Russia's Hyper Sonic missiles 10 years ahead of US


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Brighton and Hove , East Sussex , England

In 2018 Vladimir Putin took the stage to present Russia's new hypersonic weapons. The term "hypersonic" refers to missiles that fly at speeds of 5 mach and higher. At the time, many in the west dismissed Putin's claims and thought it was a bluff. We now know that he wasn't bluffing. Russia is the only country in the world that has deployment-ready hypersonic missiles - not one but three types: Zircons, Kinzhals and Avantguards.

Domazet explained why these weapons are radical game changers in warfare. Namely, in World War 1, tanks were the game changing military technology. Since World War 2, it’s been the air-force. Aircraft carrier strike groups have been an irresistible force wherever they travelled, dominating the seas ever since. But hypersonic precision missiles have rendered that force obsolete overnight.

The main military front in today's global conflict, according to Domazet, are the Anti-Ballistic (ABM) batteries which the US has set up on the Poland-Romania axis, and the Russians on the North Pole-Kaliningrad-Crimea-Syria axis. These are defensive systems, conceived to intercept incoming nuclear missiles (though they can easily be converted to offensive nuclear missiles). However, today's ABM systems are only effective against missiles flying at speeds up to mach 3.5 (3.5 x the speed of sound).

The Kinzhal turns mighty aircraft carrier strike groups into sitting ducks

Russia's new Kinzhal missile flies at speeds of mach 12 to mach 15 and nothing in western defensive arsenals can stop its strike. During the war in Ukraine, Russia staged a stunning demonstration of its power. The first Kinzhal strike, delivered one month after the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine, was perhaps the most significant: Russian forces targeted a large weapons depot in Ukraine which had been built during the Soviet times to withstand a nuclear strike. It was buried 170 meters (over 500 ft) underground and protected by several layers of armored concrete.

The Kinzhal flies at altitudes of between 20 and 40 km, with a maximum range of 2,000 km. When above target, it dives perpendicularly and accelerates to 15 mach, generating enormous kinetic energy in addition to its explosive payload. That first strike with a single Kinzhal missile destroyed Ukraine's nuke-proof underground weapons depot. This was a message for the west.

Moscow calling: we can sink ALL your carriers

The Kinzhal was developed with the express purpose of destroying aircraft carrier strike groups. If it could destroy a warehouse built to withstand a nuclear strike, it can cut through an aircraft carrier like a hot knife through butter.

According to Admiral Domazet, neither the western powers nor China are anywhere near having weapons like that. He explained that the critical issue with hypersonic weapons are the extreme temperatures reached during hypersonic flights on the surface of missiles, which can cause them to break apart mid-flight. Russia is the only nation that has developed special materials that enable the missiles to withstand this stress, so their flight can be controlled throughout its trajectory and delivered with pinpoint accuracy.

Western intelligence estimated that Russia had some 50 Kinzhals at the start of the war in Ukraine, and thus far it has used only 9 of them. Last week, they fired six Kinzhals in a single salvo. That too, was a message. Here’s how Domazet explained it: United States have 11 aircraft carrier strike groups. Of these, fewer than half will be active at any one time (while others are in dock for maintenance, or in preparation). Firing six Kinzhals in one go is military-speak for, “we have the capability to sink ALL of your aircraft carriers at once.”

Russia has the capacity to build about 200 Kinzhals per year and now has means of delivering Kinzhal and Zircon missiles anywhere from aircraft, ships and submarines. In addition to destroying aircraft carriers, they can also destroy NATOs ABM missile sites. In a nutshell, Russia is now a clear winner of the 21st century arms race.​

It could take the western powers 10 years or longer to catch up and until then, the only way to avoid losing the war is to either concede defeat and accept Russia's security demands, or to escalate the conflict to nuclear exchange.

Authored by Alex Krainer via TrendCompass,
Have to consider that the West may have stuff that has never been made public. Stuff that could be capable of toasting the electronics of even a hypersonic missile. Satellites with beam weapons, etc.

With that said, I also believe that western globalist New World Order propaganda severely downplays the capabilities and assets of the Russian military, in addition to it's successes in Ukraine.
Yes, hypersonics cause carriers to become vulnerable, at least until countermeasures are created. That WILL HAPPEN. It always has in the past. The question really comes down to the will of Russia or China to take an action that would destroy a multi-billion dollar asset as well as take several thousand American lives in one strike.

