Sanders admits he'd tax the middle class for universal healthcare

I'm sure Bernie will get plenty of middle class votes with that bullshit.

Go Bernie.
He just might. The HC system we have today is an expensive fraud. Many Americans know this. Even Fox News viewers know it.

Watch as the asshole millionaire propagandist Fox News talking dummy Bret Bair, gets owned. LOL!


There are many in the middle class who are being pummeled by their health care costs. There are many in the middle class who wouldn't be able to qualify for a policy in a "free market" system.

Like it or not, at least the Dems are providing clarity. All the GOP has done is lie about having a better plan and insult anyone who disagrees with them.

The Ds are lying too. When O was first elected, they could have passed anything they wanted. They went for Obamacare, which was just another sop to the big corporations.

Yes it was. What a pig. I don't know if they were afraid politically to go with Single Payer, or if they didn't really believe in it.

They do now, though.

I don’t think anything has changed. The DParty establishment is not going to allow their candidate being an advocate for Medicare for all. They will use the MSM to denigrate such a candidate, just as they did Bernie in 2016.

The transnational capitalist class (the .1%) that owns both parties, doesn’t want Medicare for all. They always get what they want.
And then lies by saying the "savings" would more than offset the cost. I know for a FACT that's not possible. Don't know about you, but I don't much care for being lied to on this level. He's a socialist through and through. Sanders only virtue is an equal share of misery, all while he maintains his wealthy status and gathers more.

Sanders admits he would raise taxes on the middle class to pay for programs

  • I guess Bernie slept in the day he was taught that it is impossible to get more out of a system than is put into it.
  • I guess Bernie doesn't know that no one likes Medicare.
  • We have 500,000 people sleeping out on the streets but I bet that NOT ONE OF THEM is an undocumented illegal alien.
  • Bernie just can't wait to put the government 100% in control of everyone's lives ---- but his. As a Senator, he will never be on Medicare.
  • His proposals will be paid for by massive increases in taxes upon business, industry and the private sector. Forget paying down that national debt.
toobfreak said: "We have 500,000 people sleeping out on the streets but I bet that NOT ONE OF THEM is an undocumented illegal alien."
Last time I looked, there were a million illegals crossing the border and 1.5 million are expected this year. None of the Democrats including Bernie Sanders have volunteered one red cent to prevent the humanitarian issues faced by the illegals, in addition to the homeless in San Francisco, the Demmie House Speaker's home base, are getting any attention from those who hold the keys to the national purse. They've made a bargain with the devil that that $45 million paid to ninnyhammers trying to unseat this president get funded, but not even the most needy people on the border will not get one red cent of the money they control because Trump must be beaten up for building a wall, and they're scared silly any money Nancy lets loose will go to the wall. IOW, they don't give a damn about the people who wind up face down in the Rio Grande who tried to cross the river after 2 months of waiting in unfunded camps for passage wound up as dead father and daughter trying to swim across against a very strong current. If they cared about humanitarian needs of these people, they would have given a green light to every effort to stop this madness, but NO!! Trump must be punished for winning the presidency for 4 stinkin' years. They care now? Not hardly!!! All the Democrats focus on is grabbing power so they can communize America. Don't be fooled by "socialism." The Communist Party is now married to the Socialist Party of America, all of whom are Democrats, and they're gaining power every time AOC goes on a bug-eyed rant.

Truth is that there is far more political hay to be sewn now making illegals a political talking point than homeless on the streets of San Francisco. Those illegals making it into the country, whether kept in buildings behind fenced off areas, bused to Oklahoma, or to some army base somewhere, are under public scrutiny, these people are getting food, care, housing, even free legal counsel. I still don't see any of them ending up living in tents under bridges in the mud. Truth is that if we were treating illegals as badly as we already treat many of our own citizens, there would be a holy uproar! But we've come to accept that in America, there is no political hay to be sewn for the homeless as there is for illegals.

Poor, poor, illegals.
And then lies by saying the "savings" would more than offset the cost. I know for a FACT that's not possible. Don't know about you, but I don't much care for being lied to on this level. He's a socialist through and through. Sanders only virtue is an equal share of misery, all while he maintains his wealthy status and gathers more.

