Platinum Member
Wow, unbelievable, a NASA satellite has a broken sensor and it is unreported here, and pretty much everywhere else. All the data for April is now garbage, but I wonder, if the data from all those "record" months is not irrelevant or false. After reporting the doom and gloom that the Sea Ice Extent is a record low, it would be too embarrassing to retract that story now. Nice job "Scientists"!
Sensor on F-17 experiencing difficulties, sea ice time series temporarily suspended | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis
Sensor on F-17 experiencing difficulties, sea ice time series temporarily suspended | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis
Sensor on F-17 experiencing difficulties, sea ice time series temporarily suspended
NSIDC has suspended daily sea ice extent updates until further notice, due to issues with the satellite data used to produce these images. The vertically polarized 37 GHz channel (37V) of the Special Sensor Microwave Imager and Sounder (SSMIS) on the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F-17 satellite that provides passive microwave brightness temperatures is providing spurious data. The 37V channel is one of the inputs to the sea ice retrieval algorithms, so this is resulting in erroneous estimates of sea ice concentration and extent. The problem was initially seen in data for April 5 and all data since then are unreliable, so we have chosen to remove all of April from NSIDC’s archive.