Russia Wants Bulgarians to Stop Painting Soviet Monuments To Look Like American Superheroes [VIDEO]

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Bulgaria loves ANYTHING American!..


Russia Annoyed By Repeated Colorful Vandalism of Soviet Monuments in Bulgaria

It's actually called vandalism.

It wouldn't be so funny if American monuments abroad were painted without permission, would it?
It's actually called vandalism.

It wouldn't be so funny if American monuments abroad were painted without permission, would it?

Actually it would, for the same reason.

This is excellent trollism. Stickin' it to the Man. :thup:
It's actually called vandalism.

It wouldn't be so funny if American monuments abroad were painted without permission, would it?

I suppose it would depend. These monuments are viewed as part and parcel of the occupation, and subjugation that Bulgaria endured. The Second World War was not pleasant for the Eastern European nations. First, many of them were invaded by the Soviet Union, and then they were invaded by the Nazi’s, and then they were re-invaded by the Soviets again. In each invasion, the people suffered terrible abuses at the hands of the invaders. While you see only monuments, they see reminders of the abuses they suffered.

Imagine if you built a monument to Andersonville making it look like the guards were heroic figures, instead of barbaric thugs. Imagine if Britain built a monument celebrating the brave soldiers who died trying ot keep America a subject of England in Boston, or Concord, or Lexington.

Would vandalism be funny then? I bet it would be. Or a monument in Okinawa celebrating the heroic Kamikaze pilots who threw themselves and aircraft loaded with explosives into ships filled with American service members. How funny would the vandalism be then?

What a monument says to one group, is not always what it says to all groups. It may be inaccurate to call Civil War monuments to the Confederates as slave related. However, it is undeniable that it is painful for some, and that war happened a lot longer ago than World War II.

The history of that part of the world is one of invasion, and deprivation, and subjugation. Those monuments tell a story to the people of Bulgaria, and that is that they were stomped underfoot and subjugated to the brutalities of the Soviet System, and denied freedom, and democracy, for decades. Those brave soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, raped and pillaged their way across Eastern Europe. God alone knows how many bastard children were born in their wake to raped women. Hundreds of thousands is probably too low an estimate.
It's actually called vandalism.

It wouldn't be so funny if American monuments abroad were painted without permission, would it?

I suppose it would depend. These monuments are viewed as part and parcel of the occupation, and subjugation that Bulgaria endured. The Second World War was not pleasant for the Eastern European nations. First, many of them were invaded by the Soviet Union, and then they were invaded by the Nazi’s, and then they were re-invaded by the Soviets again. In each invasion, the people suffered terrible abuses at the hands of the invaders. While you see only monuments, they see reminders of the abuses they suffered.

Imagine if you built a monument to Andersonville making it look like the guards were heroic figures, instead of barbaric thugs. Imagine if Britain built a monument celebrating the brave soldiers who died trying ot keep America a subject of England in Boston, or Concord, or Lexington.

Would vandalism be funny then? I bet it would be. Or a monument in Okinawa celebrating the heroic Kamikaze pilots who threw themselves and aircraft loaded with explosives into ships filled with American service members. How funny would the vandalism be then?

What a monument says to one group, is not always what it says to all groups. It may be inaccurate to call Civil War monuments to the Confederates as slave related. However, it is undeniable that it is painful for some, and that war happened a lot longer ago than World War II.

The history of that part of the world is one of invasion, and deprivation, and subjugation. Those monuments tell a story to the people of Bulgaria, and that is that they were stomped underfoot and subjugated to the brutalities of the Soviet System, and denied freedom, and democracy, for decades. Those brave soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, raped and pillaged their way across Eastern Europe. God alone knows how many bastard children were born in their wake to raped women. Hundreds of thousands is probably too low an estimate.

Yeah I was gonna say, it's like painting some UDC statue to look like Yosemite Sam or Foghorn Leghorn or some shit. It's a way of de-sacredizing the offender and putting them in their place, in this case the USSR. It's impossible to view the People standing up for their own independence against an interloper as a negative thing.
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It's actually called vandalism.

