Russia gets heaviest snowstorm in 100 years!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
More k00k losing..................:fu:

Heaviest Snowfall in a Century Hits Moscow | News | The Moscow Times

The OC warmists will say this is expected with global warming. OK........and the only people who buy that narrative are the other like nutters on the internet. The rest of the world is saying ( especially in Russia )........."WTF??!!! Global warming is gay!!!"


Perception is 95% reality s0ns!!!!!:2up:
Snow? You do realize that warmer temps can actually lead to more snow, don't you? Of course you don't really care because this is all about politics. having lost the scientific argument long ago, it's all you've got.
Snow? You do realize that warmer temps can actually lead to more snow, don't you? Of course you don't really care because this is all about politics. having lost the scientific argument long ago, it's all you've got.

Yep. Perhaps another Ice Age is coming? Oh well... It is the natural cycle of things

It's global warming. Everything is global warming. Including the heating up of Mars. What's happening there is....

Snow? You do realize that warmer temps can actually lead to more snow, don't you? Of course you don't really care because this is all about politics. having lost the scientific argument long ago, it's all you've got.

Who gives a fuck about the scientific argument? Might as well be standing stark naked in the middle of the most remote part of Siberia screaming "FIRE!!!".:fu:

Take a bow!!!
IF it gets a LOT colder and snowier, that's a paradoxical effect of MAN MADE Global Warming.

If it gets hotter and or drier, that is the direct effect of MAN MADE Global Warming.

Thus, it is revealed, that ALL weather and climate is a direct responsibility of George W. Bush, his fat cat Republican Donors, the GOP, capitalism and the existence of the lethal virus on the face of this planet we call "human beings."
Snow? You do realize that warmer temps can actually lead to more snow, don't you? Of course you don't really care because this is all about politics. having lost the scientific argument long ago, it's all you've got.

Yep. Perhaps another Ice Age is coming? Oh well... It is the natural cycle of things

Indeed. Humanity and other living things are at more risk of a new Ice Age than we are of the oceans boiling away due to Glowball Wirming.

Warming has been Very Very Good for Life.
IF it gets a LOT colder and snowier, that's a paradoxical effect of MAN MADE Global Warming.

If it gets hotter and or drier, that is the direct effect of MAN MADE Global Warming.

Thus, it is revealed, that ALL weather and climate is a direct responsibility of George W. Bush, his fat cat Republican Donors, the GOP, capitalism and the existence of the lethal virus on the face of this planet we call "human beings."

Global Warming & George W. Bush are the Great Unifying Objects of Blame.
Snow? You do realize that warmer temps can actually lead to more snow, don't you? Of course you don't really care because this is all about politics. having lost the scientific argument long ago, it's all you've got.

Exactly that....I have to say - how can anyone NOT know that??!! :razz:
Snow? You do realize that warmer temps can actually lead to more snow, don't you? Of course you don't really care because this is all about politics. having lost the scientific argument long ago, it's all you've got.

Do warmer temps lead to abnormally frigid conditions that freeze nations solid?
Snow? You do realize that warmer temps can actually lead to more snow, don't you? Of course you don't really care because this is all about politics. having lost the scientific argument long ago, it's all you've got.

Exactly that....I have to say - how can anyone NOT know that??!! :razz:

Guess you missed climate science telling us not so long ago that kids were going to grow up not knowing what snow is...till it began to fall by the buckets full year after year at which time climate science now tells us that global warming will cause less and more snow.
Snow? You do realize that warmer temps can actually lead to more snow, don't you? Of course you don't really care because this is all about politics. having lost the scientific argument long ago, it's all you've got.

Do warmer temps lead to abnormally frigid conditions that freeze nations solid?

It's not just the plot line of a dopey movie. It is also a scientific theory that increased warming melts lots of arctic ice. That's fresh water. that fresh water in large volumes flows into the saline oceans causing some desalinization. The desalinization affects the flow of the large ocean currents (like the Gulf stream) which circulates the warmer waters north (in the northern hemisphere) and the cooler waters back south.

When that gets disrupted, the impact on climate is believed to cause more cooling up north which (theoretically) is believed to possibly be powerful enough paradoxically cause much colder climate in the northern lands. It is even thought that some of the cyclical ice ages may have been caused in such a fashion.

So, if you buy the theory, then the answer to your question would appear to be "yes."
Snow? You do realize that warmer temps can actually lead to more snow, don't you? Of course you don't really care because this is all about politics. having lost the scientific argument long ago, it's all you've got.

Exactly that....I have to say - how can anyone NOT know that??!! :razz:

Guess you missed climate science telling us not so long ago that kids were going to grow up not knowing what snow is...till it began to fall by the buckets full year after year at which time climate science now tells us that global warming will cause less and more snow.

Really, SSDD - it is not my fault nor anyone else that you don't and apparently can't follow this debate.

It is not difficult stuff - but if you don't want to understand even the most basic science, then no one can ever make you.
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I think I caused this.

I fired up the old Cadillac DeVille over the weekend.

9 mpg but what a ride.
More k00k losing..................:fu:

Heaviest Snowfall in a Century Hits Moscow | News | The Moscow Times

The OC warmists will say this is expected with global warming. OK........and the only people who buy that narrative are the other like nutters on the internet. The rest of the world is saying ( especially in Russia )........."WTF??!!! Global warming is gay!!!"


Perception is 95% reality s0ns!!!!!:2up:

Just how stupid do you people get? Global warming does not have to do with the weather in a certain area of the globe on any given day. It has to do with weather getting more extreme all over, which it has been over the past few years.


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