Schumer spells out the left's hypocrisy perfectly: "Schumer calls Biden denial of Tara Reade assault allegation ‘sufficient’

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Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
My god, can these people be any more pathetic in their hypocrisy ? It is almost comical !

So let's get this straight, when it's a Republican, a conservative, a pro-lifer, then it's "Women Must Be Believed !"

But when one of their guys get's accused, suddenly......……………'s it's "The Denial is Sufficient !"

I sure hope Biden is worth it, because Democrats, the left, have sure the fuck given away a pretty big hammer !

You know what though, Biden is an old senile fuck, and one way or another will be gone from the political stage in a few short years. If these accusations were against a young up and coming vibrant well-spoken and smart politician, I could almost understand going to the mat for the up and comer, even if it meant throwing away a huge issue. But Biden ?!!! Seriously ? Good lord, how fucking stupid can you get ?!!

POLITICO Schumer calls Biden denial of Tara Reade assault allegation ‘sufficient’

Chuck Schumer said on Tuesday that Joe Biden’s denial of sexual-assault allegations is “sufficient,” indicating that the Senate’s top Democrat plans to stick with the party’s expected standard-bearer in the November presidential election.

Schumer’s comments continue a pattern of top Democrats standing by the former vice president amid claims from a former Senate staffer, Tara Reade, who alleges that Biden sexually assaulted her in the early 1990s. Biden has repeatedly denied Reade’s claims, and his allies in Congress aren’t wavering in their support.

“Before the #MeToo movement, women were not listened to who were telling what had happened to them. Since #MeToo, women are listened to,” Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in response to a question about whether he believes Reade’s allegations.

“Now I’ve heard Joe Biden’s explanation. I think it’s sufficient,” Schumer continued. “I think he will be a great candidate. I think he will be a great president. And I think he will help us take back the Senate.”

My god, can these people be any more pathetic in their hypocrisy ? It is almost comical !

So let's get this straight, when it's a Republican, a conservative, a pro-lifer, then it's "Women Must Be Believed !"

But when one of their guys get's accused, suddenly......……………'s it's "The Denial is Sufficient !"

I sure hope Biden is worth it, because Democrats, the left, have sure the fuck given away a pretty big hammer !

You know what though, Biden is an old senile fuck, and one way or another will be gone from the political stage in a few short years. If these accusations were against a young up and coming vibrant well-spoken and smart politician, I could almost understand going to the mat for the up and comer, even if it meant throwing away a huge issue. But Biden ?!!! Seriously ? Good lord, how fucking stupid can you get ?!!

POLITICO Schumer calls Biden denial of Tara Reade assault allegation ‘sufficient’

Chuck Schumer said on Tuesday that Joe Biden’s denial of sexual-assault allegations is “sufficient,” indicating that the Senate’s top Democrat plans to stick with the party’s expected standard-bearer in the November presidential election.

Schumer’s comments continue a pattern of top Democrats standing by the former vice president amid claims from a former Senate staffer, Tara Reade, who alleges that Biden sexually assaulted her in the early 1990s. Biden has repeatedly denied Reade’s claims, and his allies in Congress aren’t wavering in their support.

“Before the #MeToo movement, women were not listened to who were telling what had happened to them. Since #MeToo, women are listened to,” Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in response to a question about whether he believes Reade’s allegations.

“Now I’ve heard Joe Biden’s explanation. I think it’s sufficient,” Schumer continued. “I think he will be a great candidate. I think he will be a great president. And I think he will help us take back the Senate.”

the left doesn't have any credibility left
My god, can these people be any more pathetic in their hypocrisy ? It is almost comical !

So let's get this straight, when it's a Republican, a conservative, a pro-lifer, then it's "Women Must Be Believed !"

But when one of their guys get's accused, suddenly......……………'s it's "The Denial is Sufficient !"

I sure hope Biden is worth it, because Democrats, the left, have sure the fuck given away a pretty big hammer !

You know what though, Biden is an old senile fuck, and one way or another will be gone from the political stage in a few short years. If these accusations were against a young up and coming vibrant well-spoken and smart politician, I could almost understand going to the mat for the up and comer, even if it meant throwing away a huge issue. But Biden ?!!! Seriously ? Good lord, how fucking stupid can you get ?!!

POLITICO Schumer calls Biden denial of Tara Reade assault allegation ‘sufficient’

Chuck Schumer said on Tuesday that Joe Biden’s denial of sexual-assault allegations is “sufficient,” indicating that the Senate’s top Democrat plans to stick with the party’s expected standard-bearer in the November presidential election.

Schumer’s comments continue a pattern of top Democrats standing by the former vice president amid claims from a former Senate staffer, Tara Reade, who alleges that Biden sexually assaulted her in the early 1990s. Biden has repeatedly denied Reade’s claims, and his allies in Congress aren’t wavering in their support.Wh

“Before the #MeToo movement, women were not listened to who were telling what had happened to them. Since #MeToo, women are listened to,” Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in response to a question about whether he believes Reade’s allegations.

“Now I’ve heard Joe Biden’s explanation. I think it’s sufficient,” Schumer continued. “I think he will be a great candidate. I think he will be a great president. And I think he will help us take back the Senate.”

Who listens to Chuck Schumer anymore? Might as well be the homeless crazy guy sermonizing from his grocery cart on the sidewalk.
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