Russian Connections to That FBI Informant

Not so.....

As I wrote at the time, the ā€œtimeline confirms the incompetence of Weiss in handling the investigation into Hunter Biden because in October 2020, Weissā€™s Delaware office received ā€˜a substantive briefingā€™ concerning the FD-1023 from the Pittsburgh U.S. attorneyā€™s office.ā€

Former Attorney General William Barr had tasked Pittsburgh with screening information related to Ukraine, which agents did with the FD-1023. Among other things, the Pennsylvania-based office obtained travel records of the confidential human source (CHS) and communicated with the CHSā€™s handler, with the information obtained consistent with Smirnovā€™s representations in the FD-1023. In screening the material, the U.S. attorney in Pittsburgh, Scott Brady, also vetted the FD-1023 ā€œagainst known sources of Russian disinformation,ā€ and found no connection. Accordingly, Pittsburgh closed out its screening process and forwarded the material to Delaware, recommending that Weissā€™s team investigate the allegations.

If true, Weissā€™s incompetence left the man he would have us believe is a Russian asset not just free in America, but working to interfere in our election and pushing who knows what other lies to the FBI. Further, because the Delaware U.S. attorneyā€™s office did not investigate Smirnovā€™s claims in 2020, he was never branded as a possible source of Russian lies.

Recall also that until recently, the FBI considered Smirnov a highly credible source and one even authorized to engage in criminal conduct. What information might our FBI have entrusted Smirnov with during those three years?

In short, while the Delaware U.S. attorneyā€™s officeā€™s goal may have been protecting Hunter Biden, by failing to investigate the FD-1023, they harmed our national security.

The source of these claims is not stated.

But the article as a whole is a hoot.

Supposedly the FBI is incompetent for not pursuing a false claim. Actually, it sounds pretty competent to me that they could tell the information was bogus. Why would they pursue a bogus claim? It boggles the mind.

Supposedly the false information sabotaged the impeachment inquiry. Actually, it was Republicans banging on the table demanding to have the document, so they sabotaged themselves.

The only one showing any incompetence is Republicans who hyped up the informant because it suited their narrative. Now they're looking for a scapegoat.
How would they know he was lying, when before they got the info, the FBI didn't know he was lying.
Reading the indictment, I think it would have been extremely obvious he was lying right away.

Between the text messages where he expressed bias against Biden and the sudden remembering that he had these bombshell meetings after failing to mention them at all in 2017.

It definitely wouldnā€™t have ever passed any rational smell test.
The only one showing any incompetence is Republicans who hyped up the informant because it suited their narrative. Now they're looking for a scapegoat.
Y'know, this could not have gone any worse for the orange cult. Not only is the "highly credible" (so said Fox) FBI "informant" a fucking liar, but he has close ties to -- wait for it -- the Russians, which directly means Putin.

That's pretty much the worst fucking news they could have gotten. Lies, Putin and their media.

And how do they react? Any admissions? Any contrition? Any humility? I know the Office of the Presidency no longer holds any decency or dignity for them, but have they acted human at all about this?

No. Of course not. They can't just be decent, honest adults. They just keep attacking and accusing. I guess this should be funny, but it isn't.
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The source of these claims is not stated.

But the article as a whole is a hoot.

Supposedly the FBI is incompetent for not pursuing a false claim. Actually, it sounds pretty competent to me that they could tell the information was bogus. Why would they pursue a bogus claim? It boggles the mind.

Supposedly the false information sabotaged the impeachment inquiry. Actually, it was Republicans banging on the table demanding to have the document, so they sabotaged themselves.

The only one showing any incompetence is Republicans who hyped up the informant because it suited their narrative. Now they're looking for a scapegoat.
Oh, an unnamed source? Say it ainā€™t so? ā€¦.šŸ¤£
He likely got information from the Russians but it's still a stretch to say it was lies.

Such is the power of government and agencies to be able to spin information to make if favourable to a president.

The fact is that Alexander Smirnov is completely discredited, his claims are devoid of merit.

Heā€™s useless as any sort of witness in any proceeding ā€“ he simply canā€™t be believed.
The FBI took his info! In 2019 Bill Barr and the DOJ found him to have no credibility. Did you know that the FBI was part of the DOJ?
Not so......

Former Attorney General William Barr had tasked Pittsburgh with screening information related to Ukraine, which agents did with the FD-1023. Among other things, the Pennsylvania-based office obtained travel records of the confidential human source (CHS) and communicated with the CHSā€™s handler, with the information obtained consistent with Smirnovā€™s representations in the FD-1023. In screening the material, the U.S. attorney in Pittsburgh, Scott Brady, also vetted the FD-1023 ā€œagainst known sources of Russian disinformation,ā€ and found no connection. Accordingly, Pittsburgh closed out its screening process and forwarded the material to Delaware, recommending that Weissā€™s team investigate the allegations.

The source of these claims is not stated.
I noticed neither was yours which you posted.
But the article as a whole is a hoot.
Like you said....had nothing to do with Weiss.
Not so......

Former Attorney General William Barr had tasked Pittsburgh with screening information related to Ukraine, which agents did with the FD-1023. Among other things, the Pennsylvania-based office obtained travel records of the confidential human source (CHS) and communicated with the CHSā€™s handler, with the information obtained consistent with Smirnovā€™s representations in the FD-1023. In screening the material, the U.S. attorney in Pittsburgh, Scott Brady, also vetted the FD-1023 ā€œagainst known sources of Russian disinformation,ā€ and found no connection. Accordingly, Pittsburgh closed out its screening process and forwarded the material to Delaware, recommending that Weissā€™s team investigate the allegations.

I noticed neither was yours which you posted.

Like you said....had nothing to do with Weiss.
So this Brady guy is the one thatā€™s incompetent.
More like the whole agency, based on past 'revelations'. You know, just like the entire gov't.
The FBI closed the file, it sounds like they knew it was bullshit and didnā€™t want to spend any time on it.

Is that competent or incompetent?
The FBI closed the file, it sounds like they knew it was bullshit and didnā€™t want to spend any time on it.
LOL...............can you read what Pgh FBI said?

In screening the material, the U.S. attorney in Pittsburgh, Scott Brady, also vetted the FD-1023 ā€œagainst known sources of Russian disinformation,ā€ and found no connection. Accordingly, Pittsburgh closed out its screening process and forwarded the material to Delaware, recommending that Weissā€™s team investigate the allegations.
House ReNaziKlans were either usefools or they knew from jump that Smirnov was an asset of the Russian FSB.

Both Comer Pyle and Gym JorDumb were lauding what is nothing than Direct Russian Inteference in the 2024 Presidential Election. There was NO bribe made to Mr. Biden. BURISMA was a farce.

Smirnov was picked by the FBI before he could flee to Russia. Smirnov was an asset of the FSB. His lies about BURISMA was nothing more and nothing less than active Russian Interference in 2024 Presidential Election.

The impeachment of Biden is dead. ReNaziKlans have proven themselves to Anti-American assest of the Russian Government. They would believe a Russian lie than the truth. They hate America,
Smirnov was picked by the FBI before he could flee to Russia.
Now they're trying to keep him in jail so he doesn't tell his side of the story..

The impeachment of Biden is dead.
No it isn't. Smirnoff was only one small piece of the puzzle. The only reason they may not go the impeachment route is the number of GOP seats and getting them all to go for an impeachment vote.

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