Scott Walker recall effort starts Tuesday

Why is it the minority left seem to only play by there rules ?Why dont we have recalls for Obama if were rcalling every one who does something we dont like? why dont we have elections every month till the lefties get there way & AMERICA becomes MOTHER RUSSIA !

Because you really, really have to fuck up to be recalled.

And Walker is a fuck up.

Obama is not.

That is your opinion. Mine is Fast and Furious, Solyndra , Forced medical through even though 70% were against it. But , that is fine Nov 2012 can not come fast enough

Gingrich/Romney .. Not a real fan of Romney but he will reign in the independents :tongue:
deflection?Uh.....YOU were the one who posted a criticism of a poster on this board without commenting on the topic at hand...So I responded by making a comment on the topic at hand..And you call that a deflection?Do you know what a deflection is?

You don't. The poster made a silly comment that deflected from the OP without offering anything other than an opinion. Who cares what his opinion or yours might be? Offer something of worth, or keep getting corrected for deflection.

Thus why you act as a dick on this board.
Got news for you ...this board is not one for strictly citing facts with links. It is a debate board where people offer their opinions.....something YOU do on a regular basis.

But, alas, you see an opinion that differs from yours you put it....."who cares what his opinon or yours may be" And thus why you will never learn anything you already dont know. And seeing as you may have always been this may be stuck with the knowledge of a toddler. But back to the topic at deflected from the debate becuase you did not want to hear his opinion. THAT is defelction.

Another stupid deflection of yours and big type only underlines it. When we are discussing points and you deflect with a stupid opinion, then guess what: you get called on it. Don't like it? no one cares.

Unlike folks like you, I learn daily from folks from right to left. I read much of the cited material. No problem with doing that. But when a prick like you wants to deflect because you can't handle the discussion, shove off, son. You aren't worth it.

Now stop deflecting and get to your point. Not your opinion, your point.
Dear Podunk Wisconsin. Recall is part of the laws of Wisconsin. It is called democracy. The people of WI have realized radical governor Scott Walker is waging war against the working classes of Wisconsin and will be recalled for being a radical.

Dear Podunkites: Assault anyone and you go to jail, pay a big fine, and maybe get your ass beaten to boot.

Dear Podunkites: think, you fools.

Some corrections if I may.....SOME people of Wisconsin believe Walkers decision was radical.Some people in Wisconsin have been led to believe that he is waging war against the working class.All he did was do as he said he would do. Pare down the bennies in the only way possible so he can balance the budget.But continue with your shows you do not feel the merits of your sentiment will win the debate.

What spin? People are pissed, rightly so. Why are you lying, when you know that his proposed subsidies for big business were in line with the $$$ he wanted to talk out of public sector workers/

Remember them: teachers, fire fighters, police, and so forth?

Your sentiment, Podunkite, has lost your argument.
Dear Podunk Wisconsin. Recall is part of the laws of Wisconsin. It is called democracy. The people of WI have realized radical governor Scott Walker is waging war against the working classes of Wisconsin and will be recalled for being a radical.

Dear Podunkites: Assault anyone and you go to jail, pay a big fine, and maybe get your ass beaten to boot.

Dear Podunkites: think, you fools.

Some corrections if I may.....SOME people of Wisconsin believe Walkers decision was radical.Some people in Wisconsin have been led to believe that he is waging war against the working class.All he did was do as he said he would do. Pare down the bennies in the only way possible so he can balance the budget.But continue with your shows you do not feel the merits of your sentiment will win the debate.

What spin? People are pissed, rightly so. Why are you lying, when you know that his proposed subsidies for big business were in line with the $$$ he wanted to talk out of public sector workers/

Remember them: teachers, fire fighters, police, and so forth?

Your sentiment, Podunkite, has lost your argument.

Subsidies for big business?

You mean the tax credits which businesses would be given if they hired people ... but which would not materialize if they didn't?

Or do you have something else in mind?

Liberals were very very good with getting their talking points out in this matter, I'll give you that. Trying to set the record straight on this has been like sprinkling water into the ocean.
So he fucked up promising that in his campaign. Either way..
You mean like 0bama fucked up his promises?

