Sarah Palin, Professional Victim


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
The Sharon K Pacheco Foundation had scheduled its Patriots & Warriors Gala for May 2, and Palin was to be the keynote speaker, according to The Denver Post. The foundation's mission is "to provide assistance to military families and at-risk youth," and the event was to serve as a fundraiser for military families and children who have lost loved ones in combat.

"Due to an onslaught of personal attacks against Governor Palin and others associated with her appearance, it is with deep sadness and disappointment that, in the best interest of all, we cancel the event for safety concerns," the Facebook post reads.

The announcement also states that no direct threats had been made against anyone, but said that the "increase in negative rhetoric against the former Alaska governor" after the Tucson shooting "raises concern for her safety and the safety of others despite the call for civility in America."

Palin Colorado Event Canceled After 'Onslaught Of Personal Attacks' | TPMDC
Mebbe she can phone it in? Because this bitch just cannot shut her yap.

Just after pronouncing America "on the road to ruin," Sarah Palin weighed in on the White House's handling of the chaos in Egypt and neighboring countries in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network. "I'm not real enthused about what it is that that’s being done on a national level and from DC in regards to understanding all the situation there in Egypt. ... We need to know what it is that America stands for, so we know who it is that America will stand with," said Palin. "And we do not have that information yet."

Palin also referenced the infamous 3am phone call, first used by Hillary Clinton during the Democratic primaries to criticize Obama's foreign policy experience, saying "it seems that that call went right to the answering machine." Palin also talked about the general situation in the Middle East. "And, in these areas that are so volatile right now, because obviously it’s not just Egypt but the other countries too where we are seeing uprisings, we know that now more than ever, we need strength and sound mind there in the White House."

Sarah Palin Criticizes Obama's Egypt Policy

I think Obama needs foreign policy from Ms. "We must stand by our allies in North Korea" Palin like he needs another asshole, don't you?
If she'd gone ahead with the event, you'd be bitching like a bunch of rabid banshees about that too. Y'all are obsessed with Palin. I suggest you get over it. It's getting boring.
yeah... i'm having a tough time laying this one at palin's feet. the given reason doesn't make much sense, but it sounds less like she pulled out and more like they cancelled.

still - as noble as their goals seem i couldn't see myself supporting an organization that would have her as speaker.
Palin froth...

It's only her voice pitch that bugs me... I like the Gal...
Hmmmm...the OP cites a statement on Facebook by the organization which cancelled the event...and somehow this gets spun into Palin playing professional victim?

Runs Deep The PDS Does.
With Palin you certainly wouldn't have to worry about lack of transparency...She says what she thinks and doesn't hold back, I find it refreshing ...but I can see why that bugs Democrats so much...
The Sharon K Pacheco Foundation had scheduled its Patriots & Warriors Gala for May 2, and Palin was to be the keynote speaker, according to The Denver Post. The foundation's mission is "to provide assistance to military families and at-risk youth," and the event was to serve as a fundraiser for military families and children who have lost loved ones in combat.

"Due to an onslaught of personal attacks against Governor Palin and others associated with her appearance, it is with deep sadness and disappointment that, in the best interest of all, we cancel the event for safety concerns," the Facebook post reads.

The announcement also states that no direct threats had been made against anyone, but said that the "increase in negative rhetoric against the former Alaska governor" after the Tucson shooting "raises concern for her safety and the safety of others despite the call for civility in America."

Palin Colorado Event Canceled After 'Onslaught Of Personal Attacks' | TPMDC

Palin decided not to attend?
There are just to many violent left wing nut jobs out there:

With Palin you certainly wouldn't have to worry about lack of transparency...She says what she thinks and doesn't hold back, I find it refreshing ...but I can see why that bugs Democrats so much...

As I pointed out in another thread,,it's not just the Democrats that she bugs. According to an CNN poll, Palin's disapproval rating is now at 56% with 38% approval. Independents have a 59% disapproval rating up 14 points, women's disapproval of her jumped 10 points and even with the GOP her disapproval rating went up 7 points.
I'd say Palin has made a lot of people Professional "bitchers".
she says something, they bitch, she doesn't say something, they bitch.
She attends a rally, they bitch, she doesn't attend something, they bitch

they just can't seem to help themselves.

so funny:lol::lol:
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