It wouldn't be so funny if American monuments abroad were painted without permission, would it?

I suppose it would depend. These monuments are viewed as part and parcel of the occupation, and subjugation that Bulgaria endured. The Second World War was not pleasant for the Eastern European nations. First, many of them were invaded by the Soviet Union, and then they were invaded by the Nazi’s, and then they were re-invaded by the Soviets again. In each invasion, the people suffered terrible abuses at the hands of the invaders. While you see only monuments, they see reminders of the abuses they suffered.

Imagine if you built a monument to Andersonville making it look like the guards were heroic figures, instead of barbaric thugs. Imagine if Britain built a monument celebrating the brave soldiers who died trying ot keep America a subject of England in Boston, or Concord, or Lexington.

Would vandalism be funny then? I bet it would be. Or a monument in Okinawa celebrating the heroic Kamikaze pilots who threw themselves and aircraft loaded with explosives into ships filled with American service members. How funny would the vandalism be then?

What a monument says to one group, is not always what it says to all groups. It may be inaccurate to call Civil War monuments to the Confederates as slave related. However, it is undeniable that it is painful for some, and that war happened a lot longer ago than World War II.

The history of that part of the world is one of invasion, and deprivation, and subjugation. Those monuments tell a story to the people of Bulgaria, and that is that they were stomped underfoot and subjugated to the brutalities of the Soviet System, and denied freedom, and democracy, for decades. Those brave soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, raped and pillaged their way across Eastern Europe. God alone knows how many bastard children were born in their wake to raped women. Hundreds of thousands is probably too low an estimate.

Yeah I was gonna say, it's like painting some UDC statue to look like Green Lantern or some shit. It's a way of de-sacredizing the offender and putting them in their place, in this case the USSR. It's impossible to view the People standing up for their own independence against an interloper as a negative thing.

It’s always a question of context. In this case, the context is vital to understanding the reason behind the actions.
1. OP said: "Russia is annoyed". Can anybody imagine if same thing had happen with Jewish cemetery? In that case all the world would be "annoyed".

2. Russian fallen soldiers were not occupants, they had an order to deliberate Bulgaria as well as the rest of Europe from German Nazis and gave up their lives for that. You guys seem to sympathize German Nazis more than Russian fallen soldiers, it's very sweet of you but stupid. If you don't like Soviet regime you are welcome to vandalize Lenin's, Stalin's, Brezhnev's monuments but not the monuments to fallen Soviet soldiers Please, feel the difference, have some respect to fallen soldiers and stop your mocking, remember about a boomerang rule.

BTW, Soviet soldiers were Ukrainians, Belorussians, Georgians, Armenians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians, etc .
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1. OP said: "Russia is annoyed". Can anybody imagine if same thing had happen with Jewish cemetery? In that case all the world would be "annoyed".

2. Russian fallen soldiers were not occupants, they had an order to deliberate Bulgaria as well as the rest of Europe from German Nazis and gave up their lives for that. You guys seem to sympathize German Nazis more than Russian fallen soldiers, it's very sweet of you but stupid. If you don't like Soviet regime you are welcome to vandalize Lenin's, Stalin's, Brezhnev's monuments but not the monuments to fallen Soviet soldiers Please, feel the difference, have some respect to fallen soldiers and stop your mocking, remember about a boomerang rule.

BTW, Soviet soldiers were Ukrainians, Belorussians, Georgians and many other nationalities representatives.

My friend. You have made a classic and understandable error. You believe there were good guys on the Eastern Front. There really weren’t. The Soviets matched the Nazi’s atrocity for atrocity. I was not speaking in hyperbole when I said they raped and pillaged their way across Eastern Europe. Do you think the people rounded up and sent to the Gulags in Siberia to make tanks and weapons twenty hours a day were significantly better off than those rounded up and sent to forced labor camps in Germany? Was there a difference between the way the NKVD tortured prisoners and executed them compared to the Gestapo doing the same thing?

Patton was the most verbose, but hardly alone in the belief that they should rearm the Germans and continue East to destroy the Soviets.