Those kinds of losses would lead to a level of retribution that would approach the use of mass casualty weapons on our part.

Russia's Hyper Sonic missiles 10 years ahead of US​

Based on Russia's level of crappy manufacturing, I'll bet 90% of their crappy hypersonic missiles break up before they get within 100 miles of their target.

Russia has the capacity to build about 200 Kinzhals per year and now has means of delivering Kinzhal and Zircon missiles anywhere from aircraft, ships and submarines. In addition to destroying aircraft carriers, they can also destroy NATOs ABM missile sites. In a nutshell, Russia is now a clear winner of the 21st century arms race.​

Obviously. That's why they've taken all of Ukraine and are at the border of Germany.

I mean, Russia is the clear winner of the 21st century vodka race.
I don't think so, first of all I am not all that impressed by the missile in question, second we know the SM3 can take them down, its very hard to sink an aircraft carrier, not impossible to be sure, but very hard. I'm more intrigued with China's DF-17 & DF-21 ballistic missiles, just as hard for them to break through to the carrier group, but individually able to splash any carrier either does reach! The US Navy is nowhere near as vulnerable as they are claiming to be, more importantly the US Navy can park subs along the coast of China and rain hell down upon them with near total impunity,,,,

In 2018 Vladimir Putin took the stage to present Russia's new hypersonic weapons. The term "hypersonic" refers to missiles that fly at speeds of 5 mach and higher. At the time, many in the west dismissed Putin's claims and thought it was a bluff. We now know that he wasn't bluffing. Russia is the only country in the world that has deployment-ready hypersonic missiles - not one but three types: Zircons, Kinzhals and Avantguards.

Domazet explained why these weapons are radical game changers in warfare. Namely, in World War 1, tanks were the game changing military technology. Since World War 2, it’s been the air-force. Aircraft carrier strike groups have been an irresistible force wherever they travelled, dominating the seas ever since. But hypersonic precision missiles have rendered that force obsolete overnight.

The main military front in today's global conflict, according to Domazet, are the Anti-Ballistic (ABM) batteries which the US has set up on the Poland-Romania axis, and the Russians on the North Pole-Kaliningrad-Crimea-Syria axis. These are defensive systems, conceived to intercept incoming nuclear missiles (though they can easily be converted to offensive nuclear missiles). However, today's ABM systems are only effective against missiles flying at speeds up to mach 3.5 (3.5 x the speed of sound).

The Kinzhal turns mighty aircraft carrier strike groups into sitting ducks​

Russia's new Kinzhal missile flies at speeds of mach 12 to mach 15 and nothing in western defensive arsenals can stop its strike. During the war in Ukraine, Russia staged a stunning demonstration of its power. The first Kinzhal strike, delivered one month after the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine, was perhaps the most significant: Russian forces targeted a large weapons depot in Ukraine which had been built during the Soviet times to withstand a nuclear strike. It was buried 170 meters (over 500 ft) underground and protected by several layers of armored concrete.

The Kinzhal flies at altitudes of between 20 and 40 km, with a maximum range of 2,000 km. When above target, it dives perpendicularly and accelerates to 15 mach, generating enormous kinetic energy in addition to its explosive payload. That first strike with a single Kinzhal missile destroyed Ukraine's nuke-proof underground weapons depot. This was a message for the west.

Moscow calling: we can sink ALL your carriers​

The Kinzhal was developed with the express purpose of destroying aircraft carrier strike groups. If it could destroy a warehouse built to withstand a nuclear strike, it can cut through an aircraft carrier like a hot knife through butter.

According to Admiral Domazet, neither the western powers nor China are anywhere near having weapons like that. He explained that the critical issue with hypersonic weapons are the extreme temperatures reached during hypersonic flights on the surface of missiles, which can cause them to break apart mid-flight. Russia is the only nation that has developed special materials that enable the missiles to withstand this stress, so their flight can be controlled throughout its trajectory and delivered with pinpoint accuracy.

