Sanders admits he'd tax the middle class for universal healthcare

At least he's being honest. It wouldn't be a shock to one day see income taxes doubled across the board.
Really? I wonder if anyone even realizes that the President cannot raise taxes or implement social programs?
In presidential debates, presidential candidates list off policies and laws they would like to pursue if they win.

Obviously they would not be able to accomplish them by themselves, but they list them so we know what they would like to do.

Then we vote based largely on what we are expecting that person to pursue if they win.

You didn't know that?

It's less of a question of "if" than it is how to pay for it. You know damn well Democrats would never have their voters pay their fair share. They would be expecting people with more money to fund the disaster like they always do.
Medicare-For-All WILL save money over the current system. We all know the current system is way too expensive and not every effective, particularly as American’s life expectancy is dropping.

The problem is the ruling class likes the current system because it makes them even more wealthy. Ever increasing profits are the number one goal. Improving American’s health care isn’t considered. The ruling class controls both criminal parties and the MSM. So, the truth won’t be allowed in.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.
Medicare-For-All WILL save money over the current system. We all know the current system is way too expensive and not every effective, particularly as American’s life expectancy is dropping.

The problem is the ruling class likes the current system because it makes them even more wealthy. Ever increasing profits are the number one goal. Improving American’s health care isn’t considered. The ruling class controls both criminal parties and the MSM. So, the truth won’t be allowed in.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.

When unemployment hit 6%, Reagan hired one million government workers to combat unemployment. Reagan expanded government, he didn't cut it. He cut some programs and spending, but increased the military budget by far more than the social spending he cut.

Clinton and Obama both cut the size of the federal government, because their policies actually did cut unemployment, raise wages, and get people off of social assistance. Reagan's policies increased poverty and doubled the number of food stamp users, even as he changed eligibility requirements to make it more difficult to get the assistance.
Corporations provide jobs. Get a job and pay for your own healthcare insurance.

Or we can just vote in Single Payer, and we can all have health insurance.

Here's the funny thing. For a long time, I had a job where I paid for health insurance... and my employer paid his part.

And then I had some serious medical issues in 2007, and pretty much had to fight tooth and nail with Cigna to get the treatment my doctor said I needed. Oddly, when the recession came, they got rid of all the guys who had medical issues, first.

So here's a crazy idea, instead of being slaves to our jobs for health care, let's take control of it and put it in the hands of the people's government. This would actually require us to have real democracy, though.
I just love these leftist loons that cry "tax the corporations", then complain about the increase in consumer products. Duh!

Except they have to still compete with each other so they probably won't.

I'm personally not sold on corporate taxes. I think we should just go back to income taxes of 70% on the top 1%. That would work just fine.

You are way off base Moon Bat.

We should reduce the size of the Federal government so that we don't need either an income tax or a corporate tax. In fact the two trillion dollar a year collected by those sources is just about the same amount that the government spends that we don't need.

One thing about you stupid Moon Bats you don't know any more about Economics as you do Climate Science, History, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

Almost all that 70% that you want to steal from the 1% in your greed is used to produce jobs. You take away the 70% then you take away the incentive to produce jobs. That is what we seen in countries like Venezuela that causes the economies to collapse.

Stop being such a greedy little sonofabitch. You are an asshole thinking that somebody else should pay your bills. Disgusting!
It sure would if your goal is to destroy the economy.

economy did just fine when the rich paid their fair share.

Yes Joe, but that was back in the days when we didn't have the technology available to make moving out of the country so convenient. The American consumer was not as cheap as we are today. We didn't have that many things to buy back then. And our pay was closer to those overseas so it wouldn't have been a huge savings anyway even if they did move.

If one of these jokers in the Dem party ever become President, and have the ability to raise taxes to 70%, watch what happens then. It will make the Obama recession look like a warm up period.
You are way off base Moon Bat.