There were no good guys on the Eastern Front. Both sides were ruled by dictators with aspirations of world domination. The Nazi’s were bad. But you have to split the hair mighty thin to believe the Soviets were less evil. About the only thing you could say about the Soviets was they didn’t gas a few million Jews. Instead intellectuals were rounded up and sent to the Gulags if they survived interrogation. By intellectuals they meant Jews.

There were no good guys mate. Especially for the victims of that liberation.
1. OP said: "Russia is annoyed". Can anybody imagine if same thing had happen with Jewish cemetery? In that case all the world would be "annoyed".

2. Russian fallen soldiers were not occupants, they had an order to deliberate Bulgaria as well as the rest of Europe from German Nazis and gave up their lives for that. You guys seem to sympathize German Nazis more than Russian fallen soldiers, it's very sweet of you but stupid. If you don't like Soviet regime you are welcome to vandalize Lenin's, Stalin's, Brezhnev's monuments but not the monuments to fallen Soviet soldiers Please, feel the difference, have some respect to fallen soldiers and stop your mocking, remember about a boomerang rule.

BTW, Soviet soldiers were Ukrainians, Belorussians, Georgians and many other nationalities representatives.

My friend. You have made a classic and understandable error. You believe there were good guys on the Eastern Front. There really weren’t. The Soviets matched the Nazi’s atrocity for atrocity. I was not speaking in hyperbole when I said they raped and pillaged their way across Eastern Europe. Do you think the people rounded up and sent to the Gulags in Siberia to make tanks and weapons twenty hours a day were significantly better off than those rounded up and sent to forced labor camps in Germany? Was there a difference between the way the NKVD tortured prisoners and executed them compared to the Gestapo doing the same thing?

Patton was the most verbose, but hardly alone in the belief that they should rearm the Germans and continue East to destroy the Soviets.

There were no good guys on the Eastern Front. Both sides were ruled by dictators with aspirations of world domination. The Nazi’s were bad. But you have to split the hair mighty thin to believe the Soviets were less evil. About the only thing you could say about the Soviets was they didn’t gas a few million Jews. Instead intellectuals were rounded up and sent to the Gulags if they survived interrogation. By intellectuals they meant Jews.

There were no good guys mate. Especially for the victims of that liberation.
My dear American friend, you are making even bigger mistake: you as a taxpayer have been supporting breeding Nazis in the middle of Europe in my home country of Ukraine. Of course, your Media has been telling you: your are helping democracy in Ukraine while taking your money. But the truth is: those "democratic" Ukrainian Nazis have been burning the people [who protest against the coup and anti-constitutional Washington puppets regime] alive, kill the journalists, attack the churches, beating the priests, have regular torchlight marches and so on and on.

Oles Buzina' assassination was the third in a row of political killings in the last four days: Sergey Sukhobok (April 13); Oleg Kalashnikov (April 15); and Oles Buzina (April 16).
History of Ukraine Told by Assassinated Ukrainian Writer Oles Buzina

I am a British citizen and the former owner of the Kyiv Post, We noticed that corrupt practices weren’t being tackled properly, and we started criticizing Poroshenko. In response, the SBU, which is responsible for state security in the economic sphere, forced the police to initiate a criminal case against us based on the allegation
Think Before You Invest in Ukraine

How Ukraine’s Never Ending Transition Makes the Rich Richer and Everyone Else Poorer


Pticha village: a video of brutal attack on church by “Right Sector” and schismatics is published

‘Aidar’ and ‘Azov’ militants came to the church, and with their help schismatics in just a few minutes pushed representatives of Ukrainian Orthodox Church community out of the church, threatening them with weapons,” reported the press service of the Rovno diocese. The people were beaten by sticks and iron bars, “Molotov cocktails” were thrown at them, and they were pepper sprayed. In total about 400 people participated in the standoff. The parishioners who were inside the church decided not to leave it, being afraid of punishment and the building of the church being captured.
http: //
Google this^ , the system doesn't allow me to post the link

Burning the protesters in Odessa:

And all that ^ is just a tip of a huge Nazi iceberg American taxpayers are forced to create in Ukraine (without even knowing about that). That's what you guys have to be concerned about. By hating Russians you are only pleasing your Deep State.
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1. OP said: "Russia is annoyed". Can anybody imagine if same thing had happen with Jewish cemetery? In that case all the world would be "annoyed".

