Sarah Palin: Dying caribou have to ‘take one for the team’ so we can expand oil pipelines


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Sarah Palin: Dying caribou have to ‘take one for the team’ so we can expand oil pipelines

12 Feb 2015

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said this week that caribou that died as a result of oil pipeline expansions would have to “take one for the team.”

According to Forbes’ Christopher Helman, Palin delighted members of the oil and gas industry in a speech to the North American Prospect Expo (NAPE) in Texas on Thursday.

She recalled to the crowd that what she missed most about being Alaska’s governor was making decisions about oil and gas exploration.

“Energy is my baby,” Palin explained, adding that oil and gas could “feed and fuel a hungry nation with what God has created for man’s responsible use.”

With the recent drop in the price of oil, Palin said that now “is the time to plan for more drilling and more production.”

But she said that President Barack Obama was making that difficult with EPA regulations and by refusing to approve the Keystone XL pipeline.

“The punitive aspect of it is to really stick it to the American people,” Palin insisted.

She argued that the president “is not for American energy independence” because he refused to expand drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).


What a mean person :( Doesn't she understand that oil is fucking finite? Why not build up wind, solar, nuclear, geothermal and wave?
She is an idiot **** and I hate her fucking guts. I hope she falls in a pipeline hole.
Please, if you don't know anything about Alaska or the pipeline don't let some site like raw story lead you down the path to look foolish.

the pipeline is a big attraction to the moose, bears and other animals. so if you really cared to know about IT you need to ask someone who live there for 15 years. and that would be ME

animals are killed everyday for road construction, building housing for people to live in, etc etc

so why now are you going to print something so damn stupid from a site the would print something that is nothing but hateful garbage for Palin?
'In fact, “the animals mate under the pipeline,” the former Republican vice presidential candidate remarked, admitting, “I haven’t actually seen it.”

But even if some animals had to die for oil and gas exploration, Palin said that it was an acceptable risk.'

Sarah Palin: the perfect idiot.
'In fact, “the animals mate under the pipeline,” the former Republican vice presidential candidate remarked, admitting, “I haven’t actually seen it.”

But even if some animals had to die for oil and gas exploration, Palin said that it was an acceptable risk.'

Sarah Palin: the perfect idiot.

oh yeah and all them birds and endangered bald eagles being killed form rows of mirrors and windmills is all ok to a perfect idiot like you and the rest in this thread

you are so filled with hate you don't even see how stupid you are before you people post on a pipeline and there is other things killing animals right now so you all can have other means of power. I guess they are aren't worth your wrath and faux rage

twisted and ugly

I'm out before i throw up on the 1000th hate thread on Palin
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She is an idiot **** and I hate her fucking guts. I hope she falls in a pipeline hole.

that's a shame you let some hate site lead you down to that point. but it's your choice
I hated her when she was first shoved in my face during the idiotic race as VP. I didn't even read that site. Palin is a ****. I want a wolf to eat her face off.
She is an idiot **** and I hate her fucking guts. I hope she falls in a pipeline hole.

that's a shame you let some hate site lead you down to that point. but it's your choice
What's REALLY a shame and is twisted and ugly is individuals not being allowed to hate/dislike/barf about someone because you like that person. Good for you. Like her all you want. I can't stand her. I want a moose to goose her up to her eyeballs. She's stupid. A bimbo. And that's just the way it is. I won't hold it against you if you like her, unlike you being so offended I DON'T like her.
She is an idiot **** and I hate her fucking guts. I hope she falls in a pipeline hole.

that's a shame you let some hate site lead you down to that point. but it's your choice
I hated her when she was first shoved in my face during the idiotic race as VP. I didn't even read that site. Palin is a ****. I want a wolf to eat her face off.

well hope you don't get done to you what you wish on others.... Because being attacked by wolf you'll be lucky to live through it... now hate on
She is an idiot **** and I hate her fucking guts. I hope she falls in a pipeline hole.

that's a shame you let some hate site lead you down to that point. but it's your choice
I hated her when she was first shoved in my face during the idiotic race as VP. I didn't even read that site. Palin is a ****. I want a wolf to eat her face off.

well hope you don't get done to you what you wish on others.... Because being attacked by wolf you'll be lucky to live through it... now hate on
Precisely why I want a wolf to run across her while she is out toting her soccer mom decorated rifle. A very hungry wolf.
She is an idiot **** and I hate her fucking guts. I hope she falls in a pipeline hole.

that's a shame you let some hate site lead you down to that point. but it's your choice
What's REALLY a shame is individuals not being allowed to hate someone because you like that person. Good for you. Like her all you want. I can't stand her. I want a moose to goose her up to her eyeballs. She's stupid. A bimbo. And that's just the way it is. I won't hold it against you if you like her, unlike you being so offended I DON'T like her.