We should reduce the size of the Federal government so that we don't need either an income tax or a corporate tax. In fact the two trillion dollar a year collected by those sources is just about the same amount that the government spends that we don't need.

Yeah, here's the problem with that. You guys have been singing this song since the 1980's.... and every time you've gotten into power, you've GROWN government and federal spending. You've added FOUR cabinet level positions to government.

Tell me on an itemized list what you would cut, with dollar amounts. My guess- you'll get nowhere near 2 Trillion.
Yes Joe, but that was back in the days when we didn't have the technology available to make moving out of the country so convenient.

NO, back in the day, you didn't move out of the country because they didn't have the workforces that could match American productivity.

But that's not the case now. We cut education and infrastructure to give tax cuts to rich people, and now if you want something made right, you go to China or Japan.
Medicare-For-All WILL save money over the current system. We all know the current system is way too expensive and not every effective, particularly as American’s life expectancy is dropping.

The problem is the ruling class likes the current system because it makes them even more wealthy. Ever increasing profits are the number one goal. Improving American’s health care isn’t considered. The ruling class controls both criminal parties and the MSM. So, the truth won’t be allowed in.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.

When unemployment hit 6%, Reagan hired one million government workers to combat unemployment. Reagan expanded government, he didn't cut it. He cut some programs and spending, but increased the military budget by far more than the social spending he cut.

Clinton and Obama both cut the size of the federal government, because their policies actually did cut unemployment, raise wages, and get people off of social assistance. Reagan's policies increased poverty and doubled the number of food stamp users, even as he changed eligibility requirements to make it more difficult to get the assistance.

Oh, is that so?

Medicare-For-All WILL save money over the current system. We all know the current system is way too expensive and not every effective, particularly as American’s life expectancy is dropping.

The problem is the ruling class likes the current system because it makes them even more wealthy. Ever increasing profits are the number one goal. Improving American’s health care isn’t considered. The ruling class controls both criminal parties and the MSM. So, the truth won’t be allowed in.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.
You can criticize Medicare all you like. No doubt ANY government run program is full of waste and inefficiency, but one must compare it to the private system. Clearly the private isn’t working and has become absurdly and fraudulently expensive. It is one big FRAUD being committed on the American people, for the benefit of big corporations and billionaires.

Regarding Medicare going broke, this is easily fixed if we had a sane government. Just shut down the assholes in the Pentagon and Langley, and trillions of dollars magically becomes available.

If we must have this huge omnipresent government, why not have it help poor and middle class Americans rather than just the 1%?
So Bernie lies about how big the tax increase will be and you congratulate him.
Bernie knows he's gonna have to raise taxes so much to pay for his health care for illegals, single-payer, and free tuition....that we might as well stop working. Expect over 70% of our income to go to federal taxes. Not just the rich, but every working American.

Actually, we could tax the rich at Pre-Reagan levels and have enough for all of that.

We could also stop pissing away a Trillion a year on the Military-Industrial Complex.
Actually your head is up your ass.
When has any Democrat come thru on any promise only to tax the rich?
Besides.....the result of taxing the rich is predictable.
Massive job loss and less revenue.
So ultimately WE the Middle-Class will end up having to pay for it.
Medicare-For-All WILL save money over the current system. We all know the current system is way too expensive and not every effective, particularly as American’s life expectancy is dropping.

The problem is the ruling class likes the current system because it makes them even more wealthy. Ever increasing profits are the number one goal. Improving American’s health care isn’t considered. The ruling class controls both criminal parties and the MSM. So, the truth won’t be allowed in.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.
You can criticize Medicare all you like. No doubt ANY government run program is full of waste and inefficiency, but one must compare it to the private system. Clearly the private isn’t working and has become absurdly and fraudulently expensive. It is one big FRAUD being committed on the American people, for the benefit of big corporations and billionaires.

Regarding Medicare going broke, this is easily fixed if we had a sane government. Just shut down the assholes in the Pentagon and Langley, and trillions of dollars magically becomes available.

