Scary! I Sound Like Karl Rove! EEK!


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Rove Blasts Journalists' Role in Politics

The Associated Press
Saturday, July 29, 2006; 9:02 PM

WASHINGTON -- Presidential adviser Karl Rove said Saturday that journalists often criticize political professionals because they want to draw attention away from the "corrosive role" their own coverage plays in politics and government.

"Some decry the professional role of politics, they would like to see it disappear," Rove told graduating students at the George Washington University Graduate School of Political Management. "Some argue political professionals are ruining American politics _ trapping candidates in daily competition for the news cycle instead of long-term strategic thinking in the best interest of the country."

But Rove turned that criticism on journalists.

"It's odd to me that most of these critics are journalists and columnists," he said. "Perhaps they don't like sharing the field of play. Perhaps they want to draw attention away from the corrosive role their coverage has played focusing attention on process and not substance."

Rove told about 100 graduates trained to be political operatives that they should respect the instincts of the American voter.

"There are some in politics who hold that voters are dumb, ill informed and easily misled, that voters can be manipulated by a clever ad or a smart line," said Rove, who is credited with President Bush's victories in the 2000 and 2004 elections. "I've seen this cynicism over the years from political professionals and journalists. American people are not policy wonks, but they have great instincts and try to do the right thing."

Rove said it is "wrong to underestimate the intelligence of the American voter, but easy to overestimate their interest.
Much tugs at their attention."

But he said voters are able to watch campaigns and candidates closely and "this messy and imperfect process has produced great leaders."
Mr.Conley said:
BS, you could get the average American voter to believe that he's a tuna fish if you wanted to.

I disagree. The press can manipulate the average person from saying certain things, that is 'politically correct or incorrect', but not what they think is right or wrong. Thus the seemingly disjointedness found over and over on foreign policy polls, (which differ mightily from political polls). Consistently 'the people' believe we are at war, by an enemy that needs to be fought. On the other hand, they have serious qualms about any given front.

Thus the media has made the impression that things are going 'badly', though its unable to dislodge the belief that we are in danger. People for the most part haven't the time or interest to educate themselves on the specifics, but have enough knowledge to know that removing us from the fronts, will not necessarily make us safer, indeed may increase the danger, thus the contradictions.
Kathianne said:
The press can manipulate the average person from saying certain things, that is 'politically correct or incorrect', but not what they think is right or wrong. .

Are you kidding Kathianne, you and the other neocon robots are so brainwashed you can't even discuss the conditions involving the establishment of israel. THEY ARE RELEVANT, despite your portrayal as this conflict beginning when hezbollah kidnapped jews. Doing so is "anti-semitism" in your CJDD (Chronic Judeo Deferential Disorder) worldview.
rtwngAvngr said:
Are you kidding Kathianne, you and the other neocon robots are so brainwashed you can't even discuss the conditions involving the establishment of israel. THEY ARE RELEVANT, despite your portrayal as this conflict beginning when hezbollah kidnapped jews. Doing so is "anti-semitism" in your CJDD (Chronic Judeo Deferential Disorder) worldview.

So if the current conflict wasn't sparked by Hezbollah kidnapping Israeli soldiers, how did it start?
5stringJeff said:
So if the current conflict wasn't sparked by Hezbollah kidnapping Israeli soldiers, how did it start?

You loonies keep saying "the current conflict" as if it exists in a hermetically sealed container, independant of other previous events. There has been an ongoing series of hostilities going back fifty years, to the questionable establishment of Israel itself. Just because you choose to ignore that fact, doesn't make your position stronger, it just makes you more willfully ignorant.
rtwngAvngr said:
You loonies keep saying "the current conflict" as if it exists in a hermetically sealed container, independant of other previous events. There has been an ongoing series of hostilities going back fifty years, to the questionable establishment of Israel itself. Just because you choose to ignore that fact, doesn't make your position stronger, it just makes your more willfully ignorant.

name a country that was not questionably established....
manu1959 said:
name a country that was not questionably established....

Lol I think the Mexicans have had things to say about that, not that I care but still we have a few southern states that "came to us" under less than cordial terms.
manu1959 said:
name a country that was not questionably established....

So you admit Israel is not necessarily on the moral highground. Good. So let's just get over this, "THe israelis have the moral highground" bullsnap. We've been over this once before manu. I don't agree that the US has a vested interest in seeing Israel win here. We will still fight terrorism as it pertains to us.

This will not end until every country there is under the judaic yoke.

And actually jews are the most vocal when it comes to complaining about closing our borders and protecting our jobs. They're not our friends; their concern is creating a global fascist hegemony and destroying american culture.
rtwngAvngr said:
Are you kidding Kathianne, you and the other neocon robots are so brainwashed you can't even discuss the conditions involving the establishment of israel. THEY ARE RELEVANT, despite your portrayal as this conflict beginning when hezbollah kidnapped jews. Doing so is "anti-semitism" in your CJDD (Chronic Judeo Deferential Disorder) worldview.
This was about the American people, not the Jews. Get over yourself you anti-Semetic blowhard.
Kathianne said:
This was about the American people, not the Jews. Get over yourself you anti-Semetic blowhard.

