Russia is considering any possibility of supporting Syria


Nov 14, 2012
Economic aid for Syria! Helping the Syrians economically is the next step on Russia´s generous agenda. After fear appeared that Russia´s support is not consistent and that Russia´s peace efforts are driving the Syrian military into tough trouble in early 2016, it now appears to be expanding an expanding! Not only Syria says thank you, Mr. Putin and government and everyone in, but the entire world!


"Russia is considering any possibility of supporting Syria, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Tuesday after a meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus.

Rogozin, who co-chairs the Russian-Syrian commission on trade and economic, scientific and technical cooperation, and Assad discussed Russia’s economic assistance to Syria at talks, which lasted for an hour and a half.

"The Syrian side has many requests on how to support life of the state and the citizens who were deprived of traditional means of earning money," Rogozin said in an interview with TASS and Channel One.

"Syria used to be a country that sold oil, grain and was a successful state. Now it has neither oil nor gain nor many other products to meet the demands of the population," he said. "Therefore, our commission on trade and economic relations is a tool of support and we consider any possibility in Syria to back them," Rogozin stressed."

Russia looking into all options for supporting Syria, Russian deputy PM says
nothing new----the entire world is in danger based on the UNBROKEN CHAIN of centuries of Russian imperialist ambition. -----Way back in ancient history-----I was a child-----even then the world issue was Russia's EXPANDING SPHERE OF INFLUENCE------Russia is like choke weed -----the plant ALSO called "morning glory"------it sprouts a pretty flower as it POPS up everywhere -------and proceeds to CHOKE even established trees
to death. The phenomenon to watch today is the bizarre alliance between Imperialist Russia and Imperialist Iran.---
nothing new----the entire world is in danger based on the UNBROKEN CHAIN of centuries of Russian imperialist ambition. -----Way back in ancient history-----I was a child-----even then the world issue was Russia's EXPANDING SPHERE OF INFLUENCE------Russia is like choke weed -----the plant ALSO called "morning glory"------it sprouts a pretty flower as it POPS up everywhere -------and proceeds to CHOKE even established trees
to death. The phenomenon to watch today is the bizarre alliance between Imperialist Russia and Imperialist Iran.---

You know that the US started the Syrian Civil War don't you? It was our imperialist dreams that got us into this mess. It was our imperial plans that has the world teetering on the brink of war.

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nothing new----the entire world is in danger based on the UNBROKEN CHAIN of centuries of Russian imperialist ambition. -----Way back in ancient history-----I was a child-----even then the world issue was Russia's EXPANDING SPHERE OF INFLUENCE------Russia is like choke weed -----the plant ALSO called "morning glory"------it sprouts a pretty flower as it POPS up everywhere -------and proceeds to CHOKE even established trees
to death. The phenomenon to watch today is the bizarre alliance between Imperialist Russia and Imperialist Iran.---

You know that the US started the Syrian Civil War don't you? It was our imperialist dreams that got us into this mess. It was our imperial plans that has the world teetering on the brink of war.

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Of course---I remember----Obama called telephoned some guy named Achmed in Damascus and said---------"SALAAM ALEIKUM----time for you guys to have a civil war" Remember the civil unrest in Teheran?-----similar event-----Queen Elizabeth
called some adolescents in Teheran and told them to do it.
nothing new----the entire world is in danger based on the UNBROKEN CHAIN of centuries of Russian imperialist ambition. -----Way back in ancient history-----I was a child-----even then the world issue was Russia's EXPANDING SPHERE OF INFLUENCE------Russia is like choke weed -----the plant ALSO called "morning glory"------it sprouts a pretty flower as it POPS up everywhere -------and proceeds to CHOKE even established trees
to death. The phenomenon to watch today is the bizarre alliance between Imperialist Russia and Imperialist Iran.---

You know that the US started the Syrian Civil War don't you? It was our imperialist dreams that got us into this mess. It was our imperial plans that has the world teetering on the brink of war.

