SCOTUS to rule on DACA case and in favor of good real favor of Trump. Just in time for November


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Another nail in the coffin of Mexicrats....The DACA case has been somewhat lost as the media has grown to be scared shitless of this one.
Eliminating DACA was one of Trumps campaign promises and it looks like he may execute and deliver just in time.
This will energize his base (30 states and 2,623 counties) as well as the Indy's whom are fed up with the brown invasion.
Another chapter in the evangelical party's book of cruelty

Evangelicals are following Gods will....OH and then there's that pesky Declaration Of INDEPENDENCE thing you hate.
Here's some free enlightenment for're welcome in advance.

Our understanding and construction of a systematic theology on immigration must begin (like most theology) in the book of Genesis. After the flood in Genesis, chapters 7 and 8, God repeats His command (cf. Genesis 9:1 & 7) to mankind — the one that is first given in Genesis 1:28 — to . . .“Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.” Think, then, of Genesis 9 as a makeover.

What’s happened here is this: after the fall of man (Genesis 3) God’s creation begins to show an ongoing, increasing proclivity to disobey Him — even His simplest commands. It is this overt, ongoing, and accelerating rebellion that necessitates the flood, the makeover. But inundation did not put an end to insubordination: soon thereafter creation’s defiance of God surfaces again in yet another way. Rather than scatter from the region of Ararat after the flood in concert with His earlier commands to fill the earth, the descendants of Noah willed to do just the opposite! They desired to stay put and build a monument! But this monument was not to honor how great Thou art — rather for how great we are! That monument is known as the Tower of Babel. Note how God reacts to fallen man’s one-nation plans in Genesis 11:6-8:

The LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.” So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of the whole earth; and they stopped building the city.

Not good! The descendants of Noah were the first “empire builders,” bent on amassing their personal power. Here then is the underlying biblical reason why God wants there to be a diversity of nations — this is fundamental to understanding the mind of God as it relates to this week’s study.

This is God’s way of counteracting man’s fallen nature. The axiom, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupt absolutely”2 is underscored by the dispersion of man in Genesis 11. As a matter of fact, it is this same principle of Scripture that informed our Founding Fathers relative to the separation of powers within our one Government. The Tower of Babel illustrates the same idea: that one of the results of man’s fallen nature is his tendency to accumulate and then misuse power. Babel illustrates an all-out quest for a one-nation-in-the-world form of existence and governance, wherein man worships his own greatness rather than God’s. Babel serves to illustrate man’s open defiance of God. Its modern-day equivalent is the philosophy of Humanism.

Further evidence of God’s opposition to a one-nation-world is the future establishment of such a world by the coming Antichrist. Note Revelation 13:7 in this regard:

It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him.

At this point in time, God will grant Satan and his pawn, the Antichrist, temporary control over civil government as the Antichrist rules over a one-nation-world.3 Thus, both Genesis 11 and Revelation 13, in different ways, serve to underscore this biblical truth and rudimentary principle in the formation of a theology on immigration:

This foundational premise is where our study of immigration must begin because many things flow out of it: For instance, some people think that God today is for a borderless world. He is not! It follows from Genesis 11 that nations, by God’s design, are to have different languages, cultures, and boundaries. Out of necessity and remedy for the fall and the power-hungry presence of sin, it is easy to understand why this is God’s blueprint for today. In this way God is more apt to receive glory from His creation than if, like the prideful world-conquering empires of history — Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome, the dream of Hitler, or that of the coming Antichrist — mankind becomes caught up in self-worship and uses his unchecked amassing of power to abuse others whom God has created in His own image and likeness. The witness of history, however, is this: the diversification-of-nations principle has been violated by many would-be world conquerors. Accordingly, and importantly, so the Lord scattered is a passage one must count as fundamental to the immigration debate. Summarily, this is the reason and the basis for multiple, independent nations, the existence of which is so fundamental to a proper Christian worldview and understanding.4

It follows that, if God’s design is for independent nations, then there must be national borders and boundaries for those independent nations. And it follows that there must be enforcement of borders and boundaries by governments in order to maintain a nation’s independence. All of this logically flows from so the Lord scattered.

