Screw the Queers


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
Again demanding that all of America bow to their sexual choices, queers have now demanded that the English language be rewritten to meet their desires.

{The University of Vermont is now the first university in America to officially recognize a “third” gender, neither male nor female but “neutral.”}

Our new queer gender is "zie." He, She, Zie - pull down their pants and you'll see, a different genitalia for he and she.

But zie will have the genitals of either he or she. This is just another case of 1% of the population running roughshod on the other 99%

Fuck the queers and their anti-liberty agenda.

More at;
The Latest Crazy LGBT Demand - Mark Nuckols - Page 1
Yeah....they are really in charge and forcing themselves on you. You poor, poor, bottom.

I can tell the queers to fuck off here. Of course to say the same in real life would mean prison time. I think you leftists have designated it a "hate crime" to fail to praise queers - yes?

You poor guy. Can't run around saying anything that pops into your dopey brain. How do you live like that?

Prison time? I think you'd like that.
"Running roughshod" on 99% of America huh?

Looks like someone's being a bit of a diva. Are you a "zie" Uncensored2008?

I'm a he, twink.

Do you agree that the language should be rewritten to adapt to the sexual choice of 1% of the population? Should there be legal penalties for those who do not bow to our queer masters? No doubt many will be fired for not averting their glance down as our queer masters walk by.

{Cochran, who is also a deacon at Elizabeth Baptist Church, was terminated after controversial passages about homosexuality were discovered in his book, “Who Told You You Are Naked?” self-published in 2013.

According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Cochran was fired by Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed after his objection to Cochran’s description of homosexuality as “vile, vulgar and inappropriate at work.”}

Atlanta Fire Chief Fired Over Views of Homosexuality Files Discrimination Complaint

The queers find religious freedom intolerable - so they don't tolerate it.
You poor guy. Can't run around saying anything that pops into your dopey brain. How do you live like that?

Prison time? I think you'd like that.

Yes, you democrats hate freedom of speech, Each will say what the party assigns them to say.

Unless people tire of this shit and stand up to the tyranny you impose. :dunno:

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