If we must have this huge omnipresent government, why not have it help poor and middle class Americans rather than just the 1%?

When I was working in it, the private systems had many more safeguards than the government systems. Private insurance didn't waste nearly as much money as government, and the money they did waste was because of government regulations.

In fact after I left and went into another field of work, Medicare had Prudential handle all of their claims. The government hired private industry to do the job they couldn't do. Private companies are much more efficient when it comes to money.
Medicare-For-All WILL save money over the current system. We all know the current system is way too expensive and not every effective, particularly as American’s life expectancy is dropping.

The problem is the ruling class likes the current system because it makes them even more wealthy. Ever increasing profits are the number one goal. Improving American’s health care isn’t considered. The ruling class controls both criminal parties and the MSM. So, the truth won’t be allowed in.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.

When unemployment hit 6%, Reagan hired one million government workers to combat unemployment. Reagan expanded government, he didn't cut it. He cut some programs and spending, but increased the military budget by far more than the social spending he cut.

Clinton and Obama both cut the size of the federal government, because their policies actually did cut unemployment, raise wages, and get people off of social assistance. Reagan's policies increased poverty and doubled the number of food stamp users, even as he changed eligibility requirements to make it more difficult to get the assistance.

Oh, is that so?

View attachment 266839

The number didn't quite double but looke at the huge spike from the 1979, to 1981.
Corporations provide jobs. Get a job and pay for your own healthcare insurance.

Or we can just vote in Single Payer, and we can all have health insurance.

Here's the funny thing. For a long time, I had a job where I paid for health insurance... and my employer paid his part.

And then I had some serious medical issues in 2007, and pretty much had to fight tooth and nail with Cigna to get the treatment my doctor said I needed. Oddly, when the recession came, they got rid of all the guys who had medical issues, first.

So here's a crazy idea, instead of being slaves to our jobs for health care, let's take control of it and put it in the hands of the people's government. This would actually require us to have real democracy, though.
We could vote in anything we want and turn this nation into a third world shithole. If a "real" democracy is what you want, then you don't know what you're talking about. A real democracy is a majority that determines what your rights are and not a Constitution. You don't really want that.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.

When unemployment hit 6%, Reagan hired one million government workers to combat unemployment. Reagan expanded government, he didn't cut it. He cut some programs and spending, but increased the military budget by far more than the social spending he cut.

Clinton and Obama both cut the size of the federal government, because their policies actually did cut unemployment, raise wages, and get people off of social assistance. Reagan's policies increased poverty and doubled the number of food stamp users, even as he changed eligibility requirements to make it more difficult to get the assistance.

Oh, is that so?

View attachment 266839

The number didn't quite double but looke at the huge spike from the 1979, to 1981.

Oh, you mean when Reagan first took office and didn't even get the seat warm yet. Yes, there was a spike, but after he had enough time to work with it, he brought government dependency down.

If not for the Republican governors across the country that reduced food stamp usage, it would have continued to grow under DumBama. But Republicans started putting in requirements to get or stay on food stamps, and they were all quite successful.

Maine Food Stamp Work Requirement Cuts Non-Parent Caseload by 80 Percent

States follow Maine in declining federal funds for food stamps

What you have to understand is the Democrat party heavily relies on government dependents and victims to get votes. The more government dependents and victims, the happier the Democrat party. So it's not in their best interest to free people from government shackles.
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.

When unemployment hit 6%, Reagan hired one million government workers to combat unemployment. Reagan expanded government, he didn't cut it. He cut some programs and spending, but increased the military budget by far more than the social spending he cut.

Clinton and Obama both cut the size of the federal government, because their policies actually did cut unemployment, raise wages, and get people off of social assistance. Reagan's policies increased poverty and doubled the number of food stamp users, even as he changed eligibility requirements to make it more difficult to get the assistance.