2. Russian fallen soldiers were not occupants, they had an order to deliberate Bulgaria as well as the rest of Europe from German Nazis and gave up their lives for that. You guys seem to sympathize German Nazis more than Russian fallen soldiers, it's very sweet of you but stupid. If you don't like Soviet regime you are welcome to vandalize Lenin's, Stalin's, Brezhnev's monuments but not the monuments to fallen Soviet soldiers Please, feel the difference, have some respect to fallen soldiers and stop your mocking, remember about a boomerang rule.

BTW, Soviet soldiers were Ukrainians, Belorussians, Georgians and many other nationalities representatives.

My friend. You have made a classic and understandable error. You believe there were good guys on the Eastern Front. There really weren’t. The Soviets matched the Nazi’s atrocity for atrocity. I was not speaking in hyperbole when I said they raped and pillaged their way across Eastern Europe. Do you think the people rounded up and sent to the Gulags in Siberia to make tanks and weapons twenty hours a day were significantly better off than those rounded up and sent to forced labor camps in Germany? Was there a difference between the way the NKVD tortured prisoners and executed them compared to the Gestapo doing the same thing?

Patton was the most verbose, but hardly alone in the belief that they should rearm the Germans and continue East to destroy the Soviets.

There were no good guys on the Eastern Front. Both sides were ruled by dictators with aspirations of world domination. The Nazi’s were bad. But you have to split the hair mighty thin to believe the Soviets were less evil. About the only thing you could say about the Soviets was they didn’t gas a few million Jews. Instead intellectuals were rounded up and sent to the Gulags if they survived interrogation. By intellectuals they meant Jews.

There were no good guys mate. Especially for the victims of that liberation.
My dear American friend, you are making even bigger mistake: you as a taxpayer have been supporting breeding Nazis in the middle of Europe in my home country of Ukraine. Of course, your Media has been telling you: your are helping democracy in Ukraine while taking your money. But the truth is: those "democratic" Ukrainian Nazis have been burning the people [who protest against the coup and anti-constitutional Washington puppets regime] alive, kill the journalists, attack the churches with beating the priests, and so on and on.
Oles Buzina' assassination was the third in a row of political killings in the last four days: Sergey Sukhobok (April 13); Oleg Kalashnikov (April 15); and Oles Buzina (April 16).
History of Ukraine Told by Assassinated Ukrainian Writer Oles Buzina

I am a British citizen and the former owner of the Kyiv Post, We noticed that corrupt practices weren’t being tackled properly, and we started criticizing Poroshenko. In response, the SBU, which is responsible for state security in the economic sphere, forced the police to initiate a criminal case against us based on the allegation
Think Before You Invest in Ukraine

How Ukraine’s Never Ending Transition Makes the Rich Richer and Everyone Else Poorer


‘Aidar’ and ‘Azov’ militants came to the church, and with their help schismatics in just a few minutes pushed representatives of Ukrainian Orthodox Church community out of the church, threatening them with weapons,” reported the press service of the Rovno diocese. The people were beaten by sticks and iron bars, “Molotov cocktails” were thrown at them, and they were pepper sprayed. In total about 400 people participated in the standoff. The parishioners who were inside the church decided not to leave it, being afraid of punishment and the building of the church being captured.
http: //
Google this^ , the system doesn't allow me to post the link

I know about a lot of that, I read a lot of news, and history. My friend, the situation in the Ukraine is abysmal. Again they are faced with the choice between Soviet Style expansion, or fascism. I don’t support either side in that conflict. I think both sides are wrong, again, just like in the “great patriotic war”.

No matter who wins, the people are going to lose, again. If you think I am a supporter of that, then I am happy to disabuse you of that ideal right now.

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