Like you piddle on the floor every day here? You are nearly illiterate, possess little understanding of what it means to be an American, and express the mentoids and maturity of a 7th grader. Maybe you are a 7th grader. You are such a dweeb.:lol:
You don't. The poster made a silly comment that deflected from the OP without offering anything other than an opinion. Who cares what his opinion or yours might be? Offer something of worth, or keep getting corrected for deflection.

Thus why you act as a dick on this board.
Got news for you ...this board is not one for strictly citing facts with links. It is a debate board where people offer their opinions.....something YOU do on a regular basis.

But, alas, you see an opinion that differs from yours you put it....."who cares what his opinon or yours may be" And thus why you will never learn anything you already dont know. And seeing as you may have always been this may be stuck with the knowledge of a toddler. But back to the topic at deflected from the debate becuase you did not want to hear his opinion. THAT is defelction.

Another stupid deflection of yours and big type only underlines it. When we are discussing points and you deflect with a stupid opinion, then guess what: you get called on it. Don't like it? no one cares.

Unlike folks like you, I learn daily from folks from right to left. I read much of the cited material. No problem with doing that. But when a prick like you wants to deflect because you can't handle the discussion, shove off, son. You aren't worth it.

Now stop deflecting and get to your point. Not your opinion, your point.

Fuck off asshole.

You changed the entire reason for our are outright lying about the chain of events...and to be frank.....I dont have time to deal with a lying child.

Cyas little boy.

"i learn everyday form the right and the left"......

what a crock of shit coming from a fucking child.
The real Joke Starkey:

Thus why you act as a dick on this board.
Got news for you ...this board is not one for strictly citing facts with links. It is a debate board where people offer their opinions.....something YOU do on a regular basis.

But, alas, you see an opinion that differs from yours you put it....."who cares what his opinon or yours may be" And thus why you will never learn anything you already dont know. And seeing as you may have always been this may be stuck with the knowledge of a toddler. But back to the topic at deflected from the debate becuase you did not want to hear his opinion. THAT is defelction.

Another stupid deflection of yours and big type only underlines it. When we are discussing points and you deflect with a stupid opinion, then guess what: you get called on it. Don't like it? no one cares.

Unlike folks like you, I learn daily from folks from right to left. I read much of the cited material. No problem with doing that. But when a prick like you wants to deflect because you can't handle the discussion, shove off, son. You aren't worth it.

Now stop deflecting and get to your point. Not your opinion, your point.

Fuck off asshole. You changed the entire reason for our are outright lying about the chain of events...and to be frank.....I dont have time to deal with a lying child. as little boy. lmao..."i learn everyday form the right and the left"......what a crock of shit coming from a fucking child.

Your post above proves my very point, deflector boy. Big talk from a little e-thug. Toddle off.
Power to the people baby! Time to close the "we're stuck with them" window down to to one year. They apparently need to be told in no uncertain terms to shelve their corporate/social agenda for a while and get some actual job creation going.

You think government creates jobs? Do you not realize that any money government uses to stimulate job growth must first come OUT of the private sector, generally from those citizens most likely to create jobs?

Ah the wonders of a public school education I guess...

You do not understand capital management, growth, and investment, do you?

Two advanced degrees, one in economics one in finance, 20 years with a Fortune 100, five years as a entrepreneur raising capital, growing businesses and providing returns to my shareholders...oh, and creating jobs...but I'm sure you know more than anyone about these areas. :doubt:

That your unsolicited retort has nothing whatsoever to do with government attempting to create jobs certainly does not mean you're a confused hypocrite...not at all. Now where did I read something about deflection???
Because you really, really have to fuck up to be recalled.

And Walker is a fuck up.

Obama is not.

Excuse me while I LMAO.

Walker is a fuckup?

I guess doing what you campaigned on makes you a fuck up.

WOW who knew?

Glad you straightened that out for all of us who thought a politician who actually kept his promises was an honest good guy.

Oh wait. I forgot. Your still buying that Hope and Change BS that Barry was throwing.

Never mind.

So he fucked up promising that in his campaign. Either way..

So promising to fix the State was a fuck up??

Glad you cleared that up.

I guess Barry is a fuck up then also. He promised to fix the country.
so walker campaigned on a platform of balancing the budget AND eliminating collective bargaining....and he wins the election....