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irosie is propaganda. In so far, trying to convince is waste of time.
nothing new----the entire world is in danger based on the UNBROKEN CHAIN of centuries of Russian imperialist ambition. -----Way back in ancient history-----I was a child-----even then the world issue was Russia's EXPANDING SPHERE OF INFLUENCE------Russia is like choke weed -----the plant ALSO called "morning glory"------it sprouts a pretty flower as it POPS up everywhere -------and proceeds to CHOKE even established trees
to death. The phenomenon to watch today is the bizarre alliance between Imperialist Russia and Imperialist Iran.---

You know that the US started the Syrian Civil War don't you? It was our imperialist dreams that got us into this mess. It was our imperial plans that has the world teetering on the brink of war.

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irosie is propaganda. In so far, trying to convince is waste of time.

convince WHAT? -------are you getting into the old time religion which tells you that the
footage of planes crashing into the WTC on 9-ll-01 was AN ANIMATED CARTOON?
Bleipriester, et al,

OK, I'm asking an honest question here (not trying to be argumentative).

irosie is propaganda. In so far, trying to convince is waste of time.

What are you trying to convince our friend "IROSIE91" of ?

I thought IROSIE91's implications in Posting #2 was not all that unreasonable.

The Russians, for nearly four decades, has been attempting to establish a huge influence in the region; starting with military aid centered on Syria in the early 1980's; although Russian-Syrian Naval cooperation began in the 1970's with the Naval Base at Tartus.

In September 1970 (Black September), under the leadership of Yasser Arafat and George Habash, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) moved to topple the Hashemite Kingdom. The Syrians contributed a heavily reinforced Armor Brigade initially with 200 Syrian (Russian made T-55) tanks and increased to nearly 300 in the week that followed. This was in direct support of the combined force of Palestinian Insurgents, Guerrillas and Fedayeen.

While the Syrians were the external interference in the attempt to at Regime Change; behind it all was the unseen hand of the Russians as the puppet master.

So my question is: What perspective are we attempt to impose on IROSIE91?

Most Respectfully,
nothing new----the entire world is in danger based on the UNBROKEN CHAIN of centuries of Russian imperialist ambition. -----Way back in ancient history-----I was a child-----even then the world issue was Russia's EXPANDING SPHERE OF INFLUENCE------Russia is like choke weed -----the plant ALSO called "morning glory"------it sprouts a pretty flower as it POPS up everywhere -------and proceeds to CHOKE even established trees
to death. The phenomenon to watch today is the bizarre alliance between Imperialist Russia and Imperialist Iran.---

You know that the US started the Syrian Civil War don't you? It was our imperialist dreams that got us into this mess. It was our imperial plans that has the world teetering on the brink of war.

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irosie is propaganda. In so far, trying to convince is waste of time.

No she is satirical and so way above your intelligence
What are you trying to convince our friend "IROSIE91" of ?
As stated: nothing.

I thought IROSIE91's implications in Posting #2 was not all that unreasonable.
"Way back in ancient history-----I was a child"

The Russians, for nearly four decades, has been attempting to establish a huge influence in the region; starting with military aid centered on Syria in the early 1980's; although Russian-Syrian Naval cooperation began in the 1970's with the Naval Base at Tartus.

In September 1970 (Black September), under the leadership of Yasser Arafat and George Habash, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) moved to topple the Hashemite Kingdom. The Syrians contributed a heavily reinforced Armor Brigade initially with 200 Syrian (Russian made T-55) tanks and increased to nearly 300 in the week that followed. This was in direct support of the combined force of Palestinian Insurgents, Guerrillas and Fedayeen.

While the Syrians were the external interference in the attempt to at Regime Change; behind it all was the unseen hand of the Russians as the puppet master.
The US backed their ally Israel, the SU backed their ally Syria.

So my question is: What perspective are we attempt to impose on IROSIE91?
Me? none.
nothing new----the entire world is in danger based on the UNBROKEN CHAIN of centuries of Russian imperialist ambition. -----Way back in ancient history-----I was a child-----even then the world issue was Russia's EXPANDING SPHERE OF INFLUENCE------Russia is like choke weed -----the plant ALSO called "morning glory"------it sprouts a pretty flower as it POPS up everywhere -------and proceeds to CHOKE even established trees
to death. The phenomenon to watch today is the bizarre alliance between Imperialist Russia and Imperialist Iran.---

You know that the US started the Syrian Civil War don't you? It was our imperialist dreams that got us into this mess. It was our imperial plans that has the world teetering on the brink of war.