It's about whether or not people can be manipulated to the extent of perverting right and wrong. I posit they can, citing neocon braindeath as an example.
rtwngAvngr said:
You loonies keep saying "the current conflict" as if it exists in a hermetically sealed container, independant of other previous events. There has been an ongoing series of hostilities going back fifty years, to the questionable establishment of Israel itself. Just because you choose to ignore that fact, doesn't make your position stronger, it just makes you more willfully ignorant.

I'm pretty well aware of the history of the establishment of the state of Israel and the conflicts that have followed since 1948. The fact remains that Israel was not fighting an open conflict with Hezbollah until a few weeks ago, when Hezbollah kidnapped two Israeli soldiers. Just because you choose to ignore that fact doesn't make your position stronger, it just makes you more willfully ignorant.
5stringJeff said:
As opposed to anti-Zionist conspiracy theorist braindeath, which supposedly sets one free, eh?

You've perverted your own religion and made peace with slave labor to convince yourself the jews are our friends. How do you feel about that?

Satan controls the dispensation of material success. The test is sticking with jesus even when virtue may lead to pauperism. You've failed.
Kathianne said:
I disagree. The press can manipulate the average person from saying certain things, that is 'politically correct or incorrect', but not what they think is right or wrong. Thus the seemingly disjointedness found over and over on foreign policy polls, (which differ mightily from political polls). Consistently 'the people' believe we are at war, by an enemy that needs to be fought. On the other hand, they have serious qualms about any given front.

Thus the media has made the impression that things are going 'badly', though its unable to dislodge the belief that we are in danger. People for the most part haven't the time or interest to educate themselves on the specifics, but have enough knowledge to know that removing us from the fronts, will not necessarily make us safer, indeed may increase the danger, thus the contradictions.

It happened in pre-WWII Germany...Jews, Gypsies, Poles, Czechs, Russians and many others were slaughtered by the millions, and your otherwise decent, hard-working German citizen did nothing. Their thoughts on what was right or wrong were very seriously manipulated. It happened before, it can and will happen again if we aren't careful.
5stringJeff said:
I'm pretty well aware of the history of the establishment of the state of Israel and the conflicts that have followed since 1948. The fact remains that Israel was not fighting an open conflict with Hezbollah until a few weeks ago, when Hezbollah kidnapped two Israeli soldiers. Just because you choose to ignore that fact doesn't make your position stronger, it just makes you more willfully ignorant.

You're the one cropping the the bigger picture to suit your myopic view.
rtwngAvngr said:
You've perverted your own religion and made peace with slave labor to convince yourself the jews are our friends. How do you feel about that?

Satan controls the dispensation of material success. The test is sticking with jesus even when virtue may lead to pauperism. You've failed.

Thanks... I'll let God judge me on whether I've passed or failed in life.

But since you are bringing religion into this, how do you feel about the Scriptures that state that God will gather the Jews from the four corners of the earth, and reestablish Israel, never to be destroyed again? Are you angry at God for allowing His prophecy to come true?
5stringJeff said:
Thanks... I'll let God judge me on whether I've passed or failed in life.

But since you are bringing religion into this, how do you feel about the Scriptures that state that God will gather the Jews from the four corners of the earth, and reestablish Israel, never to be destroyed again? Are you angry at God for allowing His prophecy to come true?

If stuff happens it happens, it doesn't mean it's our job to make sure it happens. if it is, then prophecy is just an instruction set.

Do you think the jews need jesus? Jesus did.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. john 14:6

Do you think all the jews are going to convert if enough american blood is spilled for israel?

The jewish faith has been corrupted by the talmud. The star of david (seal of solomon) is a satanic symbol. These European Talmudic Zionists are imposters.

Would you fight for a hindu state? This "special relationship" that has been postulated between jews and christians is a pr job. Jesus was very hard on the jews, and made it clear they were heading the wrong way.
rtwngAvngr said:
If stuff happens it happens, it doesn't mean it's our job to make sure it happens. if it is, then prophecy is just an instruction set.

And if things happen and you fight against them or shake your fist at God for letting it happen, then you are truly foolish.

Do you think the jews need jesus? Jesus did.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. john 14:6

We've been over this before. Yes, I believe Jews need Jesus, just like everyone else.

Do you think all the jews are going to convert if enough american blood is spilled for israel?

:wtf: No. I believe Jews will convert if they hear the Gospel.

The jewish faith has been corrupted by the talmud. The star of david (seal of solomon) is a satanic symbol. These European Talmudic Zionists are imposters.

Would you fight for a hindu state? This "special relationship" that has been postulated between jews and christians is a pr job. Jesus was very hard on the jews, and made it clear they were heading the wrong way.

What kind of garbage are you spouting now? Did I say I wanted to convert to Judaism?
5stringJeff said:
And if things happen and you fight against them or shake your fist at God for letting it happen, then you are truly foolish.

We've been over this before. Yes, I believe Jews need Jesus, just like everyone else.

:wtf: No. I believe Jews will convert if they hear the Gospel.

What kind of garbage are you spouting now? Did I say I wanted to convert to Judaism?

You think jews are unaware of the message of christ? :rotflmao: Half them are obsessed with denigrating christians all across america and have made it their life's work.

This is the truth, it's not garbage. WHy do you call the truth garbage. That's very interesting.

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