SCOTUS Declines To Hear Case Granting Fetal Personhood Rights

are you aware of cloture vote requirement?

(and the economy is global effects)
Well maybe you Dems should work with Republicans instead of just trying to ram your shit that no one likes down America’s throat. reasons us women have abortions: quantitative and qualitative perspectives September 2005. I'll go with the scientific approach as to the reasons why women have abortions. Your personal opinion of these women really sucks. So do you just hate abortions or do you just hate women period.
Hating scum who kill someone else for their own personal benefit is called sanity and being a decent person.

These are alien concepts to you, I know.
And all the while, these sham believers in the Non-Existent "Right To Life" are cheering Pooty on as he kills unborn babies in Ukraine. FYI, "Right To Life" means exactly that. You do not get to pick and choose who does and does not have that right.

They eat meat. They support wars and executions. They hunt. They do all manner of things that make then not "pro-life", but really they wanted "anti-abortion", but "anti-" sounds negative to them.
Agree. And he/she has yet to actually address rights.
The human right to life is the salient concern here.

There is no right to kill innocent humans in cold blood in violation of their human right to life.

There is no conflict of rights here -there is only the right to life.
They eat meat. They support wars and executions. They hunt. They do all manner of things that make then not "pro-life", but really they wanted "anti-abortion", but "anti-" sounds negative to them.
Non-humans do not have rights.

Just wars, defensive wars, are sometimes necessary to defend rights.

Executing those guilty of murder is justice which affirms the right to life very strongly.

Sorry you don't understand this most basic concept and choose to spew nonsense about your most fundamental and obvious right as a human being.
The human right to life is the salient concern here.

There is no right to kill innocent humans in cold blood in violation of their human right to life.

There is no conflict of rights here -there is only the right to life.
So in your world only the right to life exists? Pretty grim. Slavery must be fine in your book as long as they live.
So in your world only the right to life exists? Pretty grim.
There are other rights.

None of them are prohibited whatsoever by banning murder, equally, as it should be banned. Killing innocent human beings, on purpose, with malice aforethought should land you in cage until you die. Period.
Yes they are. Freedom. The right to bodily autonomy. Freedom from forced gestation.
The human right to liberty is not exercised through murdering other human beings, sociopathic anarchist.

"The right to bodily autonomy" is a euphemism for abortion - we do not live in Canada, this nonsense made up by their court is not relevant here.

"Forced gestation" is whaleshit. No one forces you to make kids. When you put penis in vagina, this thing we all know might happen... might happen, and you can and should and in a just civilization will be held responsible as the parent that you are.

Utter incoherence on your part.
The human right to liberty is not exercised through murdering other human beings, sociopathic anarchist.

"The right to bodily autonomy" is a euphemism for abortion - we do not live in Canada, this nonsense made up by their court is not relevant here.

"Forced gestation" is whaleshit. No one forces you to make kids. When you put penis in vagina, this thing we all know might happen... might happen, and you can and should and in a just civilization will be held responsible as the parent that you are.

Utter incoherence on your part.
The right to life is not exercised by taking another’s body. Can you come up with any other example where that holds?
The human right to liberty is not exercised through murdering other human beings, sociopathic anarchist.

"The right to bodily autonomy" is a euphemism for abortion - we do not live in Canada, this nonsense made up by their court is not relevant here.

"Forced gestation" is whaleshit. No one forces you to make kids. When you put penis in vagina, this thing we all know might happen... might happen, and you can and should and in a just civilization will be held responsible as the parent that you are.

Utter incoherence on your part.
So….there is no such thing as a right to bodily autonomy?

You would surely agree with this then.

If a child was dying of kidney failure, and a parent had the perfect match, that parent should be legally forced to give up his kidney because the right to life is, after all paramount, and by not giving up part of his body, he is murdering the child.
The right to life is not exercised by taking another’s body. Can you come up with any other example where that holds?
That is no exercise at all. And no body is "taken."

A mother provides the things a parent is supposed to provide, food and shelter, and this happens passively and automatically during pregnancy. There is no liberty to just kill your way out of responsibility, in violation of the rights of others. The very idea is absurd.
That is no exercise at all. And no body is "taken."

A mother provides the things a parent is supposed to provide, food and shelter, and this happens passively and automatically during pregnancy. There is no liberty to just kill your way out of responsibility, in violation of the rights of others. The very idea is absurd.
A parent is supposed to provide their body against their will? Where does it say that in the Constitution?
A parent is supposed to provide their body against their will? Where does it say that in the Constitution?
Who gives a shit about will? A parent provides for their kid.

No body changes ownership; this whole line of questioning is absurd. Learn basic life science, learn what a placenta is. Giving your kids nutrients and cleaning up / removing waste is basic parental care, and it's automatic for the start of their life.

Do you generally support parents just shooting their kids whenever they feel like it? If not, how dare you impose on their "will?"
Who gives a shit about will? A parent provides for their kid.

No body changes ownership; this whole line of questioning is absurd. Learn basic life science, learn what a placenta is. Giving your kids nutrients and cleaning up / removing waste is basic parental care, and it's automatic for the start of their life.
So my forced kidney donation example is valid then.
So my forced kidney donation example is valid then.
You're comparing organ donation to feeding and sheltering your kid. Pregnancy is not organ donation. Pregnancy is basic essential parental care.

This is one of the many dumb things you pro-aborts do.

It impresses no one. It fools no one.
You're comparing organ donation to feeding and sheltering your kid. Pregnancy is not organ donation. Pregnancy is basic essential parental care.

This is one of the many dumb things you pro-aborts do.

It impresses no one. It fools no one.
We were talking LIFE and that being paramount. Part of a parents job is taking care of the child’s health. Healthcare is part of sheltering and nurturing and certainly expected of a parent. You've stated there is no right to bodily autonomy where life is concerned. This is clearcut. Your child will die if you don't give it your kidney. If you don't want to, tough shit, the state will mandate it.

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