Rx for the Democrats

The Right definitely is now, but the Left has been doing it for decades.

MAGA saw how effective it was, and started running with it.

Reminding us, once again, how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.
Sure, but today, magaturds are full retard.
Their use of Identity Politics is just the tip of the iceberg.

My first few years here were mostly spent squabbling with the Lefties on the PC stuff. But this full alternate reality is just on another level.
Magaturds are now emulating the regressive left. I can't tell who is more annoying and deserving of being maligned.
It's the fundamental flaw of democracy. Once a critical mass of voters "jump the shark", it's a pointless endeavor.
Yeah. I really dislike the post truth society we've become. I blame both tribes, but believe the last eight years have been significantly bolstered by magaturd propaganda.
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The same basic rule applies to both ends of the spectrum: The general issue for which you're advocating is not the problem. The problem is the methods you use while you're doing the advocating.

The Left always dismisses criticism like the OP. Okay, that's certainly up to you. And doing things the way you've been doing them over the last decade or two has worked out just great, right?

I'm happy to address your criticism. You're the one who runs away at the first sign of any. The question I have for this line of reasoning is, if the fight is right why are you blaming anyone but Republicans for their opposition to it? That's like saying I hear you that rape is wrong but do you really have to wear that short of a skirt?
The other thing they don't get is that when they pull a lot of their tactics, and when they tell people who complain to SHOVE it, many of those people are middle class and working class.

That's a pretty strong fucking mixed message. "We care about the middle and working classes, but if you don't like our PC/Identity Politics tactics, you can go fuck yourself, you racist homophobe Islamophobe transophobe".

So, since things aren't improving for those people otherwise, they start looking at other alternatives. Why not? And who's defending those people from the PC and Identity Politics crap?


Wow, Mac, are you still whining about this?

Look, man, I'm sorry HR called you down for a talk about that not-so funny joke you told, but you need to get over it.

The problem is the people you are talking about, which probably includes most of my relatives, were never going to vote for Democrats. The idea that you should screw over the people who do show up for you to pander to people who never will is just... silly.

So we are in a vicious cycle.

Republicans pander to the racial, religious, and sexual fears of the White Middle Class.

Enough of these pretty stupid people vote for them when times are good because you aren't thinking about the economic class when things are good.

When Republicans fuck it up for the middle class (and they always do! Going back to Herbert Hoover, there isn't a Republican who didn't bring us a recession!) the working class turns to Democrats and say, "Save us Mr. Democrat, save us! We'll even vote for the Nig.... er...Negro!!!"

When Democrats fix things, the Republicans go right back to telling Mr. and Mrs. White Middle Class, "That Tranny is coming for your children!!!!" and they buy it.

Not sure how Democrats are supposed to fix that level of stupid, really.
I'm happy to address your criticism. You're the one who runs away at the first sign of any. The question I have for this line of reasoning is, if the fight is right why are you blaming anyone but Republicans for their opposition to it? That's like saying I hear you that rape is wrong but do you really have to wear that short of a skirt?

Well said.

This has always been the argument. Just go along with riding at the back of the bus for a few more years. Just stay in the closet most of the time.

You don't stand up for the right thing because you will always win.

You stand up for the right thing because it's right. If you didn't win the argument this election, you refine your argument for the next election.

Case in point, Gay Marriage.

In 2004, George W. Bush managed to just squeak by into a second term by demagoguing the shit out of Gay Marriage (which was only legal in one state at that time.) The Democrats were hardly a profile in courage, passing the Defense of Marriage Act (which anyone could have told them was unconstitutional), or Obama pandering on the issue before lighting up the WH in rainbow. But the point was, eventually, they prevailed by sticking to their guns, and today, the issue isn't even controversial anymore, with something like 72% supporting gay marriage now.
Wow, Mac, are you still whining about this?

Look, man, I'm sorry HR called you down for a talk about that not-so funny joke you told, but you need to get over it.
You're insinuating that Mac is a racist, or some other kind of bigot, because he doesn't like identity politics. Why?
No, guy we lost because Biden was too old to run and America was too misogynistic and racist to vote for a black woman.

I know it makes the racists uncomfortable when you point out their racism... I just kind of don't care anymore.
Ostrich up!
Ostrich up!

Says the guy whose candidate got 0.4% of the vote?

Here's the reality. At the end of the day, parties don't win elections. Ideologies don't win elections. (If they did, we wouldn't swap them out every 4-8 years)

Candidates win elections.

Harris was a weak candidate. She might have been a stronger one had she more than 107 days to put together a campaign (Something that is pretty much unprecedented in the modern era).
The Dems lost because of years of failed policies , all of which are being addressed one issue at a time by Trump Joe

these prog issues have been a thorn in every American's a** , which is WHY Trump won the election


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