Sarah Sanders: Best Press Secretary of All Time

Poor Huck Sanders, a devout Christian woman who sold out her values to fabricate lies in defense of Trump
Rightwinger, you hit the right tone. Sanders angers me with her slick pompous pronouncements, but what else can she do? She IS the worst, but only because it is her job to represent the worst liar/divider we've ever had the misfortune to call President. If she spoke for anyone else, she may even be one of the best. She chooses to do this job, so I haven't a lot of pity for her, but like you, I see her as one who sold her honor, and I am sorry for her because one day she wont have this job and will have to live with the after-effects. I also understand the reporter's frustration over the obvious lies and the lipsticking of pigs.
Her angry school marm persona is wearing thin.
I love Sarah because of the excellent job she’s doing. :2up:

Why weren’t these “journalists” questioning the obama press secretary about him keeping children in dog cages?

That’s an atrocity I hadn’t heard about until a democrat mistakenly posted that pic to make Trump look bad.

Yes that was stupid. Rump does a great job looking stupid on his own, let Rump be Rump!
I love Sarah because of the excellent job she’s doing. :2up:

Why weren’t these “journalists” questioning the obama press secretary about him keeping children in dog cages?

That’s an atrocity I hadn’t heard about until a democrat mistakenly posted that pic to make Trump look bad.
See...trumpanzees love it when someone's a "excellent job" to them.
All Presidential Press Secretaries are essentially walking, talking hyper-partisanship machines, spinning for their boss. Their "side" eats it up, the other "side" mocks it.

It must be considered some kind of professional stepping stone. Otherwise I can't imagine why anyone would want to be like that, day after day after day after day
If Mac1958 is correct about a stepping stone, what a tough, tough box to check off.
I didn’t want this week to end or a new one to begin without expressing my gratitude to Sarah Huckabee-Sanders. In the face of incredible rudeness and hostility she has composed herself as a beautiful southern Christian girl should; with great patience and respect...even to those who are most rude and obnoxious. Thank you governor Mike for raising such a good example for young people.
Opinion | ‘You’re a parent’: Reporter presses Sarah Huckabee Sanders on immigration

Here you eternal MORON......LOL

CBS News is reporting that Press secretary Sarah Sanders and principal deputy press secretary Raj Shah have both let it be known that they’re preparing to leave. Sanders expects to get out by the end of the year. Shah has not yet set a date.
I didn’t want this week to end or a new one to begin without expressing my gratitude to Sarah Huckabee-Sanders. In the face of incredible rudeness and hostility she has composed herself as a beautiful southern Christian girl should; with great patience and respect...even to those who are most rude and obnoxious. Thank you governor Mike for raising such a good example for young people.
Opinion | ‘You’re a parent’: Reporter presses Sarah Huckabee Sanders on immigration

Here you eternal MORON......LOL

CBS News is reporting that Press secretary Sarah Sanders and principal deputy press secretary Raj Shah have both let it be known that they’re preparing to leave. Sanders expects to get out by the end of the year. Shah has not yet set a date.

She had better stay, who the duck would dare give her a job after this abortion of a job?
Trump has lied over 3000 times to date - that means Lil Huck-ette has had to lie at least 5 times to cover every lie her old boss has told.

that makes her best lying PS EVER !!!!

The Worst Lies Sarah Huckabee Sanders Has Told

Sarah Sanders, Raj Shah planning to depart the White House


What a fucking douchebag. Prove that's her.
It seems obvious, but fact checkers call it false.
Hers was in the cleaners that day....probably gets a lot of use. Jk
I didn’t want this week to end or a new one to begin without expressing my gratitude to Sarah Huckabee-Sanders. In the face of incredible rudeness and hostility she has composed herself as a beautiful southern Christian girl should; with great patience and respect...even to those who are most rude and obnoxious. Thank you governor Mike for raising such a good example for young people.
Opinion | ‘You’re a parent’: Reporter presses Sarah Huckabee Sanders on immigration

Here you eternal MORON......LOL

CBS News is reporting that Press secretary Sarah Sanders and principal deputy press secretary Raj Shah have both let it be known that they’re preparing to leave. Sanders expects to get out by the end of the year. Shah has not yet set a date.

From your link....

"according to sources" Yeah riiiiiight. Dream on...if it makes you feel better.
"according to sources" Yeah riiiiiight. Dream on...if it makes you feel better.

Yes, yes.......EVERYONE (including all sources, except Hannity) are AGAINST you and your fucking orange buffoon....No one can ever blame you if you hide under your bed (take some orange kool-aid with you.)
"according to sources" Yeah riiiiiight. Dream on...if it makes you feel better.

Yes, yes.......EVERYONE (including all sources, except Hannity) are AGAINST you and your fucking orange buffoon....No one can ever blame you if you hide under your bed (take some orange kool-aid with you.)

Trump is President...apparently not 'everyone' agrees with your TDS hatred. Your hate seems to be consuming you. 'funnyboy' strikes again.....stalking much?
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It just shows the ease with which the Christian Right will abandon their principles to support Trump
I didn’t want this week to end or a new one to begin without expressing my gratitude to Sarah Huckabee-Sanders. In the face of incredible rudeness and hostility she has composed herself as a beautiful southern Christian girl should; with great patience and respect...even to those who are most rude and obnoxious. Thank you governor Mike for raising such a good example for young people.
Opinion | ‘You’re a parent’: Reporter presses Sarah Huckabee Sanders on immigration

Here you eternal MORON......LOL

CBS News is reporting that Press secretary Sarah Sanders and principal deputy press secretary Raj Shah have both let it be known that they’re preparing to leave. Sanders expects to get out by the end of the year. Shah has not yet set a date.

More fake news.

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