Russians were pathetic in the 1940 Winter War against Finland

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Which caused Hitler to think he could conquer Russia in a few months.

But the coup in Yugoslavia in April 1941 delayed Operation Barbarossa by 2 months - which caused the Germans to get bogged down by the Russian mud and then the snow in Oct 1941.
Which caused Hitler to think he could conquer Russia in a few months.

But the coup in Yugoslavia in April 1941 delayed Operation Barbarossa by 2 months - which caused the Germans to get bogged down by the Russian mud and then the snow in Oct 1941.

Even if Moscow fell there is little to suggest the Germans would have won.
It had little to do with luck. The lose of Stalin may have hurt the war effort but losing Moscow would not have. Further Hitler caused the delay more then a couple weeks in Yugoslavia. He pulled the tanks from the central command and sent them South.
Which caused Hitler to think he could conquer Russia in a few months.

But the coup in Yugoslavia in April 1941 delayed Operation Barbarossa by 2 months - which caused the Germans to get bogged down by the Russian mud and then the snow in Oct 1941.

Yes, so... what???:confused:
It had little to do with luck. The lose of Stalin may have hurt the war effort but losing Moscow would not have. Further Hitler caused the delay more then a couple weeks in Yugoslavia. He pulled the tanks from the central command and sent them South.

it was the collapse of the soviet forces in finland which embolded the nazis to attack the ussr. and without the massive american support and the daffy military strategy of hitler (dividing the 6th army), germany probably would have won the battle around russia. But it would never had won the war.

Don´t think we are worrying about that we had lost the war. We are thankful to you. This was the darkest chapter of the history of germany and you ended it.
Which caused Hitler to think he could conquer Russia in a few months.

But the coup in Yugoslavia in April 1941 delayed Operation Barbarossa by 2 months - which caused the Germans to get bogged down by the Russian mud and then the snow in Oct 1941.

Sounds plausible.

Of course, a REAL military genius would have understood that there's a big big difference between the enthusiasm of a people defending their own homeland versus that same people invading anothers homeland.

Leave it to the arrogance of a meglomaniac like Hitler to miss the stunningly obvious.

That sick sick man was the worst thing that ever happened to the German people.
Leave it to the arrogance of a meglomaniac like Hitler to miss the stunningly obvious.

That sick sick man was the worst thing that ever happened to the German people.

but somehow he has an deep fascination to americans. the threads around him and his works are countless here. and that the germans of the presence even 65 years after the war has ended still are identified and equatet as nazis is also undenieable. can you explain why?
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