Zone1 Scholars See Current GOP As "Threat To National Stability And World Order"


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
A grown-up Republican Party — even a deeply conservative one — would accept the rule of law, the norms of liberal democracy, and the legitimacy of the opposing party. It would seek to represent all Americans and would prioritize winning converts over destroying heretics. It would be a governing party, understanding full well that governing is impossible without negotiation and compromise. It would accept America’s responsibility to uphold the post-World War II global order. Its leadership would seek to address the real needs and problems of its working-class base while resisting the conspiracy theories, demagoguery and temptations toward political violence to which populism is all too susceptible.

The American Enterprise Institute's Norman Ornstein describes the ousting of McCarthy as symptomatic of the "nihilistic, radical politics" that have made the GOP a "radical cult."

The Niskanen Center's Geoffrey Kabaservice believes McCarthy was imperiled by the very extremism he encouraged and described the GOP as "a party that prefers temper tantrums to governing, fantasies about stolen elections to the hard work of appealing to swing voters."

Kabaservice told Politico, "It would rather destroy the federal bureaucracy than use it to implement conservative policies. Increasingly, it poses a threat to national stability and world order. Kevin McCarthy did little to resist the feral direction of his party and much to indulge it."

A grown-up Republican Party — even a deeply conservative one — would accept the rule of law, the norms of liberal democracy, and the legitimacy of the opposing party. It would seek to represent all Americans and would prioritize winning converts over destroying heretics. It would be a governing party, understanding full well that governing is impossible without negotiation and compromise. It would accept America’s responsibility to uphold the post-World War II global order. Its leadership would seek to address the real needs and problems of its working-class base while resisting the conspiracy theories, demagoguery and temptations toward political violence to which populism is all too susceptible.

The American Enterprise Institute's Norman Ornstein describes the ousting of McCarthy as symptomatic of the "nihilistic, radical politics" that have made the GOP a "radical cult."

The Niskanen Center's Geoffrey Kabaservice believes McCarthy was imperiled by the very extremism he encouraged and described the GOP as "a party that prefers temper tantrums to governing, fantasies about stolen elections to the hard work of appealing to swing voters."

Kabaservice told Politico, "It would rather destroy the federal bureaucracy than use it to implement conservative policies. Increasingly, it poses a threat to national stability and world order. Kevin McCarthy did little to resist the feral direction of his party and much to indulge it."

IOW, you desire that the Republican party should accept the status quo and go along to get along, i.e.. how Republicans have always acted until a few years ago, leaving the mud pit radicalism in the sole possession of the democrat party. Only recently have Republicans realized that they are in an actual battle with a foe that seeks victory over all else, statesmanship be damned, that seeks not to defeat ideas but to totally and personally destroy all opponents. Hence, we see increasingly strident demands that the government silence critics, and that those who voice contrary opinions lose their jobs, their fortunes, and be hunted from the face of the earth.

It is good for us to remember that the country itself was founded by "radicals", who violated the rule of British law and delegitimized British authority over colonial life. In today's America, those same people would be howled at, pushed out of stores and restaurants, smeared, slandered, decried as "insurrectionists" and "traitors" by the usual suspect talking heads on the idiot box, and called every filthy name imaginable on this board. The Boston Tea Party, for example, would have those who did it put on trial and the usual suspects on here would be piously wishing they could be put in stocks for public humiliation.

The bottom line remains, the government SHOULD fear the people, not the other way around.
A grown-up Republican Party — even a deeply conservative one — would accept the rule of law, the norms of liberal democracy, and the legitimacy of the opposing party. It would seek to represent all Americans and would prioritize winning converts over destroying heretics. It would be a governing party, understanding full well that governing is impossible without negotiation and compromise. It would accept America’s responsibility to uphold the post-World War II global order. Its leadership would seek to address the real needs and problems of its working-class base while resisting the conspiracy theories, demagoguery and temptations toward political violence to which populism is all too susceptible.

The American Enterprise Institute's Norman Ornstein describes the ousting of McCarthy as symptomatic of the "nihilistic, radical politics" that have made the GOP a "radical cult."

The Niskanen Center's Geoffrey Kabaservice believes McCarthy was imperiled by the very extremism he encouraged and described the GOP as "a party that prefers temper tantrums to governing, fantasies about stolen elections to the hard work of appealing to swing voters."

Kabaservice told Politico, "It would rather destroy the federal bureaucracy than use it to implement conservative policies. Increasingly, it poses a threat to national stability and world order. Kevin McCarthy did little to resist the feral direction of his party and much to indulge it."