Sanders admits he would raise taxes on the middle class to pay for programs

He also said that we would support it. He's a turd
And then lies by saying the "savings" would more than offset the cost. I know for a FACT that's not possible. Don't know about you, but I don't much care for being lied to on this level. He's a socialist through and through. Sanders only virtue is an equal share of misery, all while he maintains his wealthy status and gathers more.

How wold you "know" this for a fact?

Single Payer would reduce costs in several ways.

1) It would get rid of the exorbitant salaries of Executives (Some of them as large as 9 figures)

2) IT would get rid of payouts to stockholders.

3) With single payer, hospitals would be forced to do honest billing, rather than shit like charging $100 for an aspirin.

4) We would not have the expense of the 62% of bankruptcies that are linked to medical crisis.

The fact is, this is not a crazy idea that no one has ever tried. Most of the rest of the industrialized world has single payer.

They spend less per capita than we do, they live longer, they have lower infant mortality rates.
So lets look at these:

Single Payer would reduce costs in several ways.

1) It would get rid of the exorbitant salaries of Executives (Some of them as large as 9 figures)

Yeah we all know the government never has exorbitant salaries or piles of douchebags doing no work for mediocre me where the govt has ever lowered costs for an extended period of time.

2) IT would get rid of payouts to stockholders.

So, why do you hate stockholders, they INVEST in companies.....the government doesn't make things better or cheaper

3) With single payer, hospitals would be forced to do honest billing, rather than shit like charging $100 for an aspirin.

Seriously have you seen what the government spends money items like hammers and at what cost?

4) We would not have the expense of the 62% of bankruptcies that are linked to medical crisis

What medical crises? So those 62%, where does the money come from? Your ass or mine?

notce how all of his ideas are cost related and no one of them ever work the way he says......the govt charging $100 an mean like they buy hammers for $100? Does he even think when he replices

Just look at rent control:

Rent regulation - Wikipedia

In a 1992 stratified, random survey of 464 US economists, economics graduate students, and members of the American Economic Association, 93% "generally agreed" or "agreed with provisos" that "A ceiling on rents reduces the quantity and quality of housing available."[23]:204 [24]:1

In a 2013 analysis of the body of economic research on rent control by Peter Tatian at the Urban Institute, he stated that "The conclusion seems to be that rent stabilization doesn't do a good job of protecting its intended beneficiaries—poor or vulnerable renters—because the targeting of the benefits is very haphazard.", and concluded that: "Given the current research, there seems to be little one can say in favor of rent control."

even the lefty savant himself:
Paul Krugman writes that rent control inhibits construction of new housing, creates bitter tenant–landlord relations, and in markets with not all apartments under rent control, causes an increase in rents for uncontrolled units.[24]

The lefties think the government can just dictate it and it will happen's called socialist utopia........on the right we call that anarchy......and stupid.
at least the Dems are opening their opinion -

Republicans had 8 years to find an alternative to Obamacare, Trump has been in office over 2 years, that is over a decade of doing nothing but FUCKING BITCHING about healthcare.

when anyone else tables an option for healthcare its not good enough for them so what do they do ?


at least the Dems are opening their opinion -

Republicans had 8 years to find an alternative to Obamacare, Trump has been in office over 2 years, that is over a decade of doing nothing but FUCKING BITCHING about healthcare.

when anyone else tables an option for healthcare its not good enough for them so what do they do ?


Your "yawn" smells like a fart.
at least the Dems are opening their opinion -

Republicans had 8 years to find an alternative to Obamacare, Trump has been in office over 2 years, that is over a decade of doing nothing but FUCKING BITCHING about healthcare.

when anyone else tables an option for healthcare its not good enough for them so what do they do ?


Your "yawn" smells like a fart.

I cede to your expertise smelling farts -
Company I retired from pays the private medical insurance for the wife and I. So I'm pretty sure I won't be fitting into Bernie's classification of "most Americans".

& you kept your Dr too didnt you -
Company I retired from pays the private medical insurance for the wife and I. So I'm pretty sure I won't be fitting into Bernie's classification of "most Americans".