Western intelligence estimated that Russia had some 50 Kinzhals at the start of the war in Ukraine, and thus far it has used only 9 of them. Last week, they fired six Kinzhals in a single salvo. That too, was a message. Here’s how Domazet explained it: United States have 11 aircraft carrier strike groups. Of these, fewer than half will be active at any one time (while others are in dock for maintenance, or in preparation). Firing six Kinzhals in one go is military-speak for, “we have the capability to sink ALL of your aircraft carriers at once.”

Russia has the capacity to build about 200 Kinzhals per year and now has means of delivering Kinzhal and Zircon missiles anywhere from aircraft, ships and submarines. In addition to destroying aircraft carriers, they can also destroy NATOs ABM missile sites. In a nutshell, Russia is now a clear winner of the 21st century arms race.​

It could take the western powers 10 years or longer to catch up and until then, the only way to avoid losing the war is to either concede defeat and accept Russia's security demands, or to escalate the conflict to nuclear exchange.

Authored by Alex Krainer via TrendCompass,

I have serious doubts about this.
Russia cant even win in the Ukraine,their military is weak.

In 2018 Vladimir Putin took the stage to present Russia's new hypersonic weapons. The term "hypersonic" refers to missiles that fly at speeds of 5 mach and higher. At the time, many in the west dismissed Putin's claims and thought it was a bluff. We now know that he wasn't bluffing. Russia is the only country in the world that has deployment-ready hypersonic missiles - not one but three types: Zircons, Kinzhals and Avantguards.

Domazet explained why these weapons are radical game changers in warfare. Namely, in World War 1, tanks were the game changing military technology. Since World War 2, it’s been the air-force. Aircraft carrier strike groups have been an irresistible force wherever they travelled, dominating the seas ever since. But hypersonic precision missiles have rendered that force obsolete overnight.

The main military front in today's global conflict, according to Domazet, are the Anti-Ballistic (ABM) batteries which the US has set up on the Poland-Romania axis, and the Russians on the North Pole-Kaliningrad-Crimea-Syria axis. These are defensive systems, conceived to intercept incoming nuclear missiles (though they can easily be converted to offensive nuclear missiles). However, today's ABM systems are only effective against missiles flying at speeds up to mach 3.5 (3.5 x the speed of sound).

The Kinzhal turns mighty aircraft carrier strike groups into sitting ducks​

Russia's new Kinzhal missile flies at speeds of mach 12 to mach 15 and nothing in western defensive arsenals can stop its strike. During the war in Ukraine, Russia staged a stunning demonstration of its power. The first Kinzhal strike, delivered one month after the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine, was perhaps the most significant: Russian forces targeted a large weapons depot in Ukraine which had been built during the Soviet times to withstand a nuclear strike. It was buried 170 meters (over 500 ft) underground and protected by several layers of armored concrete.

The Kinzhal flies at altitudes of between 20 and 40 km, with a maximum range of 2,000 km. When above target, it dives perpendicularly and accelerates to 15 mach, generating enormous kinetic energy in addition to its explosive payload. That first strike with a single Kinzhal missile destroyed Ukraine's nuke-proof underground weapons depot. This was a message for the west.

Moscow calling: we can sink ALL your carriers​

The Kinzhal was developed with the express purpose of destroying aircraft carrier strike groups. If it could destroy a warehouse built to withstand a nuclear strike, it can cut through an aircraft carrier like a hot knife through butter.

According to Admiral Domazet, neither the western powers nor China are anywhere near having weapons like that. He explained that the critical issue with hypersonic weapons are the extreme temperatures reached during hypersonic flights on the surface of missiles, which can cause them to break apart mid-flight. Russia is the only nation that has developed special materials that enable the missiles to withstand this stress, so their flight can be controlled throughout its trajectory and delivered with pinpoint accuracy.

Western intelligence estimated that Russia had some 50 Kinzhals at the start of the war in Ukraine, and thus far it has used only 9 of them. Last week, they fired six Kinzhals in a single salvo. That too, was a message. Here’s how Domazet explained it: United States have 11 aircraft carrier strike groups. Of these, fewer than half will be active at any one time (while others are in dock for maintenance, or in preparation). Firing six Kinzhals in one go is military-speak for, “we have the capability to sink ALL of your aircraft carriers at once.”