MAGA, like every terrorist entity, wants to see the world burn
MAGA always complaining about things that happened under Trump
They were following DNC marching orders. Even being bailed out of jail by Biden staff members. And propped up by Democrats in offices of power. Hell ..several governors and mayors kids were part of ANTIFA and fed them information on where the national guard would show up. Don’t run from your domestic terrorist groups like a chicken…😂😂😂
A grown-up Republican Party — even a deeply conservative one — would accept the rule of law, the norms of liberal democracy, and the legitimacy of the opposing party. It would seek to represent all Americans and would prioritize winning converts over destroying heretics. It would be a governing party, understanding full well that governing is impossible without negotiation and compromise. It would accept America’s responsibility to uphold the post-World War II global order. Its leadership would seek to address the real needs and problems of its working-class base while resisting the conspiracy theories, demagoguery and temptations toward political violence to which populism is all too susceptible.

The American Enterprise Institute's Norman Ornstein describes the ousting of McCarthy as symptomatic of the "nihilistic, radical politics" that have made the GOP a "radical cult."

The Niskanen Center's Geoffrey Kabaservice believes McCarthy was imperiled by the very extremism he encouraged and described the GOP as "a party that prefers temper tantrums to governing, fantasies about stolen elections to the hard work of appealing to swing voters."

Kabaservice told Politico, "It would rather destroy the federal bureaucracy than use it to implement conservative policies. Increasingly, it poses a threat to national stability and world order. Kevin McCarthy did little to resist the feral direction of his party and much to indulge it."

You are not going to blame biden's total blunder on the GOP. I haven't seen them bumping into any walls either.
A grown-up Republican Party — even a deeply conservative one — would accept the rule of law, the norms of liberal democracy, and the legitimacy of the opposing party. It would seek to represent all Americans and would prioritize winning converts over destroying heretics. It would be a governing party, understanding full well that governing is impossible without negotiation and compromise. It would accept America’s responsibility to uphold the post-World War II global order. Its leadership would seek to address the real needs and problems of its working-class base while resisting the conspiracy theories, demagoguery and temptations toward political violence to which populism is all too susceptible.

The American Enterprise Institute's Norman Ornstein describes the ousting of McCarthy as symptomatic of the "nihilistic, radical politics" that have made the GOP a "radical cult."

The Niskanen Center's Geoffrey Kabaservice believes McCarthy was imperiled by the very extremism he encouraged and described the GOP as "a party that prefers temper tantrums to governing, fantasies about stolen elections to the hard work of appealing to swing voters."

Kabaservice told Politico, "It would rather destroy the federal bureaucracy than use it to implement conservative policies. Increasingly, it poses a threat to national stability and world order. Kevin McCarthy did little to resist the feral direction of his party and much to indulge it."

Wow....Calling the people with whom you disagree "cultists"......There's something original! :icon_rolleyes:
A grown-up Republican Party — even a deeply conservative one — would accept the rule of law, the norms of liberal democracy, and the legitimacy of the opposing party. It would seek to represent all Americans and would prioritize winning converts over destroying heretics. It would be a governing party, understanding full well that governing is impossible without negotiation and compromise. It would accept America’s responsibility to uphold the post-World War II global order. Its leadership would seek to address the real needs and problems of its working-class base while resisting the conspiracy theories, demagoguery and temptations toward political violence to which populism is all too susceptible.

The American Enterprise Institute's Norman Ornstein describes the ousting of McCarthy as symptomatic of the "nihilistic, radical politics" that have made the GOP a "radical cult."

The Niskanen Center's Geoffrey Kabaservice believes McCarthy was imperiled by the very extremism he encouraged and described the GOP as "a party that prefers temper tantrums to governing, fantasies about stolen elections to the hard work of appealing to swing voters."

Kabaservice told Politico, "It would rather destroy the federal bureaucracy than use it to implement conservative policies. Increasingly, it poses a threat to national stability and world order. Kevin McCarthy did little to resist the feral direction of his party and much to indulge it."

Ahhhh, the globalists are afraid that the US won't bow down to old schwabie....

Piss on 'em.
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The American Enterprise Institute's Norman Ornstein describes the ousting of McCarthy as symptomatic of the "nihilistic, radical politics" that have made the GOP a "radical cult."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't 208 Democrats vote for his removal and 210 Republicans vote against his removal?

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