& you kept your Dr too didnt you -

So far so good. As long as our doctors accept Medicare, which they do. At age 65 our private insurance becomes secondary to Medicare. The pain in the butt we're having with our private insurance administrator is that Medicare for my wife took effect Jan 1st and so when services were rendered last year they sometimes short change the doctor by paying only the secondary insurance portion. Thought the problem was resolved months ago but just today another one popped up.
Under that system, by the way, [the] vast majority of the people in this country will be paying significantly less for health care than they are right now.”
As long as you are paying less overall

Would you care if you pay more in taxes but nothing for health insurance?
As long as you are paying less overall

Would you care if you pay more in taxes but nothing for health insurance?
There are people who take care of themselves and people who live the life of Riley destroying their bodies. Medical limits are needed. Then the pain pill. Its good for socialism. Its good for the people of gaia. Its good for the human race.
And then lies by saying the "savings" would more than offset the cost. I know for a FACT that's not possible. Don't know about you, but I don't much care for being lied to on this level. He's a socialist through and through. Sanders only virtue is an equal share of misery, all while he maintains his wealthy status and gathers more.

Sanders admits he would raise taxes on the middle class to pay for programs

Single Payer healthcare eliminates the $18,000 a year families are currently paying for health insurance, plus co=pays, and replaces it with a tax which eliminates the 30+% of that $18,000 expense which is insurance company administration costs, including overhead and profit. so that your costs are reduced by about 25% right off the top. That would drop your costs by $3,500 right off the top.

It's always laughable when Trump supporters say they don't like being lied to. Trump promised better, cheaper health care for all. Where is it? The law he was supporting wasn't none of that. Now he says you'll have to re-elect him to see his plan.
Medicare-For-All WILL save money over the current system. We all know the current system is way too expensive and not every effective, particularly as American’s life expectancy is dropping.

The problem is the ruling class likes the current system because it makes them even more wealthy. Ever increasing profits are the number one goal. Improving American’s health care isn’t considered. The ruling class controls both criminal parties and the MSM. So, the truth won’t be allowed in.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
And then lies by saying the "savings" would more than offset the cost. I know for a FACT that's not possible. Don't know about you, but I don't much care for being lied to on this level. He's a socialist through and through. Sanders only virtue is an equal share of misery, all while he maintains his wealthy status and gathers more.

Sanders admits he would raise taxes on the middle class to pay for programs

Single Payer healthcare eliminates the $18,000 a year families are currently paying for health insurance, plus co=pays, and replaces it with a tax which eliminates the 30+% of that $18,000 expense which is insurance company administration costs, including overhead and profit. so that your costs are reduced by about 25% right off the top. That would drop your costs by $3,500 right off the top.

It's always laughable when Trump supporters say they don't like being lied to. Trump promised better, cheaper health care for all. Where is it? The law he was supporting wasn't none of that. Now he says you'll have to re-elect him to see his plan.

And we're just supposed to take your word for it like we're supposed to take Sanders? The reality is we have no way of knowing who would be better off under his plan because he hasn't explained who will be paying more and how much.

In any case, all of this is a moot point because he's never going to be president anyway.
Medicare-For-All WILL save money over the current system. We all know the current system is way too expensive and not every effective, particularly as American’s life expectancy is dropping.

The problem is the ruling class likes the current system because it makes them even more wealthy. Ever increasing profits are the number one goal. Improving American’s health care isn’t considered. The ruling class controls both criminal parties and the MSM. So, the truth won’t be allowed in.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.
And then lies by saying the "savings" would more than offset the cost. I know for a FACT that's not possible. Don't know about you, but I don't much care for being lied to on this level. He's a socialist through and through. Sanders only virtue is an equal share of misery, all while he maintains his wealthy status and gathers more.

Sanders admits he would raise taxes on the middle class to pay for programs

Single Payer healthcare eliminates the $18,000 a year families are currently paying for health insurance, plus co=pays, and replaces it with a tax which eliminates the 30+% of that $18,000 expense which is insurance company administration costs, including overhead and profit. so that your costs are reduced by about 25% right off the top. That would drop your costs by $3,500 right off the top.

It's always laughable when Trump supporters say they don't like being lied to. Trump promised better, cheaper health care for all. Where is it? The law he was supporting wasn't none of that. Now he says you'll have to re-elect him to see his plan.

And we're just supposed to take your word for it like we're supposed to take Sanders? The reality is we have no way of knowing who would be better off under his plan because he hasn't explained who will be paying more and how much.

In any case, all of this is a moot point because he's never going to be president anyway.
Probably not
But he does have a bold approach to healthcare for all

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