Russia has the capacity to build about 200 Kinzhals per year and now has means of delivering Kinzhal and Zircon missiles anywhere from aircraft, ships and submarines. In addition to destroying aircraft carriers, they can also destroy NATOs ABM missile sites. In a nutshell, Russia is now a clear winner of the 21st century arms race.​

It could take the western powers 10 years or longer to catch up and until then, the only way to avoid losing the war is to either concede defeat and accept Russia's security demands, or to escalate the conflict to nuclear exchange.

Authored by Alex Krainer via TrendCompass,
So what? The incompetent and outdated Russian military is not a threat.

In 2018 Vladimir Putin took the stage to present Russia's new hypersonic weapons. The term "hypersonic" refers to missiles that fly at speeds of 5 mach and higher. At the time, many in the west dismissed Putin's claims and thought it was a bluff. We now know that he wasn't bluffing. Russia is the only country in the world that has deployment-ready hypersonic missiles - not one but three types: Zircons, Kinzhals and Avantguards.

Domazet explained why these weapons are radical game changers in warfare. Namely, in World War 1, tanks were the game changing military technology. Since World War 2, it’s been the air-force. Aircraft carrier strike groups have been an irresistible force wherever they travelled, dominating the seas ever since. But hypersonic precision missiles have rendered that force obsolete overnight.

The main military front in today's global conflict, according to Domazet, are the Anti-Ballistic (ABM) batteries which the US has set up on the Poland-Romania axis, and the Russians on the North Pole-Kaliningrad-Crimea-Syria axis. These are defensive systems, conceived to intercept incoming nuclear missiles (though they can easily be converted to offensive nuclear missiles). However, today's ABM systems are only effective against missiles flying at speeds up to mach 3.5 (3.5 x the speed of sound).

The Kinzhal turns mighty aircraft carrier strike groups into sitting ducks​

Russia's new Kinzhal missile flies at speeds of mach 12 to mach 15 and nothing in western defensive arsenals can stop its strike. During the war in Ukraine, Russia staged a stunning demonstration of its power. The first Kinzhal strike, delivered one month after the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine, was perhaps the most significant: Russian forces targeted a large weapons depot in Ukraine which had been built during the Soviet times to withstand a nuclear strike. It was buried 170 meters (over 500 ft) underground and protected by several layers of armored concrete.

The Kinzhal flies at altitudes of between 20 and 40 km, with a maximum range of 2,000 km. When above target, it dives perpendicularly and accelerates to 15 mach, generating enormous kinetic energy in addition to its explosive payload. That first strike with a single Kinzhal missile destroyed Ukraine's nuke-proof underground weapons depot. This was a message for the west.

Moscow calling: we can sink ALL your carriers​

The Kinzhal was developed with the express purpose of destroying aircraft carrier strike groups. If it could destroy a warehouse built to withstand a nuclear strike, it can cut through an aircraft carrier like a hot knife through butter.

According to Admiral Domazet, neither the western powers nor China are anywhere near having weapons like that. He explained that the critical issue with hypersonic weapons are the extreme temperatures reached during hypersonic flights on the surface of missiles, which can cause them to break apart mid-flight. Russia is the only nation that has developed special materials that enable the missiles to withstand this stress, so their flight can be controlled throughout its trajectory and delivered with pinpoint accuracy.

Western intelligence estimated that Russia had some 50 Kinzhals at the start of the war in Ukraine, and thus far it has used only 9 of them. Last week, they fired six Kinzhals in a single salvo. That too, was a message. Here’s how Domazet explained it: United States have 11 aircraft carrier strike groups. Of these, fewer than half will be active at any one time (while others are in dock for maintenance, or in preparation). Firing six Kinzhals in one go is military-speak for, “we have the capability to sink ALL of your aircraft carriers at once.”

Russia has the capacity to build about 200 Kinzhals per year and now has means of delivering Kinzhal and Zircon missiles anywhere from aircraft, ships and submarines. In addition to destroying aircraft carriers, they can also destroy NATOs ABM missile sites. In a nutshell, Russia is now a clear winner of the 21st century arms race.​

It could take the western powers 10 years or longer to catch up and until then, the only way to avoid losing the war is to either concede defeat and accept Russia's security demands, or to escalate the conflict to nuclear exchange.

