher's a modern Freud, a storyteller who's shown us why modern criminality and psychosis oriented hell-tears (e.g., Unabomber) reveal the strange nature of evolving evil. This is a great film for fans who're getting into the comic book art of crime imagination, which is what's always intrigued me as a short-story/fanfiction writer online!

Thanks for reading,


Detective Mills was young and naive, but headstrong and idealistic, valiant and tragic simultaneously. His gorgeous young wife lived at home as a homemaker while Mills went to work as a rookie homicide detective, alongside the retiring and aged Somerset. Somerset didn't want this last assigned case and offered to give it to Mills and quietly retire, but the shocking nature of this final case in his otherwise esteemed career mandated he finish his duties and even rear the rookie Mills. Somerset told his chief Mills was too headstrong for a serious homicide case like this one which he accepted with a grudge. Nevertheless, Mills and Somerset quickly found that they agreed in delightful ways about approaching the nature of evil crimes in the modern proverbial dark city.

MILLS: You're like Captain Ahab, and I'm your Popeye for hire!
SOMERSET: Well, let's stay focused, young man, though I admire your fire.
MILLS: My wife thinks you're like a sage, Somerset.
SOMERSET: You shield that pretty wife of yours from all this madness, Mills.

Mills was somewhat taken by this commandment to shield his wife from his work, but he respected Somerset and rightly quickly judged his senior was referring to the dark and evil nature of murder and crimes in the modern city. This last case of Somerset, which Mills embraced with handsome vigor, impressing Somerset along the way, involved a hideous serial killer who went by the eerie named of John Doe. This guy was targeting various symbolic citizens who each personified through their private or public corruption one of the Christian seven deadly sins --- pride, gluttony, sloth, envy, wrath, lust, and greed.

Mills and Somerset took notes about the graphic nature of the murders linked to each of the 7 sins and what the serial killer John Doe implied with each of these religiously messaged crimes for the urban press. These notes were broken into sections based on the specific sin and the nature of the murder and/or the details of the crime. Mills and Somerset both tried to absorb their notes meticulously and metaphysically, to keep pace with John Doe the serial killer who certainly had these ominous supernatural overtones to these crimes, requiring the pensive detectives to keep pace by staying spiritually inclined.


PRIDE: A model is strangled to death and then her nose is cut off and a Shakespeare book is left at her side.
GLUTTONY: An unholy landlord is fed to death until he has a heart attack.
SLOTH: A drug addict is pumped with morphine until his insides simply fail to function.
ENVY: A policeman is burned to death and left in his cop car for the press to discover.
WRATH: A thief whose wife was killed by a cop is forced to murder the cop by John Doe.
LUST: A prostitute is decapitated by her client who's forced to do the job by John Doe.
GREED: An unscrupulous lawyer is told to cut off his own fingers by John Doe.

{End of Notes}

After Mills and Somerset poured over their notes about these evil crimes inspired by the Christian seven deadly sins, they decided to post a notice in the city newspaper which read, "We challenge John Doe to come forth and present himself as some kind of educator who wishes to reveal what these crimes suggest about humanity's treatment towards the impressionable and young students, since it seems his real intention is to reveal himself as a real man with a real message!" When Doe read this notice, he decided to magically appear to the two idealistic detectives, right in their police station, where he agreed to be interviewed on live television. This was the most iconic moment in urban crime folklore America had seen since the desperate days of Jesse James and Charles Manson.

DOE: You believe I'm a thief of religion, don't you?
MILLS: We think you're a real psycho, John.
SOMERSET: You're teaching us something about arrogance, right?

DOE: I'm sending a message about the requirements for cleaning.
MILLS: What, ethnic cleansing, as in Adolf Hitler is now a postman?
SOMERSET: Are you professing a traffic need to tend to graphic reality?

DOE: The reality is that the city is a hellmouth for free will, detectives.
MILLS: So Christ gave you the authority to punish people for being too liberal?
SOMSERSET: Are your victims witnesses to the deformity of Christian dogma, John?

DOE: What did you two learn from my 7 crimes?
MILLS: We discovered that each victim had no hope, because you're their self-proclaimed priest.
SOMERSET: Relax, Mills; we also learned that you're serious about being a cleaner yourself!

DOE: These crimes will be remembered, I assure you.
MILLS: Why, because you're stolen our minds with your Christian monstrosity?
SOMERSET: Are you reminding us of the history of religious oversight?

DOE: I want you to consider the tangible mutation of the flesh along with the spirit.
MILLS: If there's an AntiChrist, John, he might charge you with over-stepping your brief.
SOMERSET: Do you believe you're the antithesis of a prophet, John?

DOE: I'm no prophet; I'm simply a man sending the message of fury.
MILLS: Is this fury a thing of personal achievement?
SOMERSET: Is no one else capable of this fury, John?

DOE: I intend to commit my prison cell.
MILLS: I suppose no one can stop anyone from seeking self ruin, John.
SOMERSET: We do hope however you'll consider why evil was spiraled with your unchecked fury!

DOE: I just want to die, because Christ never dressed me anything!
MILLS: We're sorry you found life on Earth rather gloomy.
SOMERSET: Perhaps in death, John, you'll find a greater escape.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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