Same old conservatives - always lying

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Tens of thousands of Covid-19 tests have been double-counted in the Government’s official tally, public health officials have admitted.

Diagnostic tests which involve taking saliva and nasal samples from the same patient are being counted as two tests, not one.

The Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England each confirmed the double-counting.

Once again a government elected on a load of lies. The clowns set a target of 100k tests per day by the end of April and failed to meet it. So they decided to count any tests that they posted out as part of the total. They got busted over that.

So having failed that target they set a new target of 200k per day by the end of May. This will not happen so they have come up with a new fiddle as outlined above.

These stats are brought to you by the people who count a pair of ppe gloves as two items to make it look like they have ordered more than they actually have.

Conservatives would have nothing to say if they couldnt lie.
Tens of thousands of Covid-19 tests have been double-counted in the Government’s official tally, public health officials have admitted.

Diagnostic tests which involve taking saliva and nasal samples from the same patient are being counted as two tests, not one.

The Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England each confirmed the double-counting.

Once again a government elected on a load of lies. The clowns set a target of 100k tests per day by the end of April and failed to meet it. So they decided to count any tests that they posted out as part of the total. They got busted over that.

So having failed that target they set a new target of 200k per day by the end of May. This will not happen so they have come up with a new fiddle as outlined above.

These stats are brought to you by the people who count a pair of ppe gloves as two items to make it look like they have ordered more than they actually have.

Conservatives would have nothing to say if they couldnt lie.
I'm a conservative, Tommy. I post here often. Show me something I've lied about!
What does this have to do with "conservatives"? This shows the problem with the UK's Risky Socialized Medicine Scheme. Its just easier to say that you met the arbitrary quota as opposed to actually doing the work.

I don't know enough to know whether this result was due to laziness of the NHS staff or just not enough patients willing to go through the tests. But the idea in governmental work is the "stats"
What does this have to do with "conservatives"? This shows the problem with the UK's Risky Socialized Medicine Scheme. Its just easier to say that you met the arbitrary quota as opposed to actually doing the work.

I don't know enough to know whether this result was due to laziness of the NHS staff or just not enough patients willing to go through the tests. But the idea in governmental work is the "stats"
Its a conservative government. They are actually called the Conservatives. They lied because they are missing all of their targets. Thats what Cons do. And now we are supposed to trust these shits when they tell us to send our kids back to school.
Lying scumbags. As bad as trump.
Tens of thousands of Covid-19 tests have been double-counted in the Government’s official tally, public health officials have admitted.

Diagnostic tests which involve taking saliva and nasal samples from the same patient are being counted as two tests, not one.

The Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England each confirmed the double-counting.

Once again a government elected on a load of lies. The clowns set a target of 100k tests per day by the end of April and failed to meet it. So they decided to count any tests that they posted out as part of the total. They got busted over that.

So having failed that target they set a new target of 200k per day by the end of May. This will not happen so they have come up with a new fiddle as outlined above.

These stats are brought to you by the people who count a pair of ppe gloves as two items to make it look like they have ordered more than they actually have.

Conservatives would have nothing to say if they couldnt lie.
I'm a conservative, Tommy. I post here often. Show me something I've lied about!
You have no power, you can say whatever shit you want.
What does this have to do with "conservatives"? This shows the problem with the UK's Risky Socialized Medicine Scheme. Its just easier to say that you met the arbitrary quota as opposed to actually doing the work.

I don't know enough to know whether this result was due to laziness of the NHS staff or just not enough patients willing to go through the tests. But the idea in governmental work is the "stats"
Its a conservative government. They are actually called the Conservatives. They lied because they are missing all of their targets. Thats what Cons do. And now we are supposed to trust these shits when they tell us to send our kids back to school.
Lying scumbags. As bad as trump.
What does this have to do with "conservatives"? This shows the problem with the UK's Risky Socialized Medicine Scheme. Its just easier to say that you met the arbitrary quota as opposed to actually doing the work.

I don't know enough to know whether this result was due to laziness of the NHS staff or just not enough patients willing to go through the tests. But the idea in governmental work is the "stats"
Its a conservative government. They are actually called the Conservatives. They lied because they are missing all of their targets. Thats what Cons do. And now we are supposed to trust these shits when they tell us to send our kids back to school.
Lying scumbags. As bad as trump.
So let me get this straight, Trump has created universal income and health care related to Covid, spent more money than any previous President in US history, and he is a conservative?

Who is lying now Tommy?
Tens of thousands of Covid-19 tests have been double-counted in the Government’s official tally, public health officials have admitted.

Diagnostic tests which involve taking saliva and nasal samples from the same patient are being counted as two tests, not one.

The Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England each confirmed the double-counting.

Once again a government elected on a load of lies. The clowns set a target of 100k tests per day by the end of April and failed to meet it. So they decided to count any tests that they posted out as part of the total. They got busted over that.