Authored by Alex Krainer via TrendCompass,
Fact Check-Video purporting to show Russian hypersonic Kinzhal missile targeting Ukrainian weapons depot was created by visual effects artist
Right, agreed.

And that's the message being received by every rogue authoritarian on the planet:

Get nukes, then do whatever you want.
We seem to have no shortage of people in this nation that were spies, have sold, transferred our technologies to other nations. We were told a lot of crap on the old Soviet Union due to their real economy not very large. They many times like China today, followed hardware we built in defense and aerospace. The resources wasted on their moon project and space shuttles may have helped to cripple their economy. A steady new technology on space capsules and improved rockets would have set them up better. Soyuz is okay however it is at its past due phase and a new system, and maybe more should be in service.

In 2018 Vladimir Putin took the stage to present Russia's new hypersonic weapons. The term "hypersonic" refers to missiles that fly at speeds of 5 mach and higher. At the time, many in the west dismissed Putin's claims and thought it was a bluff. We now know that he wasn't bluffing. Russia is the only country in the world that has deployment-ready hypersonic missiles - not one but three types: Zircons, Kinzhals and Avantguards.

Domazet explained why these weapons are radical game changers in warfare. Namely, in World War 1, tanks were the game changing military technology. Since World War 2, it’s been the air-force. Aircraft carrier strike groups have been an irresistible force wherever they travelled, dominating the seas ever since. But hypersonic precision missiles have rendered that force obsolete overnight.

The main military front in today's global conflict, according to Domazet, are the Anti-Ballistic (ABM) batteries which the US has set up on the Poland-Romania axis, and the Russians on the North Pole-Kaliningrad-Crimea-Syria axis. These are defensive systems, conceived to intercept incoming nuclear missiles (though they can easily be converted to offensive nuclear missiles). However, today's ABM systems are only effective against missiles flying at speeds up to mach 3.5 (3.5 x the speed of sound).

The Kinzhal turns mighty aircraft carrier strike groups into sitting ducks​

Russia's new Kinzhal missile flies at speeds of mach 12 to mach 15 and nothing in western defensive arsenals can stop its strike. During the war in Ukraine, Russia staged a stunning demonstration of its power. The first Kinzhal strike, delivered one month after the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine, was perhaps the most significant: Russian forces targeted a large weapons depot in Ukraine which had been built during the Soviet times to withstand a nuclear strike. It was buried 170 meters (over 500 ft) underground and protected by several layers of armored concrete.

The Kinzhal flies at altitudes of between 20 and 40 km, with a maximum range of 2,000 km. When above target, it dives perpendicularly and accelerates to 15 mach, generating enormous kinetic energy in addition to its explosive payload. That first strike with a single Kinzhal missile destroyed Ukraine's nuke-proof underground weapons depot. This was a message for the west.

Moscow calling: we can sink ALL your carriers​

The Kinzhal was developed with the express purpose of destroying aircraft carrier strike groups. If it could destroy a warehouse built to withstand a nuclear strike, it can cut through an aircraft carrier like a hot knife through butter.

According to Admiral Domazet, neither the western powers nor China are anywhere near having weapons like that. He explained that the critical issue with hypersonic weapons are the extreme temperatures reached during hypersonic flights on the surface of missiles, which can cause them to break apart mid-flight. Russia is the only nation that has developed special materials that enable the missiles to withstand this stress, so their flight can be controlled throughout its trajectory and delivered with pinpoint accuracy.

Western intelligence estimated that Russia had some 50 Kinzhals at the start of the war in Ukraine, and thus far it has used only 9 of them. Last week, they fired six Kinzhals in a single salvo. That too, was a message. Here’s how Domazet explained it: United States have 11 aircraft carrier strike groups. Of these, fewer than half will be active at any one time (while others are in dock for maintenance, or in preparation). Firing six Kinzhals in one go is military-speak for, “we have the capability to sink ALL of your aircraft carriers at once.”