You can hate someone all you want but my gawd make it over something not so ignorant or someone that has not one bearing on your life for you to hate her... now hate away
She is an idiot **** and I hate her fucking guts. I hope she falls in a pipeline hole.

that's a shame you let some hate site lead you down to that point. but it's your choice
What's REALLY a shame is individuals not being allowed to hate someone because you like that person. Good for you. Like her all you want. I can't stand her. I want a moose to goose her up to her eyeballs. She's stupid. A bimbo. And that's just the way it is. I won't hold it against you if you like her, unlike you being so offended I DON'T like her.

You can hate someone all you want but my gawd make it over something not so ignorant or someone that has not one bearing on your life for you to hate her... now hate away
What happened to "bye"? Gotta have the last word?
I hate that bitch. Period. Deal with it. I hate her for many reasons, none of which I find you worthy enough to share with...what with all your twisted ugliness for not kowtowing to who you think I should.

Your turn.
Do you guys even know what real news is? Palin is viewed by the right and the left as a moron. An idiot. They are all thinking how in the hell was she picked to be VP? Was McCain high? Was the sex good on the plane?

She's an embarrassment and we will have many new right wing speakers that will be a million times more influential than she ever could be. She's not just one voice, but a voice from a small state not connected to our country that has more in common with Canada. Ask her to cite what the 1st amendment says in the Constitution and she will have no fucking clue and cite the Koran.
Sarah Palin: Dying caribou have to ‘take one for the team’ so we can expand oil pipelines

12 Feb 2015

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said this week that caribou that died as a result of oil pipeline expansions would have to “take one for the team.”

According to Forbes’ Christopher Helman, Palin delighted members of the oil and gas industry in a speech to the North American Prospect Expo (NAPE) in Texas on Thursday.

She recalled to the crowd that what she missed most about being Alaska’s governor was making decisions about oil and gas exploration.

“Energy is my baby,” Palin explained, adding that oil and gas could “feed and fuel a hungry nation with what God has created for man’s responsible use.”

With the recent drop in the price of oil, Palin said that now “is the time to plan for more drilling and more production.”

But she said that President Barack Obama was making that difficult with EPA regulations and by refusing to approve the Keystone XL pipeline.

“The punitive aspect of it is to really stick it to the American people,” Palin insisted.

She argued that the president “is not for American energy independence” because he refused to expand drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).


What a mean person :( Doesn't she understand that oil is fucking finite? Why not build up wind, solar, nuclear, geothermal and wave?

Seriously a far left blog site? One that is known for making stories up like the onion?

Nothing like reaching to the bottom of the well by using such a far left blog site for your "facts"..
Far left, far right. Who cares? It's something that bimbo would say, ain't it?

She is an idiot **** and I hate her fucking guts. I hope she falls in a pipeline hole.

that's a shame you let some hate site lead you down to that point. but it's your choice
What's REALLY a shame is individuals not being allowed to hate someone because you like that person. Good for you. Like her all you want. I can't stand her. I want a moose to goose her up to her eyeballs. She's stupid. A bimbo. And that's just the way it is. I won't hold it against you if you like her, unlike you being so offended I DON'T like her.

You can hate someone all you want but my gawd make it over something not so ignorant or someone that has not one bearing on your life for you to hate her... now hate away
What happened to "bye"? Gotta have the last word?
I hate that bitch. Period. Deal with it. I hate her for many reasons, none of which I find you worthy enough to share with...what with all your twisted ugliness for not kowtowing to who you think I should.

Your turn.

Yes we know that the far left hates women. They also hate anything that is not far left, nothing new about the far left hatred..
Do you guys even know what real news is? Palin is viewed by the right and the left as a moron. An idiot. They are all thinking how in the hell was she picked to be VP? Was McCain high? Was the sex good on the plane?

She's an embarrassment and we will have many new right wing speakers that will be a million times more influential than she ever could be. She's not just one voice, but a voice from a small state not connected to our country that has more in common with Canada. Ask her to cite what the 1st amendment says in the Constitution and she will have no fucking clue and cite the Koran.

You do think highly of yourself by claiming you speak for everyone both left and right. you should go shoot your high horse you've broken it's back
She is an idiot **** and I hate her fucking guts. I hope she falls in a pipeline hole.

that's a shame you let some hate site lead you down to that point. but it's your choice
What's REALLY a shame is individuals not being allowed to hate someone because you like that person. Good for you. Like her all you want. I can't stand her. I want a moose to goose her up to her eyeballs. She's stupid. A bimbo. And that's just the way it is. I won't hold it against you if you like her, unlike you being so offended I DON'T like her.

You can hate someone all you want but my gawd make it over something not so ignorant or someone that has not one bearing on your life for you to hate her... now hate away
What happened to "bye"? Gotta have the last word?
I hate that bitch. Period. Deal with it. I hate her for many reasons, none of which I find you worthy enough to share with...what with all your twisted ugliness for not kowtowing to who you think I should.

Your turn.

Yes we know that the far left hates women. They also hate anything that is not far left, nothing new about the far left hatred..
Maybe so. I am not far left. Or far right. I just hate her. Period.

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