So having failed that target they set a new target of 200k per day by the end of May. This will not happen so they have come up with a new fiddle as outlined above.

These stats are brought to you by the people who count a pair of ppe gloves as two items to make it look like they have ordered more than they actually have.

Conservatives would have nothing to say if they couldnt lie.
So where is the lie? They are telling you how many tests were administered and not the number of people tested
What does this have to do with "conservatives"? This shows the problem with the UK's Risky Socialized Medicine Scheme. Its just easier to say that you met the arbitrary quota as opposed to actually doing the work.

I don't know enough to know whether this result was due to laziness of the NHS staff or just not enough patients willing to go through the tests. But the idea in governmental work is the "stats"
Its a conservative government. They are actually called the Conservatives. They lied because they are missing all of their targets. Thats what Cons do. And now we are supposed to trust these shits when they tell us to send our kids back to school.
Lying scumbags. As bad as trump.
Tommy, why are you associating "UK's Risky Socialized Medical Scheme" in England with President Trump? And a lot of what appeared to be "lying" by the Social Media in this country is now coming to reckoning with the judiciary in the United States because it so turns out that almost every single charge against President Trump was a lie, and the charges themselves were used by a corrupt FBI socialized/communized police system to go some of his family on other issues than collusion with Russia, and some of the charges were used to go after after President Trump's most supportive allies. The lies told about President Trump were not limited to lying about his alleged wrongs such as the pee tape Hillary put out to blacken President Trump's name, and his alleged jumping while peeing on the bed in which Hillary Clinton spent the night in in the same hotel room for dignitaries, was a lie put out by the Hillary war room individuals who slammed and slurred each and every woman Bill Clinton disgraced by his serial womanizing every attractive woman he could get into the Oval Office.

The liberals in this land who sided with Hillary and her clandestine ways isn't working for the people of the USA, and they likely wouldn't work out well if people in your country, the UK, had to deal with it.

I am a conservative who was raised in a family that participated in worker's rights, and I agree that workers could and should be treated in such a manner as they could prosper, so you won't see me ganging up on people who belong to a worker's union with the exception that the union plays fairly. It's unfairness in either management's part or union management's part that I don't care for. When Unfairness becomes the only way to deal, that leaves no quarter for people who tell the truth and play fair in their business, social, and personal lives.

I hope someday you will lighten up your criticism when you understand that playing fair is an individual goal, and is not the property of conservatives in general. We're just people, and most of us are between two warring factions. And we have a news system here developed by liberals who honed in on hiring only people brainwashed by communist professors whose heroes are Stalin, Mao, Hitler, and even Machiavelli. Each of the above ordered the multiple deaths and genocide on given enemies of their causes.
Tens of thousands of Covid-19 tests have been double-counted in the Government’s official tally, public health officials have admitted.

Diagnostic tests which involve taking saliva and nasal samples from the same patient are being counted as two tests, not one.

The Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England each confirmed the double-counting.

Once again a government elected on a load of lies. The clowns set a target of 100k tests per day by the end of April and failed to meet it. So they decided to count any tests that they posted out as part of the total. They got busted over that.

So having failed that target they set a new target of 200k per day by the end of May. This will not happen so they have come up with a new fiddle as outlined above.

These stats are brought to you by the people who count a pair of ppe gloves as two items to make it look like they have ordered more than they actually have.

Conservatives would have nothing to say if they couldnt lie.
When it comes to lying conservatives are rank amateurs. The acknowledged pros are lefties and we readily concede that contest.
Tens of thousands of Covid-19 tests have been double-counted in the Government’s official tally, public health officials have admitted.

Diagnostic tests which involve taking saliva and nasal samples from the same patient are being counted as two tests, not one.

The Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England each confirmed the double-counting.

Once again a government elected on a load of lies. The clowns set a target of 100k tests per day by the end of April and failed to meet it. So they decided to count any tests that they posted out as part of the total. They got busted over that.

So having failed that target they set a new target of 200k per day by the end of May. This will not happen so they have come up with a new fiddle as outlined above.

These stats are brought to you by the people who count a pair of ppe gloves as two items to make it look like they have ordered more than they actually have.

Conservatives would have nothing to say if they couldnt lie.

I think you are seeing a conspiracy where none exists. If they do two different tests on the same person, those two tests may be processed by two different techs and the results may be reported twice. I personally think that it would be a waste of resources to have to say, Ok they tested positive. Have they ever tested negative before, have they tested positive elsewhere?
I'm a conservative, Tommy. I post here often. Show me something I've lied about!

Here, and what a lie that one was:

Nursing homes in New York ARE extermination camps! Thanks to Clueless Cuomo!
When you've got people trapped in a place they can't get out of and the government forces that place to take in Covid 19 infected it really an exaggeration to say that the elderly that subsequently died from Covid 19 in those homes were "exterminated"? Some government policies are SO idiotic that they border on the criminal. What Cuomo did is a good example of that!
I'm a conservative, Tommy. I post here often. Show me something I've lied about!