Now add Romans 13:1 from the NT to our theological construction. This passage expressly states and reinforces the proposition: God is the author of independent nations:

Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.

Notice the last part of this passage: those which exist are established by God. Scripture teaches not only that the Lord scattered people, but in addition, specifically that He established governments and nations. These are key constructive, essential principles relative to immigration. In addition, note that this is all part of what theologians term the mediatorial reign of Christ, i.e., how God in His sovereignty manifests His reign during His physical absence prior to His second coming wherein He will personally reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

That the will of God is for the existence of independent nations with national borders and boundaries is further evidenced by God’s descriptive words relative to the classification of people in the OT nation of Israel:

In numerous OT passages, the student of Scripture learns that the God of Israel distinguished among three types of people in the land; those are summarized in the following sidebar.
Another nail in the coffin of Mexicrats....The DACA case has been somewhat lost as the media has grown to be scared shitless of this one.
Eliminating DACA was one of Trumps campaign promises and it looks like he may execute and deliver just in time.
This will energize his base (30 states and 2,623 counties) as well as the Indy's whom are fed up with the brown invasion.
Looks like you were wrong.

DACA kids got a temporary reprieve from the USSC. They can still be deported when the proper administrative protocol is followed.
Trump most likely wants to use DACA as a bargaining chip to get comprehensive immigration reform passed:
1. No catch & release
2. No diversity lottery
3. No asylum claims unless pre-approved
4. No chain migration
5. Only merit based immigration for who the US needs
6. No birthright citizenship, i.e. no cottage industry for anchor babies from Russia & China.
7. DACA kids get green cards but NOT citizenship
Another nail in the coffin of Mexicrats....The DACA case has been somewhat lost as the media has grown to be scared shitless of this one.
Eliminating DACA was one of Trumps campaign promises and it looks like he may execute and deliver just in time.
This will energize his base (30 states and 2,623 counties) as well as the Indy's whom are fed up with the brown invasion.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301:
:laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Another nail in the coffin of Mexicrats....The DACA case has been somewhat lost as the media has grown to be scared shitless of this one.
Eliminating DACA was one of Trumps campaign promises and it looks like he may execute and deliver just in time.
This will energize his base (30 states and 2,623 counties) as well as the Indy's whom are fed up with the brown invasion.

It will just take longer.

As Ann Coulter said....mexicans are devastating the black community.

Once BLM figures that out.....
Another chapter in the evangelical party's book of cruelty

Evangelicals are following Gods will....OH and then there's that pesky Declaration Of INDEPENDENCE thing you hate.
Here's some free enlightenment for're welcome in advance.

Our understanding and construction of a systematic theology on immigration must begin (like most theology) in the book of Genesis. After the flood in Genesis, chapters 7 and 8, God repeats His command (cf. Genesis 9:1 & 7) to mankind — the one that is first given in Genesis 1:28 — to . . .“Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.” Think, then, of Genesis 9 as a makeover.

What’s happened here is this: after the fall of man (Genesis 3) God’s creation begins to show an ongoing, increasing proclivity to disobey Him — even His simplest commands. It is this overt, ongoing, and accelerating rebellion that necessitates the flood, the makeover. But inundation did not put an end to insubordination: soon thereafter creation’s defiance of God surfaces again in yet another way. Rather than scatter from the region of Ararat after the flood in concert with His earlier commands to fill the earth, the descendants of Noah willed to do just the opposite! They desired to stay put and build a monument! But this monument was not to honor how great Thou art — rather for how great we are! That monument is known as the Tower of Babel. Note how God reacts to fallen man’s one-nation plans in Genesis 11:6-8:

The LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.” So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of the whole earth; and they stopped building the city.