Russia has the capacity to build about 200 Kinzhals per year and now has means of delivering Kinzhal and Zircon missiles anywhere from aircraft, ships and submarines. In addition to destroying aircraft carriers, they can also destroy NATOs ABM missile sites. In a nutshell, Russia is now a clear winner of the 21st century arms race.​

It could take the western powers 10 years or longer to catch up and until then, the only way to avoid losing the war is to either concede defeat and accept Russia's security demands, or to escalate the conflict to nuclear exchange.

Authored by Alex Krainer via TrendCompass,
Nope...not even close. You will, of course, rant about the source..but the facts are clear..the Patriot defenses own this inferior missile.

Nope...not even close. You will, of course, rant about the source..but the facts are clear..the Patriot defenses own this inferior missile.

This just goes to show how much Russia has collapsed. Are they still the USSR? They are not a threat anymore to any free country.

Furthermore, is there any doubt that China has the largest and best nuclear weapons systems in the world against US and free countries? Ukraine is the last nail in the coffin for Putin. They aren't a threat against any free country.

OTOH China is a different beast. They have the best and most nukes of any country in the world. Right now, we depend on it too much for our manufacturing. We need to brink manufacturing back to the US.

This just goes to show how much Russia has collapsed. Are they still the USSR? They are not a threat anymore to any free country.
Tell that to Ukrains

OTOH China is a different beast. They have the best and most nukes of any country in the world. Right now, we depend on it too much for our manufacturing. We need to brink manufacturing back to the US.
Completely wrong. Our reliance on buying from China means that they are reliant on selling to us. Are you expecting our gov't to determine winners and losers in the marketplace? That never turns out well in the long run. Whatever China produces will eventually be produced by other countries. We should encourage companies to build plants in places like Central America, it is close by and would slow the flow of illegals to the US.
Tell that to Ukrains

Completely wrong. Our reliance on buying from China means that they are reliant on selling to us. Are you expecting our gov't to determine winners and losers in the marketplace? That never turns out well in the long run. Whatever China produces will eventually be produced by other countries. We should encourage companies to build plants in places like Central America, it is close by and would slow the flow of illegals to the US.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. You're still a non-God dufus. Always been. Always will.

Russia is not #1 or up there anymore. They're just ahead of India at #6. Speaking of Ukrainians, they can win the war over Putin.

From what I've learned, US won't let other countries build nukes. They'll always do it themselves. That said, is that the best strategy? Get the best in the world would be better, but what if it's China? Who could grade such things? I may not just trust our industry.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. You're still a non-God dufus. Always been. Always will.

Russia is not #1 or up there anymore. They're just ahead of India at #6. Speaking of Ukrainians, they can win the war over Putin.

From what I've learned, US won't let other countries build nukes. They'll always do it themselves. That said, is that the best strategy? Get the best in the world would be better, but what if it's China? Who could grade such things? I may not just trust our industry.
Clueless as always.
Musk: "We are at the event horizon of a black hole, which is an artificial superintelligence.

"Technological Singularity:
- AI.
- Self-driving cars
- Humanoid robots.
- Brain-computer interfaces
- Generating a 3D world on a matrix level"

The gravest crime of the traitors who killed the USSR is not even genocide as a result of colonial plunder, for which they are already hanging, after a court martial, but a radical break in the historical trajectory, where the results of the unprecedented takeoff of the scientific and technological revolution were certainly intended for the vast majority of people.
But under cannibal capitalism, which the traitors helped to save by selling off the soviet riches in the metropolis from 1991, and which in the early 1990s was to repeat the mega-crisis of 1987-1988, the emerging technological singularity will bring incalculable grief and suffering to the vast majority.
Musk: "We are at the event horizon of a black hole, which is an artificial superintelligence.

"Technological Singularity:
- AI.
- Self-driving cars
- Humanoid robots.
- Brain-computer interfaces
- Generating a 3D world on a matrix level"

The gravest crime of the traitors who killed the USSR is not even genocide as a result of colonial plunder, for which they are already hanging, after a court martial, but a radical break in the historical trajectory, where the results of the unprecedented takeoff of the scientific and technological revolution were certainly intended for the vast majority of people.
But under cannibal capitalism, which the traitors helped to save by selling off the soviet riches in the metropolis from 1991, and which in the early 1990s was to repeat the mega-crisis of 1987-1988, the emerging technological singularity will bring incalculable grief and suffering to the vast majority.


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