Scientist express horror as they see a 2.5 C increase in earth's temperature

Global warming - maybe

Averting doomsday by turning our economy and way of life on its head - not a chance
Take your blame placing up with China, Ding, and the god.
I can only offer you chocolate ripple with sprinkles.
Take your blame placing up with China, Ding, and the god.
I can only offer you chocolate ripple with sprinkles.
How can you ignore the empirical climate data that shows the planet is warming up like it has every other glacial cycle for the last 3 million years?

You keep wanting to make this about God when it's about empirical climate evidence from the geologic record. Is it because you can't argue against that that makes you want to change subjects?
How can you ignore the empirical climate data that shows the planet is warming up like it has every other glacial cycle for the last 3 million years?

You keep wanting to make this about God when it's about empirical climate evidence from the geologic record. Is it because you can't argue against that that makes you want to change subjects?
He's a Chinese Marxist. You don't expect him to be honest do you?
The scientists are too optimistic, frankly. Nobody predicted air and sea surface temperatures to decouple from historical means in 2024 and reach a sustained increase of over +1.5C from historical baselines, but it happened. I think that says we've got no fucking idea how fast this is going to go now that it's going or how far.

Those 6% who think we will contain heating to 1.5C are already provably wrong and yet are still saying it. One out of every 20 climate scientists is so utterly blinkered that they can't look at the current actual data and go "shit guess I was wrong about everything." That doesn't speak well of the average either.

We should probably build a lot more nuclear reactors.
Berkely Earth shows it has already reached 2.0 C higher funny all those awesome overpaid "scientists" were not aware of it.......,

"Below in Figure 1 is the Berkeley Earth average surface temperature record for Europe since about 1780. Europe is a good location to analyze, because some of the longest continuous temperature records are from Europe. It shows that not just 1.5°C, but 2.0°C of warming has already occurred.


Figure 1. (click to enlarge) Berkeley Earth average European temperature showing a 2.0°C rise since about 1820. Source:


Opinions are worthless and there is no evidence of Climate Emergency at all just the usual warmist/alarmist bullcrap we have been reading and hearing for over 30 years now.

Where is the Climate Emergency?


We are already seeing deadly weather extremes worldwide. Many world leaders are short sighted and ignoring the warnings. My children and grandchildren will suffer for that ignorance.

Arctic ice free? Check
Snow a thing of the past? Check
Polar bears extinct? Check

Climate Change Science = (failed predictions + flawed models)^nth
Remember this crap from the U.N. in 1989.....

AP news

UNITED NATIONS (AP) _ A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.

Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ''eco- refugees,’ ' threatening political chaos, said Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program, or UNEP.

He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.

bolding mine


We have been dead for 24 years now..........


We are already seeing deadly weather extremes worldwide. Many world leaders are short sighted and ignoring the warnings. My children and grandchildren will suffer for that ignorance.
Ignorance could be considered genetic. Collect your Darwin on the way out. The rest of us will continue to survive, and thrive.
The current interglacial period is 2C cooler than previous interglacial periods with 26 ft shallow seas and 120 ppm LESS atmospheric CO2. That's the relevant historical comparison.
I knew there was a reason I hadn't blocked you...
How can you ignore the empirical climate data that shows the planet is warming up like it has every other glacial cycle for the last 3 million years?

You keep wanting to make this about God when it's about empirical climate evidence from the geologic record. Is it because you can't argue against that that makes you want to change subjects?
These fools wish that climate were static. Any change is the fault of their political opponents. Life will be harsh, yet brief on these anecdotal saps.

We are already seeing deadly weather extremes worldwide. Many world leaders are short sighted and ignoring the warnings. My children and grandchildren will suffer for that ignorance.

There is NO increase in severe storms as shown here which I have posted many times before:

Storminess has not gone up, and there’s been no increase in hurricane strength or frequency … no “emergency” there.

First, the strength.


And here is the global hurricane frequency, both for all hurricanes and for the strongest hurricanes.


Hurricane Database Source

And there is much longer evidence to back that up. Here are the records of all hurricanes (left) and major hurricanes (right) that came ashore in the US in the last 150 years … NO increase. SOURCE: Nature magazine.


And here are the numbers of Pacific typhoons (hurricanes) from the Japanese Meteorological Agency.


And here are a century and a half of records of the number of landfalling hurricanes in Florida.


Finally, here are the declining numbers of both strong and average cyclones (Southern Hemisphere hurricanes) in Australian waters, from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).


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