Here, and what a lie that one was:

Nursing homes in New York ARE extermination camps! Thanks to Clueless Cuomo!
Calling New York nursing homes extermination camps is not a lie. It might be an exaggeration but it is fundamentally correct. You would know that if you understood what that idiot Cuomo ORDERED.
If that had been a Trump edict? The Main Stream Media would be screaming at the tops of their lungs that heads should roll! Because it was one of their liberal "poster boys" they're looking the other way! It seems that whether or not Trump wears a mask is more important than tens of thousands who died needlessly! And then the media types wonder why so many people LOATH them!
Tens of thousands of Covid-19 tests have been double-counted in the Government’s official tally, public health officials have admitted.

Diagnostic tests which involve taking saliva and nasal samples from the same patient are being counted as two tests, not one.

The Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England each confirmed the double-counting.

Once again a government elected on a load of lies. The clowns set a target of 100k tests per day by the end of April and failed to meet it. So they decided to count any tests that they posted out as part of the total. They got busted over that.

So having failed that target they set a new target of 200k per day by the end of May. This will not happen so they have come up with a new fiddle as outlined above.

These stats are brought to you by the people who count a pair of ppe gloves as two items to make it look like they have ordered more than they actually have.

Conservatives would have nothing to say if they couldnt lie.
I'm a conservative, Tommy. I post here often. Show me something I've lied about!
You have no power, you can say whatever shit you want.

Way to duck that question, Tommy! So basically you came on here to flame conservatives? Talk about someone saying shit...
I'm a conservative, Tommy. I post here often. Show me something I've lied about!

Here, and what a lie that one was:

Nursing homes in New York ARE extermination camps! Thanks to Clueless Cuomo!
When you've got people trapped in a place they can't get out of and the government forces that place to take in Covid 19 infected it really an exaggeration to say that the elderly that subsequently died from Covid 19 in those homes were "exterminated"? Some government policies are SO idiotic that they border on the criminal. What Cuomo did is a good example of that!

See, now you are lying some more to cover up the initial lie. But then, you are also indicating that you are aware of your lie - describing it all as a thing "border[ing] on the criminal." Which would be quite unlike an "extermination camp".

In reality: Long-term care facilities were supposed to take Covid-19 patients back, and care for them separate from the other elderly.

If they were unable to do that, they would have to contact New York health authorities. These would then arrange for a transfer of these patients to a facility capable of caring for them while maintaining proper distance from those not infected.

So, what is it, Oldestyle? Lying? Or so poor a reading list - Cuomo's long-term care facilities are all the rage among Rightardia's click-bait founts - and therefore too ignorant to know what's really going on?

Either way, "extermination camps" was a lie, and you know it, for that goes far beyond merely waving a (fake) bloody shirt. You could at least demonstrate some capacity for shame.
I'm a conservative, Tommy. I post here often. Show me something I've lied about!

Here, and what a lie that one was:

Nursing homes in New York ARE extermination camps! Thanks to Clueless Cuomo!
When you've got people trapped in a place they can't get out of and the government forces that place to take in Covid 19 infected it really an exaggeration to say that the elderly that subsequently died from Covid 19 in those homes were "exterminated"? Some government policies are SO idiotic that they border on the criminal. What Cuomo did is a good example of that!

See, now you are lying some more to cover up the initial lie. But then, you are also indicating that you are aware of your lie - describing it all as a thing "border[ing] on the criminal." Which would be quite unlike a "extermination camp".

In reality: Long-term care facilities were supposed to take Covid-19 patients back, and care for them separate from the other elderly.

If they were unable to do that, they would have to contact New York health authorities. These would then arrange for a transfer of these patients to a facility capable of caring for them while maintaining proper distance from those not infected.

So, what is it, Oldestyle? Lying? Or so poor a reading list - Cuomo's long-term care facilities are all the rage among Rightardia's click-bait founts - and therefore too ignorant to know what's really going on?

Either way, "extermination camps" was a lie, and you know it, for that goes far beyond merely waving a (fake) bloody shirt. You could at least demonstrate some capacity for shame.
So WHY were long term care facilities supposed to take Covid 19 patients back? Because Cuomo's Administration FORCED them to do so? It's pretty obvious at this point that the nursing homes were totally unable to care for those infected people without spreading it to other nursing home patients. The only SHAME here is on whoever the idiot was that thought THAT was good policy!
So WHY were long term care facilities supposed to take Covid 19 patients back? Because Cuomo's Administration FORCED them to do so? It's pretty obvious at this point that the nursing homes were totally unable to care for those infected people without spreading it to other nursing home patients. The only SHAME here is on whoever the idiot was that thought THAT was good policy!

That would be because long-term care patients need a facility equipped and skilled to care for, wait for it, long-term care patients. Was that too hard for you to figure out?

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