"Science, Politics, And COVID: Will Truth Prevail?"


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015
The above title is from a current {2/18/2021} article published by
Hillsdale College.

Here is one excerpt from that article:

"Worse, we hear so-called experts on TV warning that social
distancing, masks, and other restrictions will still be necessary
after people are vaccinated! All indications are that those in power
have no intention of allowing Americans to live normally—which
for Americans means to live freely—again.

And sadly, just as in Galileo’s time, the root of our problem lies
in “the experts” and vested academic interests. At many
universities—which are supposed to be America’s centers
for critical thinking—those with views contrary to those of
“the experts” currently in power find themselves intimidated.
Many have become afraid to speak up."

Science, Politics, and COVID: Will Truth Prevail? - Imprimis (hillsdale.edu)


This article is packed with jewels of truth regarding Covie.

My view:
Covie is on the run.
Covie, he soon be Walgreen'd to death.
Walgreens and many other outlets are vac'ing Americans galore.
Signs up everywhere: Come on in & get vac'd.

The good news:
Dr. Foochie will soon be demonstrated wrong one more time.
"Americans should never shake hands again."__Dr. Foochie
No more hugs either, eh,? Dr. Foochie.
Crazy world out there.
I hated shaking hands before it became risky. We still have a lot of cases and deaths. We are headed in the right direction but it's not time to start popping corks yet.
The above title is from a current {2/18/2021} article published by
Hillsdale College.

Here is one excerpt from that article:

"Worse, we hear so-called experts on TV warning that social
distancing, masks, and other restrictions will still be necessary
after people are vaccinated! All indications are that those in power
have no intention of allowing Americans to live normally—which
for Americans means to live freely—again.

And sadly, just as in Galileo’s time, the root of our problem lies
in “the experts” and vested academic interests. At many
universities—which are supposed to be America’s centers
for critical thinking—those with views contrary to those of
“the experts” currently in power find themselves intimidated.
Many have become afraid to speak up."

Science, Politics, and COVID: Will Truth Prevail? - Imprimis (hillsdale.edu)


This article is packed with jewels of truth regarding Covie.

My view:
Covie is on the run.
Covie, he soon be Walgreen'd to death.
Walgreens and many other outlets are vac'ing Americans galore.
Signs up everywhere: Come on in & get vac'd.

The good news:
Dr. Foochie will soon be demonstrated wrong one more time.
"Americans should never shake hands again."__Dr. Foochie
No more hugs either, eh,? Dr. Foochie.
Crazy world out there.
Why would it be good for stupid ignorant trumpkins to prove fauci wrong?

Poor trumpkins.
Hillsdale is a bunch of pretend conservatives. Like trumpkins .

Btw idiota, you wish you had dr Fauci’s intelligence, education, expertise and gravitas.

i Have no problem with stupid trumpscum getting sick. I have a problem with lowlife trumpscum making everyone else sick.

Hillsdale college is a Neocon entity- Neocons are at the core of what is wrong with a war mongering country which is NOT a constitutinal authority, Hillsdale are you paying attention?
The above title is from a current {2/18/2021} article published by
Hillsdale College.

Here is one excerpt from that article:

"Worse, we hear so-called experts on TV warning that social
distancing, masks, and other restrictions will still be necessary
after people are vaccinated! All indications are that those in power
have no intention of allowing Americans to live normally—which
for Americans means to live freely—again.

And sadly, just as in Galileo’s time, the root of our problem lies
in “the experts” and vested academic interests. At many
universities—which are supposed to be America’s centers
for critical thinking—those with views contrary to those of
“the experts” currently in power find themselves intimidated.
Many have become afraid to speak up."

Science, Politics, and COVID: Will Truth Prevail? - Imprimis (hillsdale.edu)


This article is packed with jewels of truth regarding Covie.

My view:
Covie is on the run.
Covie, he soon be Walgreen'd to death.
Walgreens and many other outlets are vac'ing Americans galore.
Signs up everywhere: Come on in & get vac'd.