Not good! The descendants of Noah were the first “empire builders,” bent on amassing their personal power. Here then is the underlying biblical reason why God wants there to be a diversity of nations — this is fundamental to understanding the mind of God as it relates to this week’s study.

This is God’s way of counteracting man’s fallen nature. The axiom, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupt absolutely”2 is underscored by the dispersion of man in Genesis 11. As a matter of fact, it is this same principle of Scripture that informed our Founding Fathers relative to the separation of powers within our one Government. The Tower of Babel illustrates the same idea: that one of the results of man’s fallen nature is his tendency to accumulate and then misuse power. Babel illustrates an all-out quest for a one-nation-in-the-world form of existence and governance, wherein man worships his own greatness rather than God’s. Babel serves to illustrate man’s open defiance of God. Its modern-day equivalent is the philosophy of Humanism.

Further evidence of God’s opposition to a one-nation-world is the future establishment of such a world by the coming Antichrist. Note Revelation 13:7 in this regard:

It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him.

At this point in time, God will grant Satan and his pawn, the Antichrist, temporary control over civil government as the Antichrist rules over a one-nation-world.3 Thus, both Genesis 11 and Revelation 13, in different ways, serve to underscore this biblical truth and rudimentary principle in the formation of a theology on immigration:

This foundational premise is where our study of immigration must begin because many things flow out of it: For instance, some people think that God today is for a borderless world. He is not! It follows from Genesis 11 that nations, by God’s design, are to have different languages, cultures, and boundaries. Out of necessity and remedy for the fall and the power-hungry presence of sin, it is easy to understand why this is God’s blueprint for today. In this way God is more apt to receive glory from His creation than if, like the prideful world-conquering empires of history — Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome, the dream of Hitler, or that of the coming Antichrist — mankind becomes caught up in self-worship and uses his unchecked amassing of power to abuse others whom God has created in His own image and likeness. The witness of history, however, is this: the diversification-of-nations principle has been violated by many would-be world conquerors. Accordingly, and importantly, so the Lord scattered is a passage one must count as fundamental to the immigration debate. Summarily, this is the reason and the basis for multiple, independent nations, the existence of which is so fundamental to a proper Christian worldview and understanding.4

It follows that, if God’s design is for independent nations, then there must be national borders and boundaries for those independent nations. And it follows that there must be enforcement of borders and boundaries by governments in order to maintain a nation’s independence. All of this logically flows from so the Lord scattered.

Now add Romans 13:1 from the NT to our theological construction. This passage expressly states and reinforces the proposition: God is the author of independent nations:

Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.

Notice the last part of this passage: those which exist are established by God. Scripture teaches not only that the Lord scattered people, but in addition, specifically that He established governments and nations. These are key constructive, essential principles relative to immigration. In addition, note that this is all part of what theologians term the mediatorial reign of Christ, i.e., how God in His sovereignty manifests His reign during His physical absence prior to His second coming wherein He will personally reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

That the will of God is for the existence of independent nations with national borders and boundaries is further evidenced by God’s descriptive words relative to the classification of people in the OT nation of Israel:

In numerous OT passages, the student of Scripture learns that the God of Israel distinguished among three types of people in the land; those are summarized in the following sidebar.


I recall that the Boers had all sorts of fundamentalist Christian crap to justify Apartheid as well.

What you are seeing on the streets of America today, is the people are taking the country back from the corrupt, anti-American right wing policies of today's Republican Party. Enough is enough.

You've lost the hearts and minds of the American people. Republicans have only ruled the country by deceiving the people that they had their best interests at heart. This is the "civil war" you've been dreaming about for so long. But it's not being fought with guns and bullets, but with the citizens demanding their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Trump most likely wants to use DACA as a bargaining chip to get comprehensive immigration reform passed
Nah. Neither Trump nor congressional Republicans want immigration reform.

Please quote where they said that.
I don’t need a quote. Their inaction on the matter speaks volumes. You’re just too stupid to comprehend anything beyond a Fox soundbite.

So you are just making shit up.

Like left wingers do.

Got it.

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