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irosie is propaganda. In so far, trying to convince is waste of time.

No she is satirical and so way above your intelligence
Funny twit. Brothers in Zion.
"The US backed their ally Israel, the SU backed their ally Syria." <<< Baathist

I am intrigued-----when did "the soviet union" become the ally of Syria? (the erstwhile
soviet union) In what way is the US backing
Israel in ref. to Syria? for what issue?
nothing new----the entire world is in danger based on the UNBROKEN CHAIN of centuries of Russian imperialist ambition. -----Way back in ancient history-----I was a child-----even then the world issue was Russia's EXPANDING SPHERE OF INFLUENCE------Russia is like choke weed -----the plant ALSO called "morning glory"------it sprouts a pretty flower as it POPS up everywhere -------and proceeds to CHOKE even established trees
to death. The phenomenon to watch today is the bizarre alliance between Imperialist Russia and Imperialist Iran.---

You know that the US started the Syrian Civil War don't you? It was our imperialist dreams that got us into this mess. It was our imperial plans that has the world teetering on the brink of war.

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irosie is propaganda. In so far, trying to convince is waste of time.

No she is satirical and so way above your intelligence
Funny twit. Brothers in Zion.

"brothers in zion"???
The truth remains. We started the Civil War.

Let's take a trip back to the era. The Arab Spring was astonishing it how fast Dictators became history. We stood by as Libya overthrew Qaddafi and then claimed credit. It was all happening so fast, and like the politician in the joke who sees a crowd go by we wondered how we could take advantage and lead this.

We tried to stand by Egypt but that didn't work. So we looked at Syria. We had an awesome plan that just begged for implementation. With Russia in financial difficulty after the economic collapse of 2008 and recovery impractical with the low oil prices we could win without firing a shot.

Our goal was to get the Russians out and whoever was left standing would be hostile to Russia and friendly to us. Russia has one Naval Base in the Mediterranean Sea. Just one pathetic little dock at the edge of the commercial dock. Russian naval facility in Tartus - Wikipedia

So all we had to do was arm the Jihadist groups and Syria would fall and Russia would be out of the Mediterranean game of power projection. No problem there. Plenty of weapons to get started with in Libya. The Benghazi outrage we actually should be talking about

Well no problem. We will use Saudi money to buy the weapons in Eastern Europe and ship them through Jordan to the people we are calling "Moderate Jihadis" which is an asinine label if there ever was one. Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With Aid From C.I.A.

Well since we were breaking the law by supplying weapons to terrorists how could we object if the Jordanian CIA stole the weapons and sold them to among others ISIS? I mean how much difference was there really between ISIS and the "Free Syrian Army"?C.I.A. Arms for Syrian Rebels Supplied Black Market, Officials Say

Since our ally Jordan was making money on our war why shouldn't Turkey buy the stolen oil from ISIS and make a little mine too? Syria oil map: the journey of a barrel of Isis oil

So now we are left to threaten and protest when Russia bombs oil tanker trucks who are taking the stolen oil to Turkey because our allies are losing money on the deal.

After we realized how corrupt we looked we took over the bombing of tanker trucks loaded with stolen oil from Russia. Still unwilling to hurt our allies we would drop leaflet warnings before we bombed them. US bombs ISIS oil trucks in Syria but defends dropping leaflets to warn civilians | Daily Mail Online

So we are defending ISIS supposedly on humanitarian grounds while we demand that Assad leave for breaking an international treaty that Syria never signed while violating dozens of treaties we did sign. Any questions so far?

Thanks To Smart Power in Washington we are closer to World War 3 than at any time since the Cold War ended. We've made Putin stronger by giving him an external enemy to point to, and helped arm terrorists all over the region.

So I'm not mad at Putin. We would have launched Nuclear Weapons at Russia if the tables were turned and they threatened our base in Spain.

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