Oh, is that so?

View attachment 266839

The number didn't quite double but looke at the huge spike from the 1979, to 1981.

Oh, you mean when Reagan first took office and didn't even get the seat warm yet. Yes, there was a spike, but after he had enough time to work with it, he brought government dependency down.

If not for the Republican governors across the country that reduced food stamp usage, it would have continued to grow under DumBama. But Republicans started putting in requirements to get or stay on food stamps, and they were all quite successful.

Maine Food Stamp Work Requirement Cuts Non-Parent Caseload by 80 Percent

Maine Food Stamp Work Requirement Cuts Non-Parent Caseload by 80 Percent

What you have to understand is the Democrat party heavily relies on government dependents and victims to get votes. The more government dependents and victims, the happier the Democrat party. So it's not in their best interest to free people from government shackles.

I know that you like citing that statistic, but the actual caseload reduction was like 2 or 3 percent because MOST of the food stamp recipients are parents, and they're aleady working, and the case loads were already coming down because of rising employment.

SNAP Reports Present Misleading Findings on Impact of Three-Month Time Limit
Actually your head is up your ass.
When has any Democrat come thru on any promise only to tax the rich?

You mean other than Obama... and Clinton... and FDR?

Good gosh, you are one of those that have bought into that ridiculous talking point.

No, I'm one of those people who was actually alive during the time we did that and it was a better time than we have now.
Medicare-For-All WILL save money over the current system. We all know the current system is way too expensive and not every effective, particularly as American’s life expectancy is dropping.

The problem is the ruling class likes the current system because it makes them even more wealthy. Ever increasing profits are the number one goal. Improving American’s health care isn’t considered. The ruling class controls both criminal parties and the MSM. So, the truth won’t be allowed in.
the ruling class being ? I don't hear any of these "Candidiots" saying they are going to give up their Private Doctors. They want Medicare for "all of us" not for "any of them". Medicare for all means shitty care and rationed care for everyone except the "Elite" who will keep their private Doctors. The Medical field will be Abandoned by anyone who wants to be Doctor and most who already are. We pay them for what they Know not what they do! I can't repair a heart can you?
We have shitty care now that is absurdly expensive. For the first time ever, Americans life expectancy is falling. WTF!!! The system is designed for maximizing profits for big corporations. Is there anything that has gone up in cost faster and longer than HC?

Medicare for all is the answer. Americans who use Medicare find it acceptable and care is not rationed. Stop accepting the BS from the establishment.

Medicare is also going broke.

How is it medical costs are rising so fast, and yet, Medicare contributions have not increased in many years?

When I was working in medical, I can't tell you the waste of money that took place with Medicare and Medicaid. Democrats back then used the programs to create needless government jobs. The more people who work for government, the more likely people to vote Democrat. Things didn't change until Reagan was elected and addressed the serious problem.
You can criticize Medicare all you like. No doubt ANY government run program is full of waste and inefficiency, but one must compare it to the private system. Clearly the private isn’t working and has become absurdly and fraudulently expensive. It is one big FRAUD being committed on the American people, for the benefit of big corporations and billionaires.

Regarding Medicare going broke, this is easily fixed if we had a sane government. Just shut down the assholes in the Pentagon and Langley, and trillions of dollars magically becomes available.

If we must have this huge omnipresent government, why not have it help poor and middle class Americans rather than just the 1%?

I am not in the top 1% and yet I enjoy a much higher standard of living than average. I pay a lot of taxes and in fact, they went up under Trump's plan to pay for middle and lower class income earners. The top 1% cant be taxed enough to pay for all of this stuff the Democrats want. In reality, what they really want is economic equality, which is not possible in a true Capitalistic society. The reason our country is so prosperous is in part due to no ceilng on potential. Democrats look to add that ceiling as well as pay for every needy person on this planet who can walk across our border. It is beyond reason for anyone to think that can work.

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