The good news:
Dr. Foochie will soon be demonstrated wrong one more time.
"Americans should never shake hands again."__Dr. Foochie
No more hugs either, eh,? Dr. Foochie.
Crazy world out there.
Why would it be good for stupid ignorant trumpkins to prove fauci wrong?

Poor trumpkins.
Hillsdale is a bunch of pretend conservatives. Like trumpkins .

Btw idiota, you wish you had dr Fauci’s intelligence, education, expertise and gravitas.

i Have no problem with stupid trumpscum getting sick. I have a problem with lowlife trumpscum making everyone else sick.

The above title is from a current {2/18/2021} article published by
Hillsdale College.

Here is one excerpt from that article:

"Worse, we hear so-called experts on TV warning that social
distancing, masks, and other restrictions will still be necessary
after people are vaccinated! All indications are that those in power
have no intention of allowing Americans to live normally—which
for Americans means to live freely—again.

And sadly, just as in Galileo’s time, the root of our problem lies
in “the experts” and vested academic interests. At many
universities—which are supposed to be America’s centers
for critical thinking—those with views contrary to those of
“the experts” currently in power find themselves intimidated.
Many have become afraid to speak up."

Science, Politics, and COVID: Will Truth Prevail? - Imprimis (hillsdale.edu)


This article is packed with jewels of truth regarding Covie.

My view:
Covie is on the run.
Covie, he soon be Walgreen'd to death.
Walgreens and many other outlets are vac'ing Americans galore.
Signs up everywhere: Come on in & get vac'd.

The good news:
Dr. Foochie will soon be demonstrated wrong one more time.
"Americans should never shake hands again."__Dr. Foochie
No more hugs either, eh,? Dr. Foochie.
Crazy world out there.

At American Thinker, Spike Hampson applies a simple test. He compares the combined covid death rates of the ten states that have never had mask mandates with the combined death rates of the 40 states that do have mask mandates. The result:

States with a mask mandate: 13.0 deaths per 10,000 population.
States with no mask mandate: 12.6 deaths per 10,000 population.
Do Masks Work? | Power Line (powerlineblog.com)
Humans are not the natural hosts of COVID-19. Assuming C-19 will disappear with the use of vaccines dangerously skirts the issue of the natural host, its biological implications, and especially the evolution of its mutation machinery. How it happened in nature should become a gem of scientific literature, because ebola’s natural reservoir is also (apparently) unknown, even with a vaccine.
Humans are not the natural hosts of COVID-19. Assuming C-19 will disappear with the use of vaccines dangerously skirts the issue of the natural host, its biological implications, and especially the evolution of its mutation machinery. How it happened in nature should become a gem of scientific literature, because ebola’s natural reservoir is also (apparently) unknown, even with a vaccine.

We know bats are the natural endemic hosts to covid-19.
One way we know is that covid-19 does not kill bats.
No virus evolves to kill its hosts.
It is always the other way around, that when a virus has contract long enough with one particular host, it evolves to be less lethal to that host.

And clearly humans are not currently capable of hosting covid-19.
Our immune system is so triggered over it that it wipes out covid-19 within 12 days, and will kill us rather than letting the virus propagate.

The ONLY reason covid-19 did not die out in the first couple of months is that we deliberately "flattened the curve" to ensure there is a constant supply of new hosts every 12 days or less. Normally it would have been wiped by by last April if we had not flattened the curve and conserved hosts for it.
It does not get wiped out if it still exists in nature. Rabies virus has evolved to kill its host. The best vaccine model for Sars-CoV-2 should include knowledge of its evolution in the natural reservoir/host. Otherwise, to argue which mutations are of more concern to influence vaccine development is absurdly biased weith regard to H. Sap[iens, and reveals the ambiguity twixt natural and non-natural evolution. Obviously, the media as well as science has reified C-19’s evolution in a non-natural host. The collective population of viruses known as SARS-CoV-2 is a split population of viruses, more so if the biology outside of Homo sapiens remains disregarded, even including Danish minks.

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