He then does exactly what he said he would fo...

And that makes him a fuck up?

Please explain.

Liar. No he didn't. See my above post.

who are you....truthmatters?


Is one a liar when they think something to be true that isnt?

Do you see me as a liar on here? How often have you deemed what I said a lie?

SO I erred. My mistake.

But he did what he deemed best for the meet the agenda he campaigned on.

Exactly how did you expect him to slash benefits without first ending collective bargaining?

Excuse me while I LMAO.

Walker is a fuckup?

I guess doing what you campaigned on makes you a fuck up.

WOW who knew?

Glad you straightened that out for all of us who thought a politician who actually kept his promises was an honest good guy.

Oh wait. I forgot. Your still buying that Hope and Change BS that Barry was throwing.

Never mind.

Please explain......

Take your shit and use it on someone else you spinless loser.

Noticed you opted NOT to respond to my post. That makes you know...maybe if I ignore it, it will go away.

Actually I was letting you off the hook rather easily. If I were to respond to your post I would have said since you posted it as FACT you are, in fact, a liar.

And since you admitted you made a "mistake" (uh-huh....right :eusa_whistle:) I would respond that you made an incredibly stupid, rookie mistake and have shown you're out of your league.

And since my last post was between me and Claudette I'll thank you to keep your nose out of it unless you have something constructive to add. You've embarrassed yourself enough for one day.

Now aren't you glad you goaded me into responding???? :tongue:
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Welcome back to American sweat shops, it is the prize that awaits at the end of this all out attack on worker rights.

Worker rights are not being attacked.

It's no accident that many conservatives also want to gut various agencies that protect the public and especially workers from the things that "Make America too expensive to do business in". They take a look at China and see a recipe for success, a workforce of easily exploited wage slaves and almost nonexistent environmental protections. They were fools to allow Americans compete directly with such a tyrannical industrial nightmare.

Nice strawman you've built there. Have fun beating on it and crowing about how clever you are.
Now, eflatminor, we know you are lying based on the totality of your postings here. You have learned how to put a sentence together but not a fiscal or philosophical argument on the board. Your silliness is apparent. But if you will put your nonsense away and read from those far better informed than you, you can learn much here. Dr. House has, but he still resents it, for instance.
Why is it the democraps scream & shout when they loose ? We have a Gov. who is working for the people of Wi. . Walker has to clean up the mess that DIAMOND JIM DOYLE left behind , he lined the pockets of his UNION bros. ,LAWYER bros.ect. ,ect. If he was doing such a great job why did he not run for another term ?Doyle let jobs leave Wi. Walker is creating jobs!!! I want a better job & cant get one with a democrap in office ! IT pisses me off that we finally get a Gov. who wants to help the whole state, not there UNION BUDDIES . RECALL WALKER IDIOTS SIT DOWN & SHUT UP & WAIT # YEARS !!!Why are'nt these idiots demonstrating in front of doyles home he put us in the mess.& why were they not watching doyle OHDoyle did every thing behind closed doors! WAlKER FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

loon... you rightwingnut freaks have been shrieking since november, 2008.

you socks are just all over the place. :cuckoo:
Invalid response.
Walker was elected because he promised to rein in spending, improve the budget and control spending.
Reining in the pubic worker unions is part of that promise.
now the whiny left is crying for a do-over.
And if this fails?..The loony left will have armies of lawyers fanning across the state judge shopping.
the petition requires upwards of 500.000 sigs...thats a LOT of sigs, they will need another oh, 65-100K to make sure they have enough after challenges and the inevitable flimflamming etc etc.

That will surpass a quarter of the number of people that voted IN the election itself for Walker.

good luck with that.
I honestly don't know why anybody patronizes FakeSnarky's posts. But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
Neither fare nor snarkey but rather sharp and pithy, mani, my posts are fun to read, whether one agrees with them or not.

The point is this. Walker overstretched, cut almost the same amount of $$$ from the public sector that teachers our kids and protects and defends from thugs and fire that he wants to give to Big Business as subsidy and incentive. If rightly folks say that government can't stimulate growth and jobs, then we can only conclude that radical Walker wants to bribe Big Government to give his and his supporters more campaign monies.

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