Saudi TV host under fire for tweeting thanks to Jews, Christians


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Sad how a Muslim can't Tweet a thank you to the Christians or Jews who wished him well after his kidney transplant without other Muslims getting up in arms over his Tweet. I truly hope that those Muslims who are upset over this man's Tweet never consider coming to America to live.

Thursday, February 12, 2015
Saudi TV host under fire for tweeting thanks to Jews, Christians

Professor Tariq Habib is a psychologist and TV host who is enormously popular in Saudi Arabia. His Twitter account is followed by nearly 5 million people.

Recently, he underwent a successful kidney transplant. Afterwards, he tweeted his thanksto Christians and Jews who wished him well and who said that they had him in their prayers.

Continue reading at:

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Saudi TV host under fire for tweeting thanks to Jews Christians
Sad how a Muslim can't Tweet a thank you to the Christians or Jews who wished him well after his kidney transplant without other Muslims getting up in arms over his Tweet. I truly hope that those Muslims who are upset over this man's Tweet never consider coming to America to live.

Thursday, February 12, 2015
Saudi TV host under fire for tweeting thanks to Jews, Christians

Professor Tariq Habib is a psychologist and TV host who is enormously popular in Saudi Arabia. His Twitter account is followed by nearly 5 million people.

Recently, he underwent a successful kidney transplant. Afterwards, he tweeted his thanksto Christians and Jews who wished him well and who said that they had him in their prayers.

Continue reading at:

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News Saudi TV host under fire for tweeting thanks to Jews Christians

you have to admit, Sally------the meccaist pigs are entertaining
even being nice is wrong

It's an issue of HONOR------not honorable for a muslim to
"thank" Christians and Jews-----he is supposed to sneer
and ---utter those fine and poetic Arabic epithets------regarding
the body parts and putative activities of ----kaffirah women.
------the only Arabic with which I am vaguely familiar. To be
honest-----I find them strangely........fascinating-----there is --
IMHO -----an interesting fascination with the power of "words"---
amongst Arabic speakers------even those used as epithets and
uttered carelessly.
I think the fact the he did it PUBLICALLY ---is the real issue----
-----a whispered "